Simon J Lock UCLSMP Townmeeting Presentation

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Where next for Social Media research?

Town Meeting 30th April 2012

Simon Lock


Lecturer in Science Communication and Governance UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies

Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

UCL Social Media Project

Funded through a Grand Challenges small grant (Intercultural Interaction) Project aims to foster:
greater networking new collaborative research new research/teaching/clinical practice

Interested in social media both as an object of study and as a new tool for research interactions By end of this year we want to have collaborative and interdisciplinary funding proposals/pilot projects Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

What research is already going on at UCL on SM? How can we facilitate better sharing of research and best practice?
Events? Blogs? Twitter?

How can we best collaborate on SM research with organisations outside of UCL? Also want this network to facilitate new interactions, collaborations and projects
Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

New research projects on social media

What next.? Scope for more interdisciplinary research drawing on anthropology, psychology, public policy, geography, sociology, digital humanities, computer/medical/natural sciences How do people use it? How is it changing the way people interact? How is it challenging notions of privacy, democratic participation, public communication? What do you want to do?
Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

New research practice using social media

How can we use and integrate SM into our research practice? Can social media foster new research/clinical interactions at UCL?
not just SM for better dissemination of research or to enroll participants as research subjects but to collaborate and engage with public and others who might challenge our assumptions and help shape the research questions, process and outputs

Could we move towards a model of open research?

Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

Beyond UCL
We aim to foster collaboration with researchers and organisations beyond UCL
Work with industry (Facebook, Google+) Undertake joint research and policy relevant research

Please join us!


Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

Plan for this evening

Brief overview of work already going on at UCL on SM Professor Claire Warwick, Department of Information Studies and UCL Digital Humanities Professor Daniel Miller, UCL Department of Anthropology Feedback and ideas from audience Dr Karen Bultitude, Department of Science and Technology Studies Dr Steve Cross, UCL Public Engagement Unit Next steps and more wine!

Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

1) Write ONE idea per post-it note 2) Share your notes with the people around you & identify synergies 3) Bring grouped notes to the front of the room
Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

Next Steps
Summarize your input from tonight Distill out themes/potential project areas and feedback to participants Establish project blog/twitter Recruit UCL staff onto working groups Research scoping workshops/desk research By end of year: Network up and running Collaborative funding bids in to research councils/other funding bodies Pilot projects underway Twitter hashtag: #UCLSMP

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