The document describes building an automated malware behavioral analysis environment using free and open-source tools. It details setting up analysis machines running Debian, installing analysis tools including Volatility, RegRipper, and AIDE. Samples are submitted to the machines via SSH and analyzed for network traffic using tools like tcpdump, DNS queries with fauxDNS, and open ports with connections. The results including OS identification, registry changes, and network indicators are summarized for analysts.
Handy Networking Tools and How to Use ThemSneha Inguva
Linux networking tools can be used to analyze network connectivity and performance. Tools like ifconfig show interface configurations, route displays routing tables, arp shows the ARP cache, dig/nslookup resolve DNS, and traceroute traces the network path. Nmap scans for open ports, ping checks latency, and tcpdump captures traffic. Iperf3 and wrk2 can load test throughput and capacity, while tcpreplay replays captured traffic. These CLI tools provide essential network information and testing capabilities from the command line.
Pcapy and dpkt - tcpdump on steroids - Ran Leibman - DevOpsDays Tel Aviv 2018DevOpsDays Tel Aviv
Tcpdump is awesome for debugging issues on the network layer. But sometime you want to do a bit more, like look into the application layers or do some aggregation. In this talk I’m going to show you how to use python together with the pcapy and dpkt modules to take tcpdump to the next level.
A curious case of broken DNS responses (Coloclue Presents - Nov 2019)Babak Farrokhi
The document describes a case where certain DNS queries, such as for MX records of specific domains, were returning incorrect responses from public DNS resolvers like Google's The author developed tools like dnsping and dnstraceroute to investigate further and discovered a rogue DNS server impersonating the public resolver. Using these tools, the author traced the traffic to a DNS server located nearby that was selectively redirecting queries. Further tests showed the redirection was likely done for privacy reasons in some cases but could also be used for malicious purposes like censorship or service hijacking. The author advocates using encrypted DNS protocols and running your own recursive resolver to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.
The document discusses various cybersecurity threats such as spam, exploits, botnets, packet sniffing, scanning, social engineering, spyware, denial-of-service attacks, DNS poisoning, and brute force attacks. It then provides examples of SQL and SMTP injections and outlines steps programmers can take to help prevent code injections and other vulnerabilities.
The document discusses the performance of HTTP/2 compared to HTTP/1.1 across different network conditions. It summarizes results from testing 8 real websites under 16 bandwidth and latency combinations with varying packet loss rates. Overall, HTTP/2 performs better for document complete time and speed index, especially on slower connections, though results vary depending on the specific site and metrics measured.
This talk focuses on various ways to attempt to be as much like normal users/behavior/traffic as possible. We also demonstrate the limitations of signature-based detection systems and then discuss a prototype Remote Access Tool (RAT) that is designed to blend in with normal activity.
Presented at CodeMash, January 8, 2014
This document discusses programming TCP for responsiveness when sending HTTP/2 responses. It describes how to reduce head-of-line blocking by filling the TCP congestion window before sending data. The key points are reading TCP states via getsockopt to determine how much data can be sent immediately, and optimizing this only for high latency connections or small congestion windows to avoid additional response delays. Benchmarks show this approach can reduce response times from multiple round-trip times to a single RTT.
Reorganizing Website Architecture for HTTP/2 and BeyondKazuho Oku
This document discusses reorganizing website architecture for HTTP/2 and beyond. It summarizes some issues with HTTP/2 including errors in prioritization where some browsers fail to specify resource priority properly. It also discusses the problem of TCP head-of-line blocking where pending data in TCP buffers can delay higher priority resources. The document proposes solutions to these issues such as prioritizing resources on the server-side and writing only what can be sent immediately to avoid buffer blocking. It also examines the mixed success of HTTP/2 push and argues the server should not push already cached resources.
This document contains information about various network protocols including:
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) which resolves IP addresses to MAC addresses and vice versa
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) which is used to send error messages and network information
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) which are transport layer protocols
- Congestion control algorithms used by TCP like slow start, congestion avoidance, and fast retransmit
- Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) which supports multihoming and independent data streams
The document discusses optimizations to TCP and HTTP/2 to improve responsiveness on the web. It describes how TCP slow start works and the delays introduced in standard HTTP/2 usage from TCP/TLS handshakes. The author proposes adjusting the TCP send buffer polling threshold to allow switching between responses more quickly based on TCP congestion window state. Benchmark results show this can reduce response times by eliminating an extra round-trip delay.
