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Importance of
Team Work
What is a team?
• A team is a small number of people with
complementary skills who are committed to a
common purpose, performance goals, and approach
for which they hold themselves mutually
• Small Number
• Complementary Skills
• Common Purpose & Performance Goals
• Common Approach
• Mutual Accountability
Why Use Teams?
• Most of today’s business assignments are addressed
by multidisciplinary teams.
• Team building is an important part of the modern
• Team building is an important part of your preparation
for engineering practice
Advantages and Challenges
• Advantage: When the group works together, the
accomplishments will surpass any results
associated with any one individual.
• Challenge: Any team member functioning
independently of other team members or
competing with them will REDUCE the
performance of the team – EVERYONE’s
Advantages and Challenges
• Advantage: Every person can contribute in some
• Challenge: No member’s contributions should
ever be automatically disregarded.
Vision of the team
• A common and meaningful purpose sets the tone
• Specific performance goals are an integral part of the
• The combination is essential to the performance
(measure the progress).
• By staying rooted in our commitment, today’s vision
becomes tomorrow’s reality.
What teammates do
• Teammates inconvenience themselves to help
each other.
• Teammates demonstrate patience and
concern for each other.
• Teammates enjoy each others successes and
avoid envy and jealously.
• Teammates show compassion for each other.
They can identify with the pain of others, and
they’re compelled to help relieve it.
• Teammates forgive each other. They
believe others will respond to forgiveness
with a deep sense of appreciation and a
desire to act responsibly.
• Together
• Everyone
• Accomplishes
• More
• With
• Organization
• Responsibility, and
• Knowledge
Effective Team Member
• Takes responsibility for
the success of the team.
• Delivers on commitments.
• Contributes to
• Listens and asks helpful
• Gets the message across
• Gives and receives useful
When do Teams Work Best?
Team’s succeed when members have:
1. Commitment to common objectives
More likely when they set them; recognize interdependence
2. Defined, appropriate roles and responsibilities
– Good use of individual talent
– Opportunity for each to grow, learn all skills
3. Effective decision systems, communication and
work procedures
– Open, honest communication
– Accepts conflict, manages it, resolves it well
4. Good personal relationships
– Mutual trust
Team Building
Stages in Team Building
Stage 1: FORMING
Major Processes
Exchange of information, Increased interdependency, Task
Exploration, Identification of commonalities
Tentative interactions, polite discourse; concern over
ambiguity; self-discourse
During the Storming stage:
– Team members realize that the task is more difficult
than they imagined.
– Members may be resistant to the task and fall back
into their comfort zones.
– Communication is poor with little listening.
– Fluctuations in attitude about their chances of
– Among the team members there is disunity and
– Collaboration between members is minimal and
cliques start to appear.
Storming Diagnosis
• Do we have common goals and objectives?
• Do we agree on roles and responsibilities?
– Use a table to share division of labor
• Do our task, communication, and decision
systems work?
• Do we have adequate interpersonal skills?
Negotiating Conflict
• Separate problem issues from people issues.
• Be soft on people, hard on problem.
• Look for underlying needs, goals of each party rather
than specific solutions
– Find a creative solution that’s good for both
Addressing the Problem
Problem Solving
• State your views in clear non-judgmental language.
• Clarify the core issues
• Listen carefully to each person’s point of view.
• Check understanding of the disagreement by
restating the core issues.
• Use techniques such as circling the group for
comments and having some silent thinking time when
emotions run high.
Stage 3: NormingStage 3: Norming
• During this stage members accept
– their team
– team ground rules
– their roles in the team
– the individuality of fellow members
• Team members realize that they are not going to drown
and start helping each other.
• Competitive relationships become more cooperative.
• Willingness to confront issues and solve problems.
• Ability to express criticism constructively.
• More sharing and a sense of team spirit.
