This document discusses customer success and customer 360. It defines customer success as a business strategy that aims to increase customer retention and growth through a flywheel effect. Customer 360 is described as a data platform that supports customer success by providing a centralized database of customer information from various sources like orders, payments, support interactions, and app usage. It is concluded that customer success is an important business strategy, customer 360 helps enable customer success through consolidated customer data, and trailblazers will play a central role in driving business results.
Japan dreamin' 2020 - AppExchangeプロダクト開発を続けて見えてきたプラクティスAkira Kuratani
Salesforce で ISV/OEM アプリケーションを開発する上で気をつけるべきポイント、たどり着いた解決策について紹介する。
Practices I discovered during AppExchange product development
Here are some tips and tricks for developing ISV / OEM applications with Salesforce.
PMD Apex is a static code analysis tool for Apex that analyzes code to find defects, improves quality, and avoids bugs through rule-based inspections. It includes rulesets for ApexUnit tests, complexity, performance, security, and coding styles. PMD Apex can integrate with IDEs like Eclipse and Visual Studio Code as well as continuous integration tools like Jenkins to analyze code during the build process and flag any issues found. The presentation demonstrated how to use PMD Apex within an IDE and a continuous integration setup to improve code quality.
Tokyo Salesforce DG Meetup 2017新年会〜Advent Calendarふりかえり〜Akira Kuratani
This document appears to be an advent calendar listing for Salesforce App Cloud in 2016. It includes the dates of various posts, usernames of the authors, and brief titles for posts about topics like Apex, security, bots, and developer editions. There are over 80 total posts included in the calendar from December and January 2017 to count down to the holidays.