Teach your (micro)services talk Protocol Buffers with gRPC.Mihai Iachimovschi
When it comes to microservices, there’re a lot of things worth keeping in mind. Designing such fine-grained, loosely-coupled services requires paying lots of attention to various patterns and approaches to make them future-proof. A very important thing to consider, is the way those services will communicate with each-other in production. Usually the communication is done over the network using a technology-agnostic protocol. At the next level the service should provide an API for its friend services. Then, the data should be serialized without altering its meaning and transferred to the picked endpoint.
Nowadays, exposing a REST API that operates with JSON over plain HTTP is a usual way to lay the grounds of communication for the services. It is easy to accomplish, but it has some drawbacks. First of all, JSON is a human readable format, and it’s not as other serialization approaches. Also, with JSON it’s not possible to natively enforce the schema, and evolving the API may be painful.
This talk’s purpose is to describe in deep detail the benefits of protocol buffers, that offer us for free an easy way to define the API messages in the proto format, and then reuse them inside different services, without even being locked to use the same programming language for them. Moreover, with gRPC we can define the API’s endpoints easily in the same proto format. All these offer us a robust schema enforcement, compact binary serialization, and easy backward compatibility.
The document describes the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) which is used for sending and receiving email. It outlines the key components of SMTP including Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs), Mail Delivery Agents (MDAs), and the core SMTP commands used to send mail such as HELO, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, and DATA. It also provides examples of using the telnet command line tool to interact with an SMTP server and send a basic email.
Promise of Push (HTTP/2 Web Performance)Colin Bendell
This document discusses HTTP/2 server push and how it can be used to improve web performance. It begins with an overview of existing techniques for pushing content like polling, long polling, pushlets, and server-sent events. It then provides details on how HTTP/2 server push works, including the new PUSH_PROMISE frame that allows the server to push associated resources to the client. It examines the benefits of HTTP/2 push like reduced latency and improved caching as well as challenges around flexibility and complexity compared to other push techniques.
Cache aware-server-push in H2O version 1.5Kazuho Oku
This document discusses cache-aware server push in H2O version 1.5. It describes calculating a fingerprint of cached assets using a Golomb compressed set to identify what assets need to be pushed from the server. It also discusses implementing this fingerprint using a cookie or service worker. The hybrid approach stores responses in the service worker cache and updates the cookie fingerprint. H2O 1.5 implements cookie-based fingerprints to cancel push indications for cached assets, potentially improving page load speeds.
PLNOG 17 - Patryk Wojtachnio - DDoS mitygacja oraz ochrona sieci w środowisku...PROIDEA
Kazdy z nas w dobie obecnego Internetu i Pokemon Go ma swoja stronę internetowa, forum czy tez prowadzi sklep e-commerce. Z punktu widzenia klienta, rozwiązanie jest proste. Loguje się na swoje konto, uruchamia instalator CMS i zaczyna prowadzić swoje usługi bądź
tez dostarczać treści. Będzie to pierwsze case study skutecznej obrony przed potężnymi atakami
wolumetrycznymi mające na celu wyłącznie usług HTTP bądź HTTPS za pomocą wysyłania dużej ilości pakietów SYN na serwer który hostuje zainfekowana stronę www. Celem prezentacji jest pokazanie mechanizmu obrony przed szeroko znanego problemu jakim jestDDoS, metody mitygacji, blackholing oraz przykładowe scenariusze w raz z konfiguracja w oparciu o dystrybucje CentOS oraz modułu HAProxy.
How to Troubleshoot OpenStack Without Losing SleepSadique Puthen
The complex architecture, design, and difficulties while troubleshooting amplifies the effort in debugging a problem with an OpenStack environment. This can give administrators and support associates sleepless nights if OpenStack native and supporting components are not configured properly and tuned for optimum performance, especially with large deployments that involve high availability and load balancing.
P2P Online Storage aims to provide large, reliable, and secure distributed online storage by harnessing the idle resources of participating computers. It uses erasure coding to split files into fragments that are distributed across the network and stored redundantly to ensure availability even if some computers go offline. Access and sharing of encrypted files is enabled through a cryptographic access control system that provides privacy and prevents unauthorized parties from accessing files.
How happy they became with H2O/mruby and the future of HTTPIchito Nagata
The document summarizes the process of migrating the RoomClip image resizing service from Nginx to H2O. Key points include:
- The complex Nginx configuration was difficult to debug and posed security risks. H2O provided better debuggability through Ruby.
- The migration took 1-2 months and involved refactoring image processing out of the web server and into separate Converter processes.
- Benchmarks showed H2O had comparable or better performance than Nginx, with lower latency percentiles and reduced disk and S3 usage.