Guide for Giving Constructive
• When you …. describe behavior
• I feel ….. how behavior affects you
• Because I … why behavior affects you
• (Pause for discussion) …. let other person(s) respond
• I would like …. what change would you like
• Because …. why change will reduce the problem
• What do you think …. Listen to other person’s response
and discuss options
Giving Constructive
• Be descriptive
• Don't use labels
• Don’t exaggerate
• Don’t be judgmental
• Speak for yourself
Giving Constructive
Feedback – Contd…
• Talk first about yourself, not about the other person.
• Phrase the issue as a statement, not a question.
• Restrict your feedback to things you know for certain.
• Help people hear and accept your compliments when
giving positive feedback.
Receiving Feedback
• Breathe
• Listen carefully
• Ask questions for clarity
• Acknowledge the feedback
• Acknowledge the valid points
• Take time to sort out what you heard
Team members have
– Gained insight into personal and team processes.
– A better understanding of each other’s strengths and
– Gained the ability to prevent or work through group
conflict and resolve differences.
– Developed a close attachment to the team.
Stage 5: AdjourningStage 5: Adjourning
Major Processes
Termination of roles; completion of tasks; reduction of
Disintegration and withdrawal; increased independence
and emotionality; regret
Recipe for a Successful Team
• Commitment to shared goals
and objectives.
• Clearly defined roles and
– Use best skills of each team
– Allows each team member to
develop in all areas.
Recipe for a Successful Team
• Effective systems and processes
– Clear communication
– Beneficial team behaviors
– Well-defined decision procedures
– Use of scientific approach
– Balanced participation
– Established ground rules
– Awareness of the group process
Positive Roles in a Team
• Defining issues
• Proposing tasks
• Seeking information and opinions
• Clarifying
• Summarizing
• Compromising; Consensus building
Negative Roles in a Team
• Dominating: asserting superiority
• Withdrawing: not talking; sulking
• Avoiding: skipping meetings
• Degrading: putting down others’ ideas
• Being uncooperative: side conversations
How to Promote Team
• Every member must have a common vision of the tasks.
• One way to do this is to develop a Team Performance
What is a Team Performance
• It is a contract among the team members.
• It is drawn up by the team members.
• It describes the group vision of the shared goals of the
• It describes the methods for achieving these shared
• It is dynamic!
The Team Performance
• Prepare a TPA which addresses all of the following:
A. What is an acceptable outcome?
B. How decisions are to be made?
C. What happens in cases of disagreement?
D. How are roles going to be identified for group
E. What are the expectations for inter-group
• Allow issues to be resolved
properly and promptly.
• Come prepared/Be on
time/Make a contribution.
• Be empowered to represent
your organization.
• Express open and honest
• Encourage participation.
• Prematurely judge an
• Keep members from stating
their position/opinion
• Discourage reasoned
• Withhold information
TEAMWORK Do's and Don't's
How to be a good team
• Be a good listener
• Be honest and open
• Accept other people’s needs
• Don’t be negative
• Don’t be defensive
• Learn to take the initiative
How to be a good team
• Become more sensitive
to the different ways
people communicate
• Take a risk
• See the uniqueness in
each team member
• Be trusting-of yourself
and responsible
Benefits of team work
• Realistic, achievable goals can be established for the team and
individual members.
• Team members commit to support each other.
• Team members understand one another’s priorities.
• Communication is open.
• Problem solving is more effective.
• Performance feedback is more meaningful.
• Conflict is understood as normal.
• Balance is maintained between group productivity.
• The team is recognized for outstanding results.
• Members are encouraged to test their abilities and try out ideas.
• Team members recognize the importance of disciplined work habits.
• Learning to work effectively as a team in one unit is good
preparation for working as a team with other units.

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Importance of team work

  • 2. What is a team? • A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable • Small Number • Complementary Skills • Common Purpose & Performance Goals • Common Approach • Mutual Accountability
  • 3. Why Use Teams? • Most of today’s business assignments are addressed by multidisciplinary teams. • Team building is an important part of the modern workforce. • Team building is an important part of your preparation for engineering practice
  • 4. Advantages and Challenges • Advantage: When the group works together, the accomplishments will surpass any results associated with any one individual. • Challenge: Any team member functioning independently of other team members or competing with them will REDUCE the performance of the team – EVERYONE’s outcome.
