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Focused NetworkingFocused Networking
for Business Successfor Business Success
Tanya SmithTanya Smith
Design Your Work © 2009Design Your Work © 2009
 6 Degrees Myth
 What is Focused Networking
 Traditional & Social Media Networking
 FOCUS Tips
 I help super busy professionals enjoy
Monday morning.
 I am a Certified Career Coach & owner of
Design Your Work, faith-based career
 I work with misemployed professionals who
are miserable in the wrong work
Why I’m hereWhy I’m here
To message that you can adopt the skill of
networking through reading, training, and
coaching so that you can be part of the 29%
who are, in fact, separated by 6 degrees.
6 Degrees Myth6 Degrees Myth
 Dr. Ivan Misner’s book, The 29% Solution
talks about how Stanley Milgram led a
study in the 60s & 70s where several
groups of people sent a chain of letters
through other people to get the
communication to someone they didn’t
 The most successful group only had 29%
connect where the other 71% did not.
6 Degrees Myth, cont.6 Degrees Myth, cont.
 Focused networking is not about leaving
your connections up to chance, but creating
an intentional strategy around your business
What is Focused Networking?What is Focused Networking?
 Focused networking*: a business
management technique in which you
connect with people who have:
1. Relationships w/people who will invest in
your products/services
2. Knowledge to help you grow your business
 Quote from Thomas Power, chairman of Ecademy: “I network for
knowledge, because knowledge can easily be exchanged for money.
Without knowledge in the new economy you will not eat and neither
will your family.”
*Susan Whitcomb, Christian Career Journey
Focused Networking, cont.Focused Networking, cont.
 It’s about developing contacts who can
• Help you fulfill the purpose God has for you in the
service He has gifted you with - Ephesians 2:10 says
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
to do good works, which God prepared in advance for
us to do.
 Do it right and you benefit from increased
credibility, leads, sales and a sense of personal
Focused NetworkingFocused Networking
Adapted from Susan Britton Whitcomb - “The Christian’s Career Journey”
Types of Networking We’re CoveringTypes of Networking We’re Covering
 Traditional – in person, whether
w/individual or a group
 Online, or Social Media Networking
Social Media NetworkingSocial Media Networking
 Social Media Networking: David Riklan from says it’s “people
sharing with people on the internet”.
 Web 1.0 vs. 2.0 - Before, people read static
Internet pages & now they interact with
each other, give opinions, build or destroy
business & personal reputations - all using
the internet.
Facts about Social MediaFacts about Social Media
 According to the Social Media Marketing Report by
Michael Stelzner
 Most commonly used social media resources are
Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & blogs,
 blogs = contraction of term “web log”
 individual commentaries sometimes incl. pics, videos,
 i.e., Twitter is a micro-blog where entries are limited to
140 characters.
 These are all FREE & there are increasing #s of
people using these to grow and sustain their
More on Social Media…More on Social Media…
 Interesting Statistics
 112 million blogs on Internet, Facebook has 200 million +
members, YouTube has13 billion videos viewed/month, LinkedIn
has over 36 mil business members, Twitter growing 40%/month
with 8 million current members
 Remember this, however – this is not fly by night; It takes time to
develop relationships that lead to actual business. Those who take the
time can find great results.
 Link to the Social Media Report from which many of these
stats were taken. Also visit for
Facebook info and for Twitter
Tips on FacebookTips on Facebook
 Benefits – one of the fastest growing (250k
members/day), discussion capable, personality
flexible application online, in my opinion.
 FB provides opportunity to position yourself in
front of thousands of potential new clients, joint
venture partners, suppliers, service providers &
more (remember? Relationships & KnowledgeRelationships & Knowledge)
 Avg age group using it is 35+; predicted to hit 500 million
members by 2011
 Follow a business model
 Operate w/Christian principles – Givers Gain
 Come prepared – with your networking toolkit
 Understand the networking culture/etiquette
 Study, study, study business and networking
Other ResourcesOther Resources
 Support group on LinkedIn called The 29% Project,
self-paced – add comments as you go through
Misner’s book, The 29% Solution
 Invest in programs like Book Yourself Solid by
Michael Port or Get Clients Now by CJ Hayden to get
focused on your message & your target audience
 Great info about Social Media: Mari Smith – FB
queen;; Jason Alba - LinkedIn
 Visit me for updates
on more Savvy Christian guides and classes
Presenter InfoPresenter Info
 Tanya Smith, the Monday Morning Coach,
helps super busy professionals create
meaningful work so they can enjoy Monday
mornings. Visit our main site to sign up for
your complimentary copy of “7 Lessons on
the Way to Greatness”.
I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be
enlightened in order that you may know the hope to
which he has called you…Ephesians 1:18

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Focused Networking For Biz Success