- Additional benefits included the ability to write unit tests in mruby and new libraries like mruby-rack for running Ruby code on H
How You Will Get Hacked Ten Years from Nowjulievreeland
1. The document discusses how the assumption of scarcity is built into many current security models and products but may not apply in an internet with abundant resources;
2. It notes that a post-scarcity internet will require new trust models for both clients and servers as current infrastructure changes;
3. The document outlines several changes required for IPv6 including new protocols, packet formats, and address configuration methods that could introduce new vulnerabilities.
Since 2007 GOFORTUTION.coM is the search engine of tutors & Students in Delhi and all over India .It provides cheapest and best home tutors to students and it also helps to Tutors who are seeking students for home tution. We at Mentor Me provide highly qualified, result oriented, enthusiastic and responsible tutors for all classes, all subjects and in all locations across Delhi & all over India. Here we have tutors for all subjects of CBSE, ICSE,, B.Sc, BBA, BCA,MBA,CA,CS,MCA,BCA,”O” Level, “A” Level etc.GOFORTUTION is a best portal for tutors and students it is not only a site.
Powershella lubią admini, programiści, a najbardziej hakerzy. Będąc natywną powłoką systemów Windows nie rzuca się w oczy, jednocześnie dając ogromne możliwości ofensywne. Podczas prelekcji Paweł zaprezentuje zarówno skuteczne one-linery jak i wielolinijkowe skrypty, które mogą siać spustoszenie w nieprzygotowanej organizacji. Pojawią się ciekawe kanały C2, malware napisany w całości w Powershellu, wyszukiwanie i eksploitacja słabo skonfigurowanych serwerów MSSQL etc.100% mięsa.
Nmap not only a port scanner by ravi rajput comexpo security awareness meet Ravi Rajput
As every coin has two side as a same way we know only the single side of Nmap which is port scanning.
While researching I found that a lot more other than port scanning and banner grabbing can be done with the use of Nmap.
We can use Nmap for web application pen-testing and exploitation too. Yeah it won't work as efficiently as of MSF.
This can replace the use of acunetix and other paid version scanner.
Presentation material for TokyoRubyKaigi11.
Describes techniques used by H2O, including: techniques to optimize TCP for responsiveness, server-push and cache digests.
Este documento describe diferentes modelos de bases de datos, incluyendo el modelo relacional, el modelo en red y el modelo jerárquico. Explica características clave como las diferentes tipos de relaciones y componentes de cada modelo como entidades, atributos y relaciones.
Jesuitas Ecuador - Noticias Diciembre 2012JesuitasEc
El documento resume las actividades de la Provincia Ecuatoriana de la Compañía de Jesús durante diciembre de 2012. Incluye la aprobación del Plan Apostólico, cambios en la asignación de jesuitas, ordenaciones sacerdotales, y celebraciones como la fiesta de la Compañía de Jesús. También resume la reunión de la Conferencia de Provinciales de América Latina y contiene saludos y deseos para las fiestas de fin de año.
Reorganizing Website Architecture for HTTP/2 and BeyondKazuho Oku
This document discusses reorganizing website architecture for HTTP/2 and beyond. It summarizes some issues with HTTP/2 including errors in prioritization where some browsers fail to specify resource priority properly. It also discusses the problem of TCP head-of-line blocking where pending data in TCP buffers can delay higher priority resources. The document proposes solutions to these issues such as prioritizing resources on the server-side and writing only what can be sent immediately to avoid buffer blocking. It also examines the mixed success of HTTP/2 push and argues the server should not push already cached resources.
This document contains information about various network protocols including:
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) which resolves IP addresses to MAC addresses and vice versa
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) which is used to send error messages and network information
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) which are transport layer protocols
- Congestion control algorithms used by TCP like slow start, congestion avoidance, and fast retransmit
- Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) which supports multihoming and independent data streams
The document discusses optimizations to TCP and HTTP/2 to improve responsiveness on the web. It describes how TCP slow start works and the delays introduced in standard HTTP/2 usage from TCP/TLS handshakes. The author proposes adjusting the TCP send buffer polling threshold to allow switching between responses more quickly based on TCP congestion window state. Benchmark results show this can reduce response times by eliminating an extra round-trip delay.
Teach your (micro)services talk Protocol Buffers with gRPC.Mihai Iachimovschi
When it comes to microservices, there’re a lot of things worth keeping in mind. Designing such fine-grained, loosely-coupled services requires paying lots of attention to various patterns and approaches to make them future-proof. A very important thing to consider, is the way those services will communicate with each-other in production. Usually the communication is done over the network using a technology-agnostic protocol. At the next level the service should provide an API for its friend services. Then, the data should be serialized without altering its meaning and transferred to the picked endpoint.