  • 5. Advantages and Challenges • Advantage: Every person can contribute in some way. • Challenge: No member’s contributions should ever be automatically disregarded.
  • 6. Vision of the team • A common and meaningful purpose sets the tone • Specific performance goals are an integral part of the purpose. • The combination is essential to the performance (measure the progress). • By staying rooted in our commitment, today’s vision becomes tomorrow’s reality.
  • 7. What teammates do • Teammates inconvenience themselves to help each other. • Teammates demonstrate patience and concern for each other. • Teammates enjoy each others successes and avoid envy and jealously. • Teammates show compassion for each other. They can identify with the pain of others, and they’re compelled to help relieve it. • Teammates forgive each other. They believe others will respond to forgiveness with a deep sense of appreciation and a desire to act responsibly.
  • 8. Remember • Together • Everyone • Accomplishes • More • With • Organization • Responsibility, and • Knowledge
  • 9. Effective Team Member • Takes responsibility for the success of the team. • Delivers on commitments. • Contributes to discussions. • Listens and asks helpful questions. • Gets the message across clearly. • Gives and receives useful feedback.
  • 10. When do Teams Work Best? Team’s succeed when members have: 1. Commitment to common objectives More likely when they set them; recognize interdependence 2. Defined, appropriate roles and responsibilities – Good use of individual talent – Opportunity for each to grow, learn all skills 3. Effective decision systems, communication and work procedures – Open, honest communication – Accepts conflict, manages it, resolves it well 4. Good personal relationships – Mutual trust
  • 12. Stages in Team Building FormingForming StormingStorming NormingNorming PerformingPerforming AdjourningAdjourning
  • 13. Stage 1: FORMING Major Processes Exchange of information, Increased interdependency, Task Exploration, Identification of commonalities Characteristics Tentative interactions, polite discourse; concern over ambiguity; self-discourse
  • 14. Stage 2: STORMINGStage 2: STORMING During the Storming stage: – Team members realize that the task is more difficult than they imagined. – Members may be resistant to the task and fall back into their comfort zones. – Communication is poor with little listening. – Fluctuations in attitude about their chances of success. – Among the team members there is disunity and conflict. – Collaboration between members is minimal and cliques start to appear.
  • 15. Storming Diagnosis • Do we have common goals and objectives? • Do we agree on roles and responsibilities? – Use a table to share division of labor • Do our task, communication, and decision systems work? • Do we have adequate interpersonal skills? StormingStorming
  • 16. Negotiating Conflict • Separate problem issues from people issues. • Be soft on people, hard on problem. • Look for underlying needs, goals of each party rather than specific solutions – Find a creative solution that’s good for both StormingStorming
  • 17. Addressing the Problem Problem Solving • State your views in clear non-judgmental language. • Clarify the core issues • Listen carefully to each person’s point of view. • Check understanding of the disagreement by restating the core issues. • Use techniques such as circling the group for comments and having some silent thinking time when emotions run high. StormingStorming
  • 18. Stage 3: NormingStage 3: Norming • During this stage members accept – their team – team ground rules – their roles in the team – the individuality of fellow members • Team members realize that they are not going to drown and start helping each other.