  • 1. Focused NetworkingFocused Networking for Business Successfor Business Success Tanya SmithTanya Smith Design Your Work © 2009Design Your Work © 2009
  • 2. OverviewOverview  6 Degrees Myth  What is Focused Networking  Traditional & Social Media Networking  FOCUS Tips
  • 3. IntroductionIntroduction  I help super busy professionals enjoy Monday morning.  I am a Certified Career Coach & owner of Design Your Work, faith-based career coaching  I work with misemployed professionals who are miserable in the wrong work
  • 4. Why I’m hereWhy I’m here To message that you can adopt the skill of networking through reading, training, and coaching so that you can be part of the 29% who are, in fact, separated by 6 degrees.
  • 5. 6 Degrees Myth6 Degrees Myth  Dr. Ivan Misner’s book, The 29% Solution talks about how Stanley Milgram led a study in the 60s & 70s where several groups of people sent a chain of letters through other people to get the communication to someone they didn’t know.  The most successful group only had 29% connect where the other 71% did not.
  • 6. 6 Degrees Myth, cont.6 Degrees Myth, cont.  Focused networking is not about leaving your connections up to chance, but creating an intentional strategy around your business connections.
  • 7. What is Focused Networking?What is Focused Networking?  Focused networking*: a business management technique in which you connect with people who have: 1. Relationships w/people who will invest in your products/services 2. Knowledge to help you grow your business  Quote from Thomas Power, chairman of Ecademy: “I network for knowledge, because knowledge can easily be exchanged for money. Without knowledge in the new economy you will not eat and neither will your family.” *Susan Whitcomb, Christian Career Journey
  • 8. Focused Networking, cont.Focused Networking, cont.  It’s about developing contacts who can • Help you fulfill the purpose God has for you in the service He has gifted you with - Ephesians 2:10 says 10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Do it right and you benefit from increased credibility, leads, sales and a sense of personal fulfillment
  • 9. Focused NetworkingFocused Networking Knowledge Relationships Adapted from Susan Britton Whitcomb - “The Christian’s Career Journey”
  • 10. Types of Networking We’re CoveringTypes of Networking We’re Covering  Traditional – in person, whether w/individual or a group  Online, or Social Media Networking
  • 11. Social Media NetworkingSocial Media Networking  Social Media Networking: David Riklan from says it’s “people sharing with people on the internet”.  Web 1.0 vs. 2.0 - Before, people read static Internet pages & now they interact with each other, give opinions, build or destroy business & personal reputations - all using the internet.
  • 12. Facts about Social MediaFacts about Social Media  According to the Social Media Marketing Report by Michael Stelzner  Most commonly used social media resources are Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & blogs,  blogs = contraction of term “web log”  individual commentaries sometimes incl. pics, videos, etc.  i.e., Twitter is a micro-blog where entries are limited to 140 characters.  These are all FREE & there are increasing #s of people using these to grow and sustain their business.
  • 13. More on Social Media…More on Social Media…  Interesting Statistics  112 million blogs on Internet, Facebook has 200 million + members, YouTube has13 billion videos viewed/month, LinkedIn has over 36 mil business members, Twitter growing 40%/month with 8 million current members  Remember this, however – this is not fly by night; It takes time to develop relationships that lead to actual business. Those who take the time can find great results.  Link to the Social Media Report from which many of these stats were taken. Also visit for Facebook info and for Twitter tips!
  • 14. Tips on FacebookTips on Facebook  Benefits – one of the fastest growing (250k members/day), discussion capable, personality flexible application online, in my opinion.  FB provides opportunity to position yourself in front of thousands of potential new clients, joint venture partners, suppliers, service providers & more (remember? Relationships & KnowledgeRelationships & Knowledge)  Avg age group using it is 35+; predicted to hit 500 million members by 2011
  • 15. FOCUS TipsFOCUS Tips  Follow a business model  Operate w/Christian principles – Givers Gain  Come prepared – with your networking toolkit  Understand the networking culture/etiquette  Study, study, study business and networking techniques
  • 16. Other ResourcesOther Resources  Support group on LinkedIn called The 29% Project, self-paced – add comments as you go through Misner’s book, The 29% Solution  Invest in programs like Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port or Get Clients Now by CJ Hayden to get focused on your message & your target audience  Great info about Social Media: Mari Smith – FB queen;; Jason Alba - LinkedIn  Visit me for updates on more Savvy Christian guides and classes coming!
  • 17. Presenter InfoPresenter Info  Tanya Smith, the Monday Morning Coach, helps super busy professionals create meaningful work so they can enjoy Monday mornings. Visit our main site to sign up for your complimentary copy of “7 Lessons on the Way to Greatness”. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you…Ephesians 1:18

Editor's Notes

  • #11: Like the 6 degrees myth, I’ll share 6 tips with you for networking that have worked for me the last few years.