Nowadays, exposing a REST API that operates with JSON over plain HTTP is a usual way to lay the grounds of communication for the services. It is easy to accomplish, but it has some drawbacks. First of all, JSON is a human readable format, and it’s not as other serialization approaches. Also, with JSON it’s not possible to natively enforce the schema, and evolving the API may be painful.
This talk’s purpose is to describe in deep detail the benefits of protocol buffers, that offer us for free an easy way to define the API messages in the proto format, and then reuse them inside different services, without even being locked to use the same programming language for them. Moreover, with gRPC we can define the API’s endpoints easily in the same proto format. All these offer us a robust schema enforcement, compact binary serialization, and easy backward compatibility.
The document describes the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) which is used for sending and receiving email. It outlines the key components of SMTP including Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs), Mail Delivery Agents (MDAs), and the core SMTP commands used to send mail such as HELO, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, and DATA. It also provides examples of using the telnet command line tool to interact with an SMTP server and send a basic email.
Promise of Push (HTTP/2 Web Performance)Colin Bendell
This document discusses HTTP/2 server push and how it can be used to improve web performance. It begins with an overview of existing techniques for pushing content like polling, long polling, pushlets, and server-sent events. It then provides details on how HTTP/2 server push works, including the new PUSH_PROMISE frame that allows the server to push associated resources to the client. It examines the benefits of HTTP/2 push like reduced latency and improved caching as well as challenges around flexibility and complexity compared to other push techniques.
Cache aware-server-push in H2O version 1.5Kazuho Oku
This document discusses cache-aware server push in H2O version 1.5. It describes calculating a fingerprint of cached assets using a Golomb compressed set to identify what assets need to be pushed from the server. It also discusses implementing this fingerprint using a cookie or service worker. The hybrid approach stores responses in the service worker cache and updates the cookie fingerprint. H2O 1.5 implements cookie-based fingerprints to cancel push indications for cached assets, potentially improving page load speeds.
PLNOG 17 - Patryk Wojtachnio - DDoS mitygacja oraz ochrona sieci w środowisku...PROIDEA
Kazdy z nas w dobie obecnego Internetu i Pokemon Go ma swoja stronę internetowa, forum czy tez prowadzi sklep e-commerce. Z punktu widzenia klienta, rozwiązanie jest proste. Loguje się na swoje konto, uruchamia instalator CMS i zaczyna prowadzić swoje usługi bądź
tez dostarczać treści. Będzie to pierwsze case study skutecznej obrony przed potężnymi atakami
wolumetrycznymi mające na celu wyłącznie usług HTTP bądź HTTPS za pomocą wysyłania dużej ilości pakietów SYN na serwer który hostuje zainfekowana stronę www. Celem prezentacji jest pokazanie mechanizmu obrony przed szeroko znanego problemu jakim jestDDoS, metody mitygacji, blackholing oraz przykładowe scenariusze w raz z konfiguracja w oparciu o dystrybucje CentOS oraz modułu HAProxy.
How to Troubleshoot OpenStack Without Losing SleepSadique Puthen
The complex architecture, design, and difficulties while troubleshooting amplifies the effort in debugging a problem with an OpenStack environment. This can give administrators and support associates sleepless nights if OpenStack native and supporting components are not configured properly and tuned for optimum performance, especially with large deployments that involve high availability and load balancing.
P2P Online Storage aims to provide large, reliable, and secure distributed online storage by harnessing the idle resources of participating computers. It uses erasure coding to split files into fragments that are distributed across the network and stored redundantly to ensure availability even if some computers go offline. Access and sharing of encrypted files is enabled through a cryptographic access control system that provides privacy and prevents unauthorized parties from accessing files.
How happy they became with H2O/mruby and the future of HTTPIchito Nagata
The document summarizes the process of migrating the RoomClip image resizing service from Nginx to H2O. Key points include:
- The complex Nginx configuration was difficult to debug and posed security risks. H2O provided better debuggability through Ruby.
- The migration took 1-2 months and involved refactoring image processing out of the web server and into separate Converter processes.
- Benchmarks showed H2O had comparable or better performance than Nginx, with lower latency percentiles and reduced disk and S3 usage.
- Additional benefits included the ability to write unit tests in mruby and new libraries like mruby-rack for running Ruby code on H
How You Will Get Hacked Ten Years from Nowjulievreeland
1. The document discusses how the assumption of scarcity is built into many current security models and products but may not apply in an internet with abundant resources;
2. It notes that a post-scarcity internet will require new trust models for both clients and servers as current infrastructure changes;
3. The document outlines several changes required for IPv6 including new protocols, packet formats, and address configuration methods that could introduce new vulnerabilities.