  • 19. Behaviors • Competitive relationships become more cooperative. • Willingness to confront issues and solve problems. • Ability to express criticism constructively. • More sharing and a sense of team spirit. NormingNorming
  • 20. Guide for Giving Constructive Feedback • When you …. describe behavior • I feel ….. how behavior affects you • Because I … why behavior affects you • (Pause for discussion) …. let other person(s) respond • I would like …. what change would you like • Because …. why change will reduce the problem • What do you think …. Listen to other person’s response and discuss options NormingNorming
  • 21. Giving Constructive Feedback • Be descriptive • Don't use labels • Don’t exaggerate • Don’t be judgmental • Speak for yourself NormingNorming
  • 22. Giving Constructive Feedback – Contd… • Talk first about yourself, not about the other person. • Phrase the issue as a statement, not a question. • Restrict your feedback to things you know for certain. • Help people hear and accept your compliments when giving positive feedback. NormingNorming
  • 23. Receiving Feedback • Breathe • Listen carefully • Ask questions for clarity • Acknowledge the feedback • Acknowledge the valid points • Take time to sort out what you heard NormingNorming
  • 24. Stage 4: PERFORMINGStage 4: PERFORMING Team members have – Gained insight into personal and team processes. – A better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. – Gained the ability to prevent or work through group conflict and resolve differences. – Developed a close attachment to the team.
  • 25. Stage 5: AdjourningStage 5: Adjourning Major Processes Termination of roles; completion of tasks; reduction of dependency Characteristics Disintegration and withdrawal; increased independence and emotionality; regret
  • 26. Recipe for a Successful Team • Commitment to shared goals and objectives. • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities – Use best skills of each team member. – Allows each team member to develop in all areas.
  • 27. Recipe for a Successful Team • Effective systems and processes – Clear communication – Beneficial team behaviors – Well-defined decision procedures – Use of scientific approach – Balanced participation – Established ground rules – Awareness of the group process
  • 28. Positive Roles in a Team Setting • Defining issues • Proposing tasks • Seeking information and opinions • Clarifying • Summarizing • Compromising; Consensus building
  • 29. Negative Roles in a Team Setting • Dominating: asserting superiority • Withdrawing: not talking; sulking • Avoiding: skipping meetings • Degrading: putting down others’ ideas • Being uncooperative: side conversations
  • 30. How to Promote Team Success • Every member must have a common vision of the tasks. • One way to do this is to develop a Team Performance Agreement.
  • 31. What is a Team Performance Agreement? • It is a contract among the team members. • It is drawn up by the team members. • It describes the group vision of the shared goals of the team. • It describes the methods for achieving these shared goals. • It is dynamic!
  • 32. The Team Performance Agreement • Prepare a TPA which addresses all of the following: A. What is an acceptable outcome? B. How decisions are to be made? C. What happens in cases of disagreement? D. How are roles going to be identified for group efforts? E. What are the expectations for inter-group communication?
  • 33. Do • Allow issues to be resolved properly and promptly. • Come prepared/Be on time/Make a contribution. • Be empowered to represent your organization. • Express open and honest opinions. • Encourage participation. Don’t • Prematurely judge an idea/thought/concept/propo sal. • Keep members from stating their position/opinion • Discourage reasoned disagreement • Withhold information • WHINE! TEAMWORK Do's and Don't's
  • 34. How to be a good team member? • Be a good listener • Be honest and open • Accept other people’s needs • Don’t be negative • Don’t be defensive • Learn to take the initiative
  • 35. How to be a good team member? • Become more sensitive to the different ways people communicate • Take a risk • See the uniqueness in each team member • Be trusting-of yourself and responsible
  • 36. Benefits of team work • Realistic, achievable goals can be established for the team and individual members. • Team members commit to support each other. • Team members understand one another’s priorities. • Communication is open. • Problem solving is more effective. • Performance feedback is more meaningful. • Conflict is understood as normal. • Balance is maintained between group productivity. • The team is recognized for outstanding results. • Members are encouraged to test their abilities and try out ideas. • Team members recognize the importance of disciplined work habits. • Learning to work effectively as a team in one unit is good preparation for working as a team with other units.

Editor's Notes

  • #2: This presentation is a brief introduction to team building , its power and potential pitfalls. AiS is a excellent example of the power of teamwork. Over the years, the coordinators have been able to use their experiences and skill-sets to design, develop and implement AiS. Over the years we have had to revisit the team building stages mentioned in these slides as new members have joined our group. We have learned to listen with each other as well as learned from each other.
