Diphthongs and 1PDFDiphthongs and 1Added by palprocalla150 ratingsfunction Lt(e,t){var n=e+t;return n<=0?0:Math.round(e/n*100)}% found this document usefulSave Diphthongs and 1 for later
Language and DialectPDFLanguage and DialectAdded by palprocalla150 ratingsfunction Lt(e,t){var n=e+t;return n<=0?0:Math.round(e/n*100)}% found this document usefulSave Language and Dialect for later
Group3 STSPDFGroup3 STSAdded by palprocalla150 ratingsfunction Lt(e,t){var n=e+t;return n<=0?0:Math.round(e/n*100)}% found this document usefulSave Group3 STS for later
NITCHEPDFNITCHEAdded by palprocalla150 ratingsfunction Lt(e,t){var n=e+t;return n<=0?0:Math.round(e/n*100)}% found this document usefulSave NITCHE for later