Since 2007 GOFORTUTION.coM is the search engine of tutors & Students in Delhi and all over India .It provides cheapest and best home tutors to students and it also helps to Tutors who are seeking students for home tution. We at Mentor Me provide highly qualified, result oriented, enthusiastic and responsible tutors for all classes, all subjects and in all locations across Delhi & all over India. Here we have tutors for all subjects of CBSE, ICSE,, B.Sc, BBA, BCA,MBA,CA,CS,MCA,BCA,”O” Level, “A” Level etc.GOFORTUTION is a best portal for tutors and students it is not only a site.
Powershella lubią admini, programiści, a najbardziej hakerzy. Będąc natywną powłoką systemów Windows nie rzuca się w oczy, jednocześnie dając ogromne możliwości ofensywne. Podczas prelekcji Paweł zaprezentuje zarówno skuteczne one-linery jak i wielolinijkowe skrypty, które mogą siać spustoszenie w nieprzygotowanej organizacji. Pojawią się ciekawe kanały C2, malware napisany w całości w Powershellu, wyszukiwanie i eksploitacja słabo skonfigurowanych serwerów MSSQL etc.100% mięsa.
Nmap not only a port scanner by ravi rajput comexpo security awareness meet Ravi Rajput
As every coin has two side as a same way we know only the single side of Nmap which is port scanning.
While researching I found that a lot more other than port scanning and banner grabbing can be done with the use of Nmap.
We can use Nmap for web application pen-testing and exploitation too. Yeah it won't work as efficiently as of MSF.
This can replace the use of acunetix and other paid version scanner.
Presentation material for TokyoRubyKaigi11.
Describes techniques used by H2O, including: techniques to optimize TCP for responsiveness, server-push and cache digests.
Este documento describe diferentes modelos de bases de datos, incluyendo el modelo relacional, el modelo en red y el modelo jerárquico. Explica características clave como las diferentes tipos de relaciones y componentes de cada modelo como entidades, atributos y relaciones.
Jesuitas Ecuador - Noticias Diciembre 2012JesuitasEc
El documento resume las actividades de la Provincia Ecuatoriana de la Compañía de Jesús durante diciembre de 2012. Incluye la aprobación del Plan Apostólico, cambios en la asignación de jesuitas, ordenaciones sacerdotales, y celebraciones como la fiesta de la Compañía de Jesús. También resume la reunión de la Conferencia de Provinciales de América Latina y contiene saludos y deseos para las fiestas de fin de año.
El documento discute diferentes perspectivas sobre la globalización. Argumenta que la globalización no necesita ser un proceso lineal sino más bien un proceso complejo que afecta múltiples áreas como la política, la economía y la cultura. También explora cómo países como España se han integrado en la globalización y propone formas de hacer que el proceso sea más inclusivo y reduzca la pobreza.
Convulsiones y epilepsia se definen. Las convulsiones son alteraciones de la actividad eléctrica cerebral que se manifiestan clínicamente por alteraciones motoras, sensitivas o de la conciencia. La epilepsia es un trastorno intermitente del sistema nervioso causado por descargas neuronales desordenadas que causa convulsiones recurrentes. Las convulsiones se clasifican como generalizadas o parciales dependiendo de si se inician en ambos hemisferios o de forma focal. Algunas de las causas más comunes de convulsiones incluyen infecciones del
Este documento describe el estereotipo del científico como un "bicho raro" socialmente inepto y señala que aunque este estereotipo se ajusta a algunos científicos, no es válido para todos. También explica cómo los prejuicios sobre quién puede ser científico han impedido el acceso de grupos como las mujeres y cómo estos prejuicios carecían de fundamentos. Finalmente, relata brevemente la vida y temprana curiosidad del físico James Clerk Maxwell.
1) O documento descreve a participação de Zé Francisco, presidente da FETRACOM, em um fórum internacional sobre globalização e sindicatos na China.
2) A FETRACOM conquistou importantes vitórias para os trabalhadores do comércio do Pará e Amapá, como a jornada de 42 horas semanais após uma greve.
3) O documento destaca a importância do sindicalismo para defender os direitos dos trabalhadores e tratar todos com dignidade e respeito.
El documento habla sobre la instalación y configuración de redes. Explica diferentes tipos de topologías de red como bus, anillo, estrella y jerárquica. También discute el ancho de banda, las unidades de medición como kbps, Mbps y Gbps, y factores que afectan la tasa de transferencia real como dispositivos, tipo de datos, topología y cantidad de usuarios.
1) O documento discute o conceito e função da contabilidade, como o registro e controle do patrimônio de uma entidade para fornecer informações aos gestores e usuários.
