Global Theme Music Therapy in Indian Perspective: DR Suvarna Nalapat MD (Pathology) Retd Prof &head of Dept of Pathology

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Global theme Music therapy in Indian perspective

Dr Suvarna Nalapat MD(Pathology) Retd Prof &Head of Dept of Pathology

Why should we form a foundation?

1.Unauthorised therapists 2.without licensing from state 3.Without knowing professional ethics and medical implications 4.Hospitals /doctors without knowing traditional Indian music, practicing in western musical styles . 5.To introduce humanity into science and science into humanity.

Focus areas
1.clinical practice 2.Music therapy methods 3.Research and development 4.Professional issues Leipzig 2005 Neurosciences music conference Research models to focus on needs. The dilemma:Is the face of the patient and relatives with subtle changes of happiness /a handicapped childs reaction and parents happiness (not coded EBM)worthy,or references in a recognised journal worthy? If no research,EBM not created ,How references from recognised journal?

Clinical practice
Developmental(infants,children,adolescents with mental,developmental defects ,speech disorders .Mental health (psychiatry,psychology) Rehabilitation Palliative hospices Cancer,CVS ,other organ systems Other system disorders Individual , and social community perspective

Music therapy methods India Ragachikitsa

Music writing, music reminiscences (MLP) Improvisation(GIM) Estern:-Indian equivalents to suit our needs Japan(ongaku rhyoho-music therapy) Transitional conflict in Japan since music education there was competitive and westernised (Rika Ikuno).society based on oriental mentality and values-difference in verbal , nonverbal, communications,in the life values.Sharing,not competitive.

Community music therapy work,social welfare,policy for handicapped,elderly etc,to reduce poverty,misery in society ,in world. 1.Revolutionery feelings among musicians and music students to use music as tool for healthy human relationships.Transformation of society. 2.Exploration of healing properties of music 3.Search for ethnic identity in modern society. 4. Check the unreasonable practice of professions for selfish motives.

Research-team work
1.Music analysis 2.Quantitative and qualitative studies 3.Mixed designs 4.Issues in research. Both musicians,musicologists,medical and laboratory personnel ,educators and community/society/nation builders interested in prospects of proper research

Professional issues
Ethics of practice according to international standards Professional supervision Supervision of students doing music therapy research Educators and their competencies

Interest groups-pluripotential multidisciplinery team for Music therapy Musicians

Medical people Musicologists Educationists and researchers Nation builders Students who seek job opportunities and general public/citizens/patients Nation builders World leaders for transforming society for understanding and peace.

World scene
American music therapy association World forum of music therapists European Nordic Latin american Japan(Asian) Indian association(being formed)

Analytical music therapy

Techniques of MT Theoretical basis for MT Personality and sensitivity training Hospital personnel and musicologists Language of communication Verbal,nonverbal,neurotransmitter communication between cells Control of pain and pleasure through communication (said and unsaid word-through neurotransmitters)Neuropsychoimmunology

Basic fundamental research in music and music therapy

Raaga -same/different to different patients/persons with different diseases/normal as controls Same voice/different voices -same raaga Measuring tonal spectrum with help of computer(Bombay and Netherlands)

Applied innovative
Real life situation.Patients/relatives/doctors Journal references for an infant science(German neurologists ) If no journal references and if patient/relative mindbody complex gets peace,relief of pain ,is not the medical community justified in reporting the effects-case reports which accrue as data and create journal references ? To collect data need for music therapy wing in hospitals /clinics with research oriented and open approach

Transforming outlook of people/professional doctors ,musicologists world leaders, to peace and understanding through music. Religious and other caste/class/creed /genderbased problems in world addressed and solved through soft musical language

In music therapy research and development

Recreation Reconciliation Reinterpretation Enriching native traditions Physical, mental, intellectual healing and spiritual health Educating the individuals and society at large to be healthy

Freedom of research Knowledge derived from free research Freedom to use it Research is a communication , a conversation with likeminded people (freedom of speech). channelised and properly oriented and ethically made authentic Ethically/morally strong, people who are experts in their field, unselfish people who wants to do something for humanity as a whole

Neurotransmitters-behaviour of people, aesthetic sense, learning ability, pleasure and pain. Write a poem, sing a song, remember a thing, love a person, conduct a lecture-where, how it happens in our system? Brain mapping DNA mapping Scan and record genome / brainome and the ethics involved in it

Neuronal gestalt (prof susan Greenfield)

Neuronal event-physiological communication to the other- how it causes changes in the music /in patient /in therapist to cause quality improvements Somatic and neurological awakening in each awaken innermost qualities (being touched by music) and analysis of it (Greenfields concentric theory)

International standards
Highest attainable and sustainable therapeutic methods The best one.(highest attainable).Who determines? Even without the initial sponsorship from world associations , host country should be able to continue research with resources in ones own country.(Health profession is becoming too costly for the world) Risk and benefits Consent form

Creative music therapy

Gary Ansdell Nordoff Robbins Sing, play, enjoy .No theory or complex analysis for young infant . Started with infants & children. (Absolutist position) Always Nonreferential. Analytical & case studies (both Prereferential & Referential)before contact with patient/therapist and after contact .The meaning for patient and therapist analysed objectively and subjectively.

From everyone who is interested in creating a better world to live in . Where love and understanding not hate and misunderstanding-rule human behaviour Feeling of oneness-advaitha-universal and global awareness of Indian traditional classical music and its effects on entire movable and immovable living things.

Medical field affiliations

Ayurveda Sidha Yoga Allopathy End of life care, geriatrics, oncology, cardiology, pain and palliative and hospices. FROM LULLABY TO DEATHBED

Professional Associate(those who support) and friends of music therapy Student/graduate student Retired members /honorary life memberships Inactive membership Affiliate and educational affiliates(Foundations interested in supporting the aims / objectives/ purposes) Patron members (individual, organisation) Institution,business firms,Member foundations nominate one research student

International, national State level Districts level Affiliate members and organisations Research in each regional centers . Report to national /international chairperson Uniformity, continuing education programmes, publications, lectures/demonstrations

Gurukula (music /musician) University (musicology, music therapy research) Hospital (clinician,laboratory, music therapy research) Pyramidal structure each functioning in a channelised way.Freedom of research within framework of set medical, ethical, musical, national ,international norms. Teamwork from all these different fields. State executives to find out best suited personnel for research programmes.

We need your cooperation and understanding.

Thank you for the patient audience and for kind cooperation. To make a dream a reality we need your help , patience and involvement in the project. Thank you all!

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