  • #11: The items in the list above are given in order. According to Bob Mendonsa and Associates’ web page http://www. on Team building : Team Building is a process and not an event. Team Building is about both willingness and ability. Sometimes teams problems occur because team members lack important skills. Sometimes there are trust issues. Team Building must address individual and group issues. People do not “disappear” when they choose to belong to a group. Any team building effort must address the strengths and development needs of individual team members that impact the group as a whole. Of course the corollary is true and groups or teams fail when they: Think differently Have poor leadership Have communications difficulties Have competition between members
  • #13: As the team matures, members gradually learn to cope with each other and the pressures that they face. As a result, the team goes through the fairly predictable stages noted on the slide.
  • #14: As noted in the 1993-1994 assessment report by CCT, students benefit from working in teams on their computational science projects. To help the students adapt to their team, it might be wise to have them to simple activities to build trust and establish communication between the members. However, in the context of the computational science project many of the forming actions are undertaken as the team determines what their project topic will be and narrows the focus to reach their project goal. Teachers can help students as they "form" their teams by making sure that they understand the process they will go through to get their topic. You may want to include some activities to illustrate trust and/or communication skills in a team.
  • #15: This is probably the most difficult stage for the team. They may be floundering trying to find a project topic that is narrow enough to study or a mentor to help them. They begin to realize that this project is different than other ones that they have done in the past. Teachers can help students through this stage by encouraging members to use their individual skills and assume more responsibilities. Understanding how personality types interact can ease some of the tensions in the storming stage.
  • #16: As a teacher, you can help your students when they are in the “storming” stage, by focusing their attention on the questions above. The students may want to answer the first question both in general terms and more specifically, in conjunction with their project goals.
  • #17: See lesson plan for more background on the various ways people or teams deal with conflict ( from The Team Book by Peter R. Scholtes, Brian L. Joiner and Barbara Streibel): Avoiding Conflict – you must avoid both the issues likely to lead to conflict and the people with whom you are likely to conflict with Smooth the conflict – minimizing conflict so that group relationships aren’t strained. Forcing the conflict – attempts to overpower others and force them to accept your position. Compromising – tries to get others to give up some of what they want in exchange for giving up some of what you want. Sounds good, but this can be lose-lose strategy because no one achieves their goals. Underlying assumption: everyone should accept less than they want because that is the best that they can hope for. (Should be tried after problem solving hasn’t worked) Problem Solving – Win-win approach. Personal goals and group relationships are highly valued. Purpose to find a path forward that meets everyone’s goals and preserves group relationships. Continued on next slide
  • #18: Problem solving includes strategies aimed at taking diverse viewpoints into account, clarifying the issues, clearing the air constructively and enabling everyone to move forward together. You can clarify core issues by sorting out areas of agreement from areas of disagreement When listening to each person’s point of view – Accept that they believe/want this even if you don’t!! Look for the reasons (maybe something would be good for both)
  • #19: During this stage, team members begin to work out their differences and now have more time and energy to spend on their work. Thus they are able to start making significant progress. In the context of the computational science project, the students have probably found a mentor who is helping them and have narrowed their project focus.
  • #20: During this stage, you should encourage team members to: do detailed planning develop criteria for completion of goals build on positive norms and change unhealthy norms encourage continued team spirit Now that the team is working well, it is important for team members to learn to communicate with each other including how to constructively criticize when necessary.
  • #21: This is a guideline on how to approach constructive feedback. It is in the form of: When you [do this], I feel [this way], because of [such and such]. (Pause) What I would like you to consider is [doing X], because I think it will accomplish [Y]. What do you think? Example: "When you are late for meetings, I get angry because I think it is wasting the time of all of the other team members and we are never able to get through our agenda items. (Pause) I would like you to consider finding some way of planning your schedule that lets you get to these meetings on time. That way we can be more productive at meetings and we can all keep to our tight schedules." Giving constructive feedback or learning how to criticize constructively is a lesson that many people have not learned, but an important one if teams are to succeed.