2) A contabilidade utiliza técnicas como escrituração, demonstração, auditoria e análise para organizar dados sobre o patrimônio e produzir relatórios úteis.
3) A contabilidade moderna é mais analítica, flexível e orientada para a tomada de decisão do que no passado, quando era mais rígida e focada no controle
El documento trata sobre la inteligencia emocional y su importancia en la atención de la salud. Explica que la inteligencia emocional implica habilidades como la autoconciencia, el control de impulsos y la empatía. También describe las principales emociones como la ira, la tristeza, el miedo, la alegría, el amor y la vergüenza. Finalmente, propone que desarrollar la inteligencia emocional en equipos de salud puede mejorar la atención a pacientes.
El Parque Nacional Río Abiseo está ubicado en Perú entre los ríos Marañón y Huallaga, cubriendo un área de más de 2,500 km2 con elevaciones entre 350-4,000 msnm. Fue declarado Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de la Humanidad en 1990 debido a su gran diversidad de flora y fauna, incluyendo más de 1,000 especies de plantas y 300 especies de vertebrados, muchas de las cuales son endémicas o están en peligro. El parque también contiene numerosos sitios arqueológicos
Este documento habla sobre la importancia de la constancia para cumplir con los propósitos y compromisos que una persona adquiere. Explica que aunque es fácil tomar decisiones, lo difícil es mantenerse firme en ellas a largo plazo dado que surgen obstáculos internos como el cansancio o la pérdida de motivación inicial, así como externos como dificultades imprevistas. Ofrece consejos como compartir los propósitos con otros para recibir apoyo, establecer metas a corto plazo para no desanimarse por las met
El documento presenta una introducción y resúmenes sobre diferentes ideologías políticas como el marxismo, fascismo, nazismo y neoliberalismo. Explica que el marxismo se deriva de las obras de Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels y busca lograr una sociedad sin clases donde se compartan los bienes producidos socialmente. Describe que el fascismo surgió en Italia bajo Benito Mussolini como un movimiento autoritario y antidemocrático que suprimió las libertades. Finalmente, indica que el nazismo en Alemania bajo Adolf Hitler compartió
El documento presenta información sobre la inteligencia emocional y las necesidades afectivas de los niños. Explica las diferentes emociones humanas, capacidades de la inteligencia emocional como el autoconocimiento y la empatía. También describe consejos para educar en la inteligencia emocional como ayudar a los niños a reconocer y expresar sus propias emociones y las de los demás.
This document is the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Vedanta Resources PLC and its subsidiaries. It outlines the ethical standards that are expected of all directors, officers, and employees in their business dealings. The Code addresses topics like human rights, compliance with laws, bribery and corruption, political contributions, health and safety, insider trading, whistleblowing, conflicts of interest, and protection of company assets. Employees are expected to report any violations of the Code and the company has a strict non-retaliation policy for employees who report violations in good faith.
La mediana indica el valor central de los datos ordenados. Se calcula encontrando el elemento en la posición media de los datos ordenados de menor a mayor. Si la cantidad de datos es impar, la mediana es el elemento central; si es par, se calcula promediando los dos elementos centrales. La mediana es una mejor medida de tendencia central que la media cuando hay valores extremos en los datos.
' “A Doença Como Caminho”, de Thorwald Dethlefsen e Rüdiger Dahlke, trata do conteúdo psicológico associado a vários tipos de doenças e incidentes, os quais por não conseguirmos trabalhar / montar adequadamente em nossa psique, passam a fazer parte da nossa “sombra”, não sendo percebidos conscientemente, manifestando-se, então, em nosso corpo físico, para que assim os possamos vivenciar, para superar e integrar seus consequentes desafios e ensinamentos.'
O documento discute o conceito de estratégia e planejamento estratégico. A estratégia é definida como a forma de pensar no futuro e integrar decisões com base em procedimentos formais. O planejamento estratégico envolve a formulação de objetivos, seleção de ações e execução levando em conta condições internas e externas da empresa. O documento também discute a importância da gestão de pessoas na implementação da estratégia.
El documento describe las diferentes especialidades de la psicología, incluyendo psicología laboral y organizacional, psicología social, psicología educativa y psicología clínica. Explica brevemente las tareas, objetivos y campos ocupacionales de cada especialidad.
O documento discute os elementos que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor, focando nas atitudes. Descreve atitudes como ideias carregadas de sentimentos que nos levam a agir de determinada maneira. Explica que as atitudes têm três componentes - cognitivo, afetivo e de comportamento - e que são influenciadas por experiências, grupos e pessoas importantes. Também discute como as atitudes podem ser medidas e mudadas através de estratégias de marketing.
