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Definition of teamwork: Teamwork is the concept of people working together as a team for one specific purpose under the same value.
Teamwork .... What Is It? Greater interpersonal skills are necessary if you are to work together.
Teamwork .... Why? Teams are a part of everyone's life. You're a member of a family team.  So it's appropriate that you understand how to function effectively as a team member.
Teamwork .... What Are Your Beliefs and Attitudes? Let's begin by considering the most important element of teamwork-how you  feel  about it! Teamwork depends not only on your skills, but on your attitudes as well.
Shared Responsibility . . .   Allows team members to feel equally responsible for the performance of the team and its outcome.  Permits individuals to have primary roles for completing team tasks and remain flexible to do what is necessary to accomplish the team’s goals and tasks.
Open Communications . . .   Creates and maintains a climate of trust and open, honest communication.  Allows team members to talk openly with one another.  Promotes the exchange of feedback.  Provide team members to work through misunderstandings and conflicts.
Keep the following in mind: Teamwork improves the working environment.  Teamwork keeps communication consistent.  Teamwork relieves stress.  Teamwork reduces errors.  Teamwork keeps communication lines open.
Characteristics of Effective Team Members   Team members are supportive to achieve the results.  Team members avoid "winning" or looking good at the expense of others.  Team members are open to the ideas of others.  Team members share information and ideas.  Team members support the contribution of others.
Guidelines for Effective Team Membership   Listen and share information  Really listening to what other team members have to say is one of the most vital skills you can contribute to a productive team atmosphere.  You should always be willing to give an attentive ear to the views of other team members and expect them to do the same for you.
Guidelines for Effective Team Membership   Ask questions and get clarification.  If an idea isn't clear to you, it is your responsibility to the team to ask questions until the matter is clarified.
Guidelines for Effective Team Membership   Participate fully and keep your commitments.  To fully participate, you have to contribute ideas, challenge conventional ways of doing things, ask questions, and complete the tasks assigned to you in a timely and professional manner.  Without the enthusiastic participation of all its members, a group is just a collection of individuals.  The unique skills and viewpoints you bring to the team are crucial to the successful completion of tasks.
Conflict Most difficult to deal with personally and professionally.
About conflict: Conflict is inevitable;  Conflict develops because we are dealing with people's lives, jobs, children, pride, self-concept, ego and sense of mission or purpose;  Early indicators of conflict can be recognized;  There are strategies for resolution that are available and DO work;  Although inevitable, conflict can be minimized, diverted and/or resolved.
Beginnings of conflict: Poor communication  Seeking power  Dissatisfaction with management style  Weak leadership  Lack of openness  Change in leadership
Conflict indicators: Body language  Disagreements, regardless of issue  Withholding bad news  Surprises  Conflicts in value system  Desire for power  Increasing lack of respect  Open disagreement  Lack of clear goals
The controversies usually involve: Changes in the way "we've always done things"  Notions of fundamental values  Determined, articulate advocates for every side  Inability to compromise  Rampant rumors  Threats of retaliation
Dealing with Conflict Conflict occurs when individuals or groups are not obtaining what they need or want and are seeking their own self-interest.  Sometimes the individual is not aware of the need and unconsciously starts to act out.  Other times, the individual is very aware of what he or she wants and actively works at achieving the goal.
Conflict is destructive when it: Takes attention away from other important activities. Undermines morale or self-concept  Polarizes people and groups, reducing cooperation. Increases or sharpens difference  Leads to irresponsible and harmful behavior, such as fighting, name-calling.
Techniques for avoiding and/or resolving   conflict:   Meet conflict head on  Plan for and communicate frequently  Be honest about concerns  Agree to disagree - understand healthy disagreement would build better decisions  Let your team create - people will support what they help create  Discuss differences in values openly  Continually stress the importance of following policy  Communicate honestly - avoid playing "gotcha" type games
Follow these guidelines for reaching a consensus: Avoid arguing over individual ranking or position. Present a position as logically as possible.  Avoid "win-lose" statements. Discard the notion that someone must win.  Avoid changing of minds only in order to avoid conflict and to achieve harmony.  Treat differences of opinion as indicative of incomplete sharing of relevant information, keep asking questions.  Keep the attitude that holding different views is both natural and healthy to team building.

