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Handling objection
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
 Define Objections
 Identify and appreciate the reasons for objections
 Understand the steps of objection handling
 Make use of tools to handle objections
What is an objection?
Sales objections can be defined as statements or questions
raised by the prospect which can indicate an unwillingness
to buy.
The objections of customers include objections to prices,
products, services, the company, time, or competition
Common Objections
 May simply be lack of knowledge: “We don’t need this
 May be a specific, warranted concern: “Your price is higher
than everyone else.”
 May represent a hidden agenda: The customer has a
preference or incentive to use a different product but
doesn’t say that outright.
 May be a perception issue: “The product isn’t secure.”
 We may not be clear about their interests: “That’s not a
priority for me this year.”
The Five-Step process of
Objection Handling
Step One
(Two Parts)
• First, hear them out - completely. Don't interrupt!
• Put in a softening statement before you answer, for
 "I completely understand how you feel."
 "Some of my best clients felt that way also."
 "I completely understand how you feel, this is a big decision,
and right now I'm sure it makes sense for you to think about
Step Two:
Probe and Isolate the Real Objection
First you must probe (ask relevant question) and isolate the
objection to make sure it's the REAL objection.
Example: "The Price is Too High"
"I understand (repeat the lines of the prospect), and let me ask
you a question: Assuming that the price of this weren't an
issue (or fit within your budget), is this the solution you
feel is right for you today?" Or, "is this something you
would go ahead and order today?"
Step Three
Answer the Objection : (using a scripted response!)
It may be a good idea to use a scripted response once
you understand what the objection is.
Step Four
Confirm Your Answer:
It is extremely important that we confirm if the solution
offered is acceptable. Very often, when answering
objections we don't confirm the answers - in other words,
just keep talking! And talking past the close.
The Top 20% sales persons understand the danger of
talking past the close (like introducing new objections),
and instead, after they have used their scripted response,
they confirm their answer. Use any one of the following:
 "Does that answer that for you?“
 "Does that make sense?“
 "Have I satisfied that for you?"
Step Five
Ask For the Deal!
This might sound obvious, but you'd be amazed by
how many (like 80% or more) closers don't ask for the
deal. Scripts assure that you do! And after you do ask
for the order, Shut up and Listen!
Popular Objection Handling
Boomerang method
 When people object, turn them around by using what they
say to prove that they are wrong.
 Use their own arguments like a boomerang, so they go
around in a circle and come back to persuade them.
 Yes, it is expensive, but I don't think you would want to buy
your wife a cheap present.
 Indeed, the house does need work, but as you said, you are
very good at Do-It-Yourself work.
 Certainly, if you do not have the money today then we can
arrange it all for tomorrow
Objection Chunking
 You can take more higher, more general viewpoint or a more detailed
 Chunking up is to see more and understand the big picture. When you
chunk up, specific issues seem small and insignificant.
 You can expand the pie, showing them how they are getting not only
the basic product, but other things as well. You can add widgets and
warranties. You can add emotions like the added peace of mind they
will have from your product.
 That's interesting. Tell me more about that...
 How does your CEO think about this?
 Let's look at the big picture. What do you really want to achieve by using
 How about having one of your engineers to consider the situation?
 Listen to it. Show understanding of the concerns. Then carry on as if nothing
had happened.
 Say that you will come back to it later. Maybe you won't have to. Give an excuse,
such as not having information or having to talk to somebody else later.
 Yes, I see what you mean...mmm...Now let me show you the range of finishes you
can have...
 Good point. Can I come back to that later?...thanks...Now what I was saying
 Yes, I've got some information about that back at the office somewhere. Can we
carry on now? ...
How it works
 By accepting their objection you are accepting them as a person, and the
additional harmony and rapport created may be enough to overcome the
 Refusing to answer their objections now may also be a power play, where you are
demonstrating authority and control over the situation. If you can get away with
it, they may cede more power to you.
Feel, felt, found
 First empathize with them, telling them that you understand how they feel.
 Then tell them about somebody who felt the same way.
 Then tell them how that other person found that things were not so bad and
that when they did what you want the buyer to do they found that it was
actually a very good thing to do.
 I understand you feel about that. Many others have felt the same way. And what they
have found is that....
 I know how you feel that it looks rough. I had a person in here yesterday who felt
the same when they first looked at it. But when they tried it on they found that it was
so comfortable.
How it works
 By empathizing with how they feel, you are building harmony with them to
create rapport. When you talk about how somebody else felt, you move the focus
to a more objective place which they are likely to trust more. This also makes
them a part of a group such that they do not feel alone.