Due process is a fundamental constitutional right that ensures fairness in the criminal justice system. It requires that the government respect all legal rights that are owed to a person according to the fair administration of justice. This includes fair notice of what conduct is prohibited and equal treatment under the law. Due process helps to protect against arbitrary or unfair treatment by the government.
This document discusses various techniques for advanced network forensics, including user/password cracking using Hydra, port scanning using Nmap, signature detection by analyzing file types in network payloads, and detecting converted file formats like MIME encoding. It provides examples of using tools like Hydra, Nmap, and Snort rules to detect activities like password cracking, port scanning, and the transmission of files like PDFs and images over the network.
The document discusses various network security tools including TCP/IP headers, tcpdump, ethereal, ntop, MRTG, network scanners like Nmap and Nessus. It provides examples of using these tools to analyze network traffic, scan for open ports, detect operating systems, and monitor network usage.
Как понять, что происходит на сервере? / Александр Крижановский (NatSys Lab.,...Ontico
Запускаем сервер (БД, Web-сервер или что-то свое собственное) и не получаем желаемый RPS. Запускаем top и видим, что 100% выедается CPU. Что дальше, на что расходуется процессорное время? Можно ли подкрутить какие-то ручки, чтобы улучшить производительность? А если параметр CPU не высокий, то куда смотреть дальше?
Мы рассмотрим несколько сценариев проблем производительности, рассмотрим доступные инструменты анализа производительности и разберемся в методологии оптимизации производительности Linux, ответим на вопрос за какие ручки и как крутить.
This document provides information on various debugging and profiling tools that can be used for Ruby including:
- lsof to list open files for a process
- strace to trace system calls and signals
- tcpdump to dump network traffic
- google perftools profiler for CPU profiling
- pprof to analyze profiling data
It also discusses how some of these tools have helped identify specific performance issues with Ruby like excessive calls to sigprocmask and memcpy calls slowing down EventMachine with threads.
Learn about HTTP/2 and its relationship to HTTP 1.1 and SPDY. Understand core features and how they benefit security and browser efficiency. More that a "what's new" this talk will leave you with an understanding of why choices in HTTP/2 were made. You'll leave knowing what HTTP/2 is and why it is better for clients and servers.
The document discusses using Python for ethical hacking and penetration testing. It provides reasons for using Python such as its ease of use, readable syntax, rich libraries, and existing tools. It then covers various Python libraries and frameworks used for tasks like reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, and packet manipulation. Specific topics covered include file I/O, requests, sockets, scapy, and more.
This document provides a primer on browser networking. It begins with an introduction and overview of the target audience. The content includes an explanation of the TCP/IP network model and layers. Key aspects of TCP such as the three-way handshake, flow control, slow start, and head of line blocking are described. The history of web protocols like HTTP 0.9, HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, and developments like HTTP 2.0, SPDY, and QUIC are summarized. Examples and diagrams are provided to illustrate concepts. Resources for further reading are included.
PLNOG20 - Paweł Małachowski - Stress your DUT–wykorzystanie narzędzi open sou...PROIDEA
Wybór docelowej platformy sieciowej (np. routera, firewalla, scrubbera DDoS) jest często poprzedzony jej testami. Jednym z celów testów jest sprawdzenie, czy parametry wydajnościowe deklarowane przez producenta odpowiadają rzeczywistości. Zespół rozwijający redGuardian Anty DDoS testuje rozwiązanie regresyjnie i wydajnościowo w sposób zautomatyzowany od początku jego istnienia. W czasie prezentacji przeanalizujemy aspekty, na które warto zwrócić uwagę w czasie testów wydajnościowych urządzeń IP oraz przyjrzymy się narzędziom open source pomocnym w realizacji tego zadania.
Using open source tools for network device dataplane testing.
Our experiences from redGuardian DDoS mitigation scrubber testing.
Presented at PLNOG 20 (2018).
The document discusses different nmap scanning techniques including SYN scans, FIN scans, ACK scans, and window scans. It provides pros and cons of each technique. It then details a mission to penetrate SCO's firewall and discern open ports on a target system using different scan types. Another mission works to locate webservers on the Playboy network offering free images, optimizing the scan by getting timing information and scanning faster without DNS lookups. Several IP addresses with port 80 open are identified.
import rdma: zero-copy networking with RDMA and Pythongroveronline
The document discusses using RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) for high performance networking in Python. It describes how traditional sockets involve multiple memory copies that reduce performance. RDMA allows data to be directly placed in the receiving application's memory without intermediate copies. The document outlines an implementation of RDMA sockets in Python, called RdmaSocket, that exposes an interface similar to regular sockets but uses RDMA under the hood. Examples are given showing how it can simplify high performance networking applications in Python.
