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Social Media: The Good & the Bad
Maryland State Department of Education
February 4, 2013

Leah Schklar, Anne Arundel Community College
About Leah
Leah is the Digital Marketing Coordinator in the
Public Relations and Marketing Department at Anne
Arundel Community College.

   Social Media Butterfly and Digital Junkie
   First person hired for social media and digital
    marketing at AACC.
   Launched Social Media College-Wide
   Managed over 350 Facebook pages, 20 Twitter
    accounts, 10 LinkedIn accounts and 10 blogs.
   United Nations Foundation, Young Entrepreneur
    Council, YouTern, The National Society of Collegiate
    Scholars, Center for Nonprofit Success
What is social media?

                    Social media refers to the
                    means of interactions
                    among people in which
                    they create, share, and
                    exchange information and
                    ideas in virtual communities
                    and networks.
The Social Media Revolution

“We don’t have a choice on
whether we DO social media.
The question is how well we do
              – Erik Qualman
How are YOU using social media?

   What are your concerns?
      Web   Footprints
      Privacy Settings

      Professional vs. Personal Accounts

      Losing your job!
Manage Your Online Reputation
  Take an inventory.
       Sign out and search!
 Stay alert.
     Set up Google Alerts for your name.
 Edit every single profile to make sure it has information you
  want your boss, mom, coworkers, colleagues and potential
  employers to see.
 Privacy matters!
Professional vs. Personal Accounts
Strategy #1: One profile for all social media networks.
          Simplicity.
          Well-rounded online identity.
          Update all contacts at once.
          Might cause you to be more reserved than normal.
          You might need to be more reserved.

Note: You could set up filters for your contacts.
Professional vs. Personal Accounts
Strategy #2: Use separate personal and professional profiles.

       Helps maintain work-life boundaries.
       Less fear of over-sharing.
       Messages from contacts will be more relevant.
       Can be tricky to maintain.
       Harder to share updates across all contacts.
Professional vs. Personal Accounts
Strategy #3: Use separate services for different purposes.

       Same benefits as maintaining professional and personal accounts, but
        less confusing.

       Harder to share and see updates across all contacts.
Social Media and Your Personal Brand

   Personal branding is the art of
    articulating and communicating your
    skills, personality and values.

   We are all the chief branding
    officers of our own personal brands.

   Engage. Like. Follow. Reciprocate.
Social Media as a Career
The demand for social media jobs has exploded,
even as overall unemployment hovers around 10%.

 59 of the Fortune 100 companies have at least one
  employee who works full time in social media.

 Job postings directly related to social media have soared
  600% in the last five years.
Social Media as a Career

   Community Manager
   Analyst or Strategist
   Product Developer
   Editor or Publisher
What’s your passion?

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Social Media - The Good and the Bad

  • 1. Social Media: The Good & the Bad Maryland State Department of Education February 4, 2013 Leah Schklar, Anne Arundel Community College
  • 2. About Leah Leah is the Digital Marketing Coordinator in the Public Relations and Marketing Department at Anne Arundel Community College.  Social Media Butterfly and Digital Junkie  First person hired for social media and digital marketing at AACC.  Launched Social Media College-Wide  Managed over 350 Facebook pages, 20 Twitter accounts, 10 LinkedIn accounts and 10 blogs.  United Nations Foundation, Young Entrepreneur Council, YouTern, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Center for Nonprofit Success
  • 3. What is social media? Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
  • 4. The Social Media Revolution “We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media. The question is how well we do it.” – Erik Qualman
  • 5. How are YOU using social media? What are your concerns?  Web Footprints  Privacy Settings  Professional vs. Personal Accounts  Losing your job!
  • 6. Manage Your Online Reputation  Take an inventory.  Sign out and search!  Stay alert.  Set up Google Alerts for your name.  Edit every single profile to make sure it has information you want your boss, mom, coworkers, colleagues and potential employers to see.  Privacy matters!
  • 7. Professional vs. Personal Accounts Strategy #1: One profile for all social media networks. PROS:  Simplicity.  Well-rounded online identity.  Update all contacts at once. CONS:  Might cause you to be more reserved than normal.  You might need to be more reserved. Note: You could set up filters for your contacts.
  • 8. Professional vs. Personal Accounts Strategy #2: Use separate personal and professional profiles. PROS:  Helps maintain work-life boundaries.  Less fear of over-sharing.  Messages from contacts will be more relevant. CONS:  Can be tricky to maintain.  Harder to share updates across all contacts.
  • 9. Professional vs. Personal Accounts Strategy #3: Use separate services for different purposes. PROS:  Same benefits as maintaining professional and personal accounts, but less confusing. CONS:  Harder to share and see updates across all contacts.
  • 10. Social Media and Your Personal Brand  Personal branding is the art of articulating and communicating your skills, personality and values.  We are all the chief branding officers of our own personal brands.  Engage. Like. Follow. Reciprocate.
  • 11. Social Media as a Career The demand for social media jobs has exploded, even as overall unemployment hovers around 10%.  59 of the Fortune 100 companies have at least one employee who works full time in social media.  Job postings directly related to social media have soared 600% in the last five years.
  • 12. Social Media as a Career  Community Manager  Analyst or Strategist  Product Developer  Editor or Publisher