  • #22: Be descriptive -- relate what you saw or heard the other person do. Give specific recent examples Don’t use labels -- Be specific and unambiguous. Don’t use words like immature, unprofessional, irresponsible which are labels attached to behavior. For example, say “ You missed the deadline we had agreed to meet rather than, “You’re being irresponsible and I want to know what you are going to do about it. Don’t exaggerate. Be exact. To say, “You’re always late for deadlines” is probably untrue and unfair. It invites the receiver to argue with exaggeration rather than respond to real issue Don’t be judgmental. Don’t use words like good, better, bad, worst or should which place you in the role of controlling parent. This invites the receiver to respond as a child. Speak for yourself. Don’t refer to absent, anonymous people. Avoid references like “A lot of people here don’t like it when you…” Encourage others to speak for themselves
  • #23: Talk first about yourself, not about the other person. Use a statement with with “I” as the subject not “you”. People are more likely to remain open to your message when an “I” statement is used. Phrase the issue as a statement, not a question. “I” statements allows the receiver to see what effect the behavior had on you. Restrict your feedback. Don’t present your opinions as facts. Help people hear and receive positive feedback. Many people fell awkward when told good things about themselves. It may be important to reinforce the positive feedback and help the person hear it, acknowledge it and accept it.
  • #24: Breathe. Our bodies are conditioned to react to stressful situations as though they were physical assaults. Taking full, deep breaths forces your body to relax and allows your brain to maintain greater alertness. Listen carefully. Don’t interrupt. Don’t discourage the feedback-giver. Ask questions for clarity. You have the right to receive clear feedback. Ask for specific examples. Acknowledge the feedback. Paraphrase the message in your own words to let the person know what you have heard and understood what was said. Acknowledge the valid points. Agree with what is true. Agree with what is possible. Acknowledge the other person’s point of view and try to understand their reaction. Agreeing with what’s true or possible doesn’t mean you agree to change your behavior or mean agreeing with any value judgment about you. You can agree that your reports are late with out thereby agreeing that your are irresponsible Take time to sort out what you heard. You may need time for sorting out or checking with others before responding to feedback. It is reasonable to ask the feedback-giver for time to think about what was said and how you feel about it. Don’t use this time as an excuse to avoid the issue.
  • #25: During the performing stage, the team is now an effective and cohesive unit. As a team, the emphasize quality work; utilize each member’s talents; meet deadlines; and continue to work on team commitment. Examples of the results of good team work can be seen on the Video tapes and CDs from the National Expos. The presentation itself is an example of team work. The duration and intensity of these stages vary from team to team. Sometimes Stage 4 is achieved in a meeting or two; other times it takes months. Understanding the stages of growth will keep you from overreacting to normal problems and setting unrealistic expectations. Don’t panic. With patience and effort the assembly of independent individuals will grow into a team.
  • #27: To summarize, even though these points are addressing teams in the workplace, they are applicable in the classroom setting. They can also form part of the rubric to evaluate the team’s performance. Clarity in team goals: has a clear vision and can progress steadily toward its goals. A work plan: helps team determine what advice, assistance, and other resources they need from teachers, mentors or research Clearly defined role: Uses each member’s talents and involves everyone in team activities so no one feels left out.
  • #28: Clear communication: Speak with clarity and be succinct. Listen actively; explore rather than debate each speaker’s ideas. Avoid interrupting. Beneficial team behaviors: Should encourage all members to use the skills and practices that make discussions and meetings more effective; suggest procedures for meeting goals, clarify or elaborate on ideas; keep the discussion from digressing Well-defined decision procedures: discuss how decisions will be made; use data as a basis of decisions; explore important issues by polling Balanced participation: Everyone should participate in discussions and decisions, share commitment to the project’s success and contribute their talents Established ground rules: Establish ground rules for what will and will not be tolerated in the team Awareness of group process: Be sensitive to nonverbal communication; be aware of the group process and how the team works together Use the scientific approach: Of course this is the underlying assumption in a project development, but in team building it helps members avoid team problems and disagreements. Opinions must be supported by data