Agitation and Mixing

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Submitted To: Engr.

Hamayoun Mehmood Submitted By: Mehran Rasheed Goraya 10043123-029 Department of Chemical Engineering University of Gujrat, pakistan

Fluid Mechanics



It is the induced motion of a material in a specified way, usually in a circulatory pattern in a container


It is the field of pure chemical Engineering

Mixing is the random distribution of material in different phases into another, forming a uniform homogenous phase.
Homogeneous mixture
Two component


Reduce viscosity, concentration etc

Promote Heat and Mass transfer

Chemical Reaction involve

Types of Mixing
Single Phase liquid Mixing Gas Liquid Mixing Immiscible Liquids

Solid-Solid Mixing

Liquid Solids Mixing


Single phase Liquid Mixing Immiscible Liquid Mixing

Blending of Petroleum Products Mechanical Agitation

Production of stable emulsion in food, brewing, Pharmaceutical industry

Gas Liquid Mixing

Aerobic fermentation, waste water treatment, oxidation of hydrocarbon etc require gas liquid contact

Liquid solid Mixing

Formation of Composite material (Polymer) Carbon Black into Rubber

Mixing Mechanism

Requirement for Mixing: There must be bulk flow so that there are no dead zones. There must be a zone of high shear mixing in which the inhomogenities are broken down.

Mixing Mechanism

Laminar Mixing

Turbulent Mixing

It is associated with the high viscosity liquid (>10 N s/m2) for either newtonian or non newtonian fluid. The velocity gradient close to impeller are high. Fluid element in that region deform and stretch. They repeatedly elongate and become thinner each time the fluid pass through the high shear zone.

In addition, extensional flow elongational flow also occur simultaneously. It is the result of convergence of stream line and also increased velocity in direction of flow. Both these mechanism (shear and elongation) produce stresses which reduce droplet size and increase interfacial area by which desired homogeneity is obtained.

For low viscosity liquid (< 10 mN s/m2) the bulk flow pattern in vessels is turbulent.

Due to impeller inertia, turbulent eddy diffusion takes place, which is maximum near the impeller. Due to eddy diffusion turbulent mixing is faster than laminar.
Mixing is rapid in impeller region because of high shear rate due to the presence of vortices. Large eddies are broken down into the small one and ultimately disappear converting kinetic energy into heat. Due to eddies homogeneity takes place.


The propeller creates an axial flow which may be upward or downward depends upon the direction of rotation. The radial flow pattern can be achieved by the disc turbine. Propeller mixer Disc Turbine mixer


The way of liquid moves depends upon, the type of impeller characteristics of liquid, especially its viscosity, size and proportion of the tank and baffles etc. The liquid velocity at any point has three component
radial, longitudinal, and tangential or rotational

When shaft is in the centre than the vortices are formed due to tangential flow, which is called swirling.

Degree of Agitation is reduced


Prevention from Swirling

To improve the mixing and to reduce the vortex formation

Baffles are fitted in the tank

To mount the agitator , off center


Mixing Equipment
Mixing Equipment involve

Mechanical Agitation



Axial flow impeller

Radial Flow impeller


Agitated Vessel

Stirred tanks vary in proportion depending on the purpose for mixing. D4.6 m tank diameter restriction.

Liquid height to vessel diameter H/D 1



Components of Impeller

High Efficiency impeller


Axial, high speed Impeller

To provide more uniform axial flow and better mixing

Axial and Tangential motion no vertical motion



Power Number

Reynolds number
It represent the ratio of the applied to the opposing viscous drag forces.


Froude Number for mixing

It represent the ration of the applied to the opposing gravitational forces.

Weber Number for mixing

it represent the ratio of the applied to the opposing surface tension forces


Following are the mixing challenges in chemical industries

Producing stable emulsions Disintegrating and Dissolving solids Blending liquid of different viscosities To increase the reaction acceleration

Deagglomeration to avoid lumps

Control rate of heat and mass transfer


Power consumption
Impeller RPM

Impeller Diameter


Chemical Reactor

Paint Industry
Cement Industry

Fermentation Industry
Food Industry Pharmaceutical Industry And so on..


The first step in making paint involve mixing of resin, solvents and additives to form paste. Sand mill a large cylinder that agitates tiny particle of sand to grind the pigment particle. Making smaller, to disperse through out mixture. Dispersion tank contain circular tooth blade.


It is vessel designed for chemical reaction.

It contain agitator blade.


Pharmaceutical Mixer


Unit operation of chemical engineering by McCabe and Smith 7th Edition Chemical Engineering by Coulson and Richardson volume 1st , 6th edition Mixing in process Industry by


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