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How to Overcome Objections and
In this post I will discuss how to easily overcome Objections and Excuses in
situations where you need to convince someone to take some sort of action.
the video can be viewed on the blog itself at
Rachel B. writes,
“Great video! If you can’t overcome an objection you can’t overcome a sale.”
Tanner W. mentioned in a tweet,
“Enjoyed the video. You do good work.”
Kay S. said,
“Great article and video, man. I agree that answering people’s questions is what gains their trust and gets them to like
you. That is key to the sales process. Thanks for sharing!”
Objections and Excuses are easy to overcome.
Before I begin. I want to make sure that I have your complete and undivided
attention. The Information below is not guaranteed that you will be successful. I
am only offering this little bit of sales training on How to close more sales and
blast through excuses and objections offered up by your prospects limiting
beliefs that everyone has for people who will use it with the highest integrity. If
you are reading this to sell nefarious items, or scams I will be thoroughly
disappointed. Shame on you if that’s your intention. Just close this page now.
Okay so by continuing with this blog you are agreeing that you will use this
training with companies who have a business philosophy to help customers with
the highest integrity.
Ponder this before we dive right in:
Who are the best sales people on planet earth?
You are probably saying “whaaaah?”
Who was the one convincing you to clean your room as a kid? Who was the one who told you that you had
to go to school and do your homework, or stop playing videos games and get out of the house and play with
your friends etc…?
Yes! Mothers!
Your mom sold you…
…that if you didn’t do what she asked, you’d be penalized in some way. Many sales situations we just take
for granted and don’t realize it that actually we get sold over 100 times a day. Now think how many times
did you make an excuse not to do what mom said and received the penalty. I can think of many times in my
life… ha ha! this is just the tip of the ice burg…
Lets jump in… and…
ABSORB – Please understand right now that this is a lot to absorb. So please
dedicate some time if you really want to learn and implement this strategy.
(Personally I was blown away with this and continue to experience
breakthroughs over and over again in my business and just had to share this
with you.)
BE WARNED – There’s a train (wreck) of thought with some people that say we
need to distinguish between Objections and Excuses. Then they try to figure
out whether are are the objections are actually genuine or fake. I’ll be dead
honest. In the sales process, when a person gives you an excuse it’s an objection
and if a person gives you an objection it’s an excuse.
According to Google… an Objection is “an expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition; a reason for
an Excuse (used as a noun in this case rather than a verb) is “a reason or explanation put forward to defend
or justify a fault or offense.
When a person gives you an excuse it’s an objection and if a person
gives you an objection it’s an excuse.
Personally I don’t have the time to differentiate, figure out, and/or analyze
whether or not a person is going to buy this product when he or she spews
forth Objections and Excuses . It causes confusion and sometimes it can cause
anger and frustration with your client or prospect. Heck even trying to explain
the difference between the two is confusing enough! So I don’t want your eyes
to glaze over. Let us move beyond that train (wreck) of thought and throw it in
the toilet where it belongs!
So what you need to do first is…
to qualify or pre-frame the prospect way before you begin to sell them anything!
How do you qualify a prospect?
Ask them questions such as, what is your ultimate goal in life? That’s actually a
good one because you can offer a solution to their problem and give them of
vision of how your product can get them there faster than they originally
thought. Let me break this down into several different steps for you so you can
understand what I’m talking about. Whatever you do, do not hung up if you
don’t have the proper solution for that persons problem. Be honest and let them
know that you don’t have an answer. It’s okay. However it’s also a good idea to
have referral sources or partners on hand where you can refer your prospect to
another person or partner that may have a solution. Be sure to have those
referral sources cut you in 50/50 if there are any commissions involved.
Objections and Excuses are problems your product’s must
As mentioned in the video, Objections and Excuses can be broken down into
these general phrases that people use all the time when they are being sold.
(Please see how I phrased that… Being sold. eeeuuuw – Nobody likes to be
sold…remember that. )
Okay here they are:
1. Just don’t have time.
2. I don’t have the money.
3. Well I don’t think I can do this.
4. Is this real?
5. I don’t believe this.
6. What’s involved?
7. What is the compensation plan?
8. What am I supposed to do once I join?
As you can see, many of these are questions. You need to answer their
questions truthfully with integrity and enthusiasm. Again (read this aloud 12
times a day) Objections and Excuses are problems our products must solve.
Each one of those questions above are each one of those Objections and Excuses can be easily overcome.
The money one is probably the most difficult because if they’re talking about money or the lack of money
then it’s probably due to the fact that you didn’t accurately qualify that lead. So what I would do in that
instance is re-qualify that lead and ask a question back along the lines of what would it take for you to
purchase this product without causing harm to your finances. The very last thing I want to do is put you in a
bad spot. (Integrity… showing Care…) After they come back and say well wait a minute… Then okay
keep going with the sale. If they keep going on with that excuse then drop them. Let them chase you. That’s
what we call “attraction marketing.”
Objections and Excuses are not just problems that they have but it’s an
excuse for you to solve their problem.
So the first thing you need to do is to control the sale’s conversation and
understand the boundaries of where they are within the sales process. This helps
to identify any subliminal or hidden objections or excuses and keeps you laser
focused to close the sale. Remember to always be closing or “Know your ABC’s.