This document contains cheat sheets and code snippets for penetration testing. It covers topics like recon, DNS enumeration, Nmap scanning, Netcat, SNMP, MySQL, MSSQL, web enumeration, RDP exploitation, file inclusion, XSS, SQL injection, and post-exploitation techniques for Linux and Windows. The document is intended to help penetration testers and those studying for the OSCP certification by providing examples for common tasks without relying on Metasploit.
The post release technologies of Crysis 3 (Slides Only) - Stewart NeedhamStewart Needham
For AAA games now there is a consumer expectation that the developer has a post release strategy. This strategy goes beyond just DLC content. Users expect to receive bug fixes, balancing updates, gamemode variations and constant tuning of the game experience. So how can you architect your game technology to facilitate all of this? Stewart explains the unique patching system developed for Crysis 3 Multiplayer which allowed the team to hot-patch pretty much any asset or data used by the game. He also details the supporting telemetry, server and testing infrastructure required to support this along with some interesting lessons learned.
Uncover the hidden challenges that plague production environments in this eye-opening session. Join us as we explore the five most common performance problems that emerge in live systems. Gain invaluable insights into detecting these issues early on, before they wreak havoc on your operations. Discover practical solutions that empower you to address these challenges head-on, ensuring optimal performance and seamless user experiences.
Performance tweaks and tools for Linux (Joe Damato)Ontico
The document discusses various Linux performance analysis tools including lsof to list open files, strace to trace system calls, tcpdump to dump network traffic, perftools from Google for profiling CPU usage, and a Ruby library called perftools.rb for profiling Ruby code. Examples are provided for using these tools to analyze memory usage, slow queries, Ruby interpreter signals, thread scheduling overhead, and identifying hot spots in Ruby web applications.
CCNP Data Center Centralized Management Automation
UCS Director
Go to to learn more about Software/Network Engineering Projects.
The talk presents fomr of the R&D work in the fields of Encrypted DNS. The main topics are standardization efforts (and reasoning) about EDNS(0) padding, and a cost estimation of DNS over TLS.
This talk was giving in July 2017 at JSCA, an event of the .fr ccTLD operator AFNIC:
The document discusses reverse engineering the firmware of Swisscom's Centro Grande modems. It identifies several vulnerabilities found, including a command overflow issue that allows complete control of the device by exceeding the input buffer, and multiple buffer overflow issues that can be exploited to execute code remotely by crafting specially formatted XML files. Details are provided on the exploitation techniques and timeline of coordination with Swisscom to address the vulnerabilities.
19. Submission[jac@fltruman001 ~]$ for i in 090???-*.piz; do sudo $i && mv $i old-malware/; sleep 10; done Archive: 090529-rnd_jpg.piz inflating: rnd.jpg *****Processing rnd.jpg - ONEBOOT******interface: eth1 ( (ip) and ( not port 45612 and not port 45611 and not tcp port 6987 and not udp port 32785 )tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decodelistening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytestcpdump: listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1514 bytesStarting Faux FTP Server Emulation on port 21Starting Faux MySQL Server Emulation on port 3306Starting Faux SMTP Server Emulation on port 25Starting Faux SMB Server Emulation on port 445Starting Faux IRC Server Emulation on port 6667Starting Faux DNS Server Emulation on port 53Page 19
20. Monitoring[jac@fltruman001 ~]$ alias statusalias status='cat /tmp/current.txt && echo "" && cat /tmp/sandnet*.log | tr -c "[:print:][:blank:]\r\n" "." ; tcpdump -nnr /tmp/sandnet.pcap -w - "not broadcast and (not src net 4.5.6 or not dst net 4.5.6)" | ipaudit -CST -r - -l ; ngrep -I /tmp/sandnet.pcap "GET|POST|HEAD|OPTIONS|JOIN" "tcp port 80 and not host" | tr -c "[:print:][:blank:]\r\n" "."‘Page 20
25. Page 25Identify the OSSummary report for created at ………OS info>>>kern - Determine OS from a Windows RAM Dump (v.0.1_20060914)Ex: kern <path_to_dump_file>File Description : NT Kernel & SystemFile Version : 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)Internal Name : ntoskrnl.exeOriginal File Name : Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating SystemProduct Version : 5.1.2600.2180
46. SANS Mentor Class – SEC 508 (Forensics)For those of you from central OH (or folks you work with), I’ll be facilitating another mentor class in the fall.Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30PM in Reynoldsburg, OH running 10 Sep-12 Nov. 46