For complete presentation or further query please
Aditi Singh

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Handling objection

  • 2. Objectives At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:  Define Objections  Identify and appreciate the reasons for objections  Understand the steps of objection handling  Make use of tools to handle objections
  • 3. What is an objection? Sales objections can be defined as statements or questions raised by the prospect which can indicate an unwillingness to buy. The objections of customers include objections to prices, products, services, the company, time, or competition
  • 4. Common Objections  May simply be lack of knowledge: “We don’t need this solution.”  May be a specific, warranted concern: “Your price is higher than everyone else.”  May represent a hidden agenda: The customer has a preference or incentive to use a different product but doesn’t say that outright.  May be a perception issue: “The product isn’t secure.”  We may not be clear about their interests: “That’s not a priority for me this year.”
  • 5. The Five-Step process of Objection Handling
  • 6. Step One (Two Parts) • First, hear them out - completely. Don't interrupt! • Put in a softening statement before you answer, for example:  "I completely understand how you feel."  "Some of my best clients felt that way also."  "I completely understand how you feel, this is a big decision, and right now I'm sure it makes sense for you to think about this."
  • 7. Step Two: Probe and Isolate the Real Objection First you must probe (ask relevant question) and isolate the objection to make sure it's the REAL objection. Example: "The Price is Too High" "I understand (repeat the lines of the prospect), and let me ask you a question: Assuming that the price of this weren't an issue (or fit within your budget), is this the solution you feel is right for you today?" Or, "is this something you would go ahead and order today?"
  • 8. Step Three Answer the Objection : (using a scripted response!) It may be a good idea to use a scripted response once you understand what the objection is.
  • 9. Step Four Confirm Your Answer: It is extremely important that we confirm if the solution offered is acceptable. Very often, when answering objections we don't confirm the answers - in other words, just keep talking! And talking past the close. The Top 20% sales persons understand the danger of talking past the close (like introducing new objections), and instead, after they have used their scripted response, they confirm their answer. Use any one of the following:  "Does that answer that for you?“  "Does that make sense?“  "Have I satisfied that for you?"
  • 10. Step Five Ask For the Deal! This might sound obvious, but you'd be amazed by how many (like 80% or more) closers don't ask for the deal. Scripts assure that you do! And after you do ask for the order, Shut up and Listen!
  • 12. Boomerang method Technique  When people object, turn them around by using what they say to prove that they are wrong.  Use their own arguments like a boomerang, so they go around in a circle and come back to persuade them. Examples  Yes, it is expensive, but I don't think you would want to buy your wife a cheap present.  Indeed, the house does need work, but as you said, you are very good at Do-It-Yourself work.  Certainly, if you do not have the money today then we can arrange it all for tomorrow
  • 13. Objection Chunking Technique  You can take more higher, more general viewpoint or a more detailed focus.  Chunking up is to see more and understand the big picture. When you chunk up, specific issues seem small and insignificant.  You can expand the pie, showing them how they are getting not only the basic product, but other things as well. You can add widgets and warranties. You can add emotions like the added peace of mind they will have from your product. Examples  That's interesting. Tell me more about that...  How does your CEO think about this?  Let's look at the big picture. What do you really want to achieve by using this?  How about having one of your engineers to consider the situation?
  • 14. Deflection Technique  Listen to it. Show understanding of the concerns. Then carry on as if nothing had happened.  Say that you will come back to it later. Maybe you won't have to. Give an excuse, such as not having information or having to talk to somebody else later. Examples  Yes, I see what you mean...mmm...Now let me show you the range of finishes you can have...  Good point. Can I come back to that later?...thanks...Now what I was saying was...  Yes, I've got some information about that back at the office somewhere. Can we carry on now? ... How it works  By accepting their objection you are accepting them as a person, and the additional harmony and rapport created may be enough to overcome the objection.  Refusing to answer their objections now may also be a power play, where you are demonstrating authority and control over the situation. If you can get away with it, they may cede more power to you.
  • 15. Feel, felt, found Technique  First empathize with them, telling them that you understand how they feel.  Then tell them about somebody who felt the same way.  Then tell them how that other person found that things were not so bad and that when they did what you want the buyer to do they found that it was actually a very good thing to do. Examples  I understand you feel about that. Many others have felt the same way. And what they have found is that....  I know how you feel that it looks rough. I had a person in here yesterday who felt the same when they first looked at it. But when they tried it on they found that it was so comfortable. How it works  By empathizing with how they feel, you are building harmony with them to create rapport. When you talk about how somebody else felt, you move the focus to a more objective place which they are likely to trust more. This also makes them a part of a group such that they do not feel alone.
  • 16. For complete presentation or further query please contact: Aditi Singh Contact