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Teamwork Presentation

  • 2. Definition of teamwork: Teamwork is the concept of people working together as a team for one specific purpose under the same value.
  • 3. Teamwork .... What Is It? Greater interpersonal skills are necessary if you are to work together.
  • 4. Teamwork .... Why? Teams are a part of everyone's life. You're a member of a family team. So it's appropriate that you understand how to function effectively as a team member.
  • 5. Teamwork .... What Are Your Beliefs and Attitudes? Let's begin by considering the most important element of teamwork-how you feel about it! Teamwork depends not only on your skills, but on your attitudes as well.
  • 6. Shared Responsibility . . . Allows team members to feel equally responsible for the performance of the team and its outcome. Permits individuals to have primary roles for completing team tasks and remain flexible to do what is necessary to accomplish the team’s goals and tasks.
  • 7. Open Communications . . . Creates and maintains a climate of trust and open, honest communication. Allows team members to talk openly with one another. Promotes the exchange of feedback. Provide team members to work through misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • 8. Keep the following in mind: Teamwork improves the working environment. Teamwork keeps communication consistent. Teamwork relieves stress. Teamwork reduces errors. Teamwork keeps communication lines open.
  • 9. Characteristics of Effective Team Members Team members are supportive to achieve the results. Team members avoid "winning" or looking good at the expense of others. Team members are open to the ideas of others. Team members share information and ideas. Team members support the contribution of others.
  • 10. Guidelines for Effective Team Membership Listen and share information Really listening to what other team members have to say is one of the most vital skills you can contribute to a productive team atmosphere. You should always be willing to give an attentive ear to the views of other team members and expect them to do the same for you.
  • 11. Guidelines for Effective Team Membership Ask questions and get clarification. If an idea isn't clear to you, it is your responsibility to the team to ask questions until the matter is clarified.
  • 12. Guidelines for Effective Team Membership Participate fully and keep your commitments. To fully participate, you have to contribute ideas, challenge conventional ways of doing things, ask questions, and complete the tasks assigned to you in a timely and professional manner. Without the enthusiastic participation of all its members, a group is just a collection of individuals. The unique skills and viewpoints you bring to the team are crucial to the successful completion of tasks.
  • 13. Conflict Most difficult to deal with personally and professionally.
  • 14. About conflict: Conflict is inevitable; Conflict develops because we are dealing with people's lives, jobs, children, pride, self-concept, ego and sense of mission or purpose; Early indicators of conflict can be recognized; There are strategies for resolution that are available and DO work; Although inevitable, conflict can be minimized, diverted and/or resolved.
  • 15. Beginnings of conflict: Poor communication Seeking power Dissatisfaction with management style Weak leadership Lack of openness Change in leadership
  • 16. Conflict indicators: Body language Disagreements, regardless of issue Withholding bad news Surprises Conflicts in value system Desire for power Increasing lack of respect Open disagreement Lack of clear goals
  • 17. The controversies usually involve: Changes in the way "we've always done things" Notions of fundamental values Determined, articulate advocates for every side Inability to compromise Rampant rumors Threats of retaliation
  • 18. Dealing with Conflict Conflict occurs when individuals or groups are not obtaining what they need or want and are seeking their own self-interest. Sometimes the individual is not aware of the need and unconsciously starts to act out. Other times, the individual is very aware of what he or she wants and actively works at achieving the goal.
  • 19. Conflict is destructive when it: Takes attention away from other important activities. Undermines morale or self-concept Polarizes people and groups, reducing cooperation. Increases or sharpens difference Leads to irresponsible and harmful behavior, such as fighting, name-calling.
  • 20. Techniques for avoiding and/or resolving conflict: Meet conflict head on Plan for and communicate frequently Be honest about concerns Agree to disagree - understand healthy disagreement would build better decisions Let your team create - people will support what they help create Discuss differences in values openly Continually stress the importance of following policy Communicate honestly - avoid playing "gotcha" type games
  • 21. Follow these guidelines for reaching a consensus: Avoid arguing over individual ranking or position. Present a position as logically as possible. Avoid "win-lose" statements. Discard the notion that someone must win. Avoid changing of minds only in order to avoid conflict and to achieve harmony. Treat differences of opinion as indicative of incomplete sharing of relevant information, keep asking questions. Keep the attitude that holding different views is both natural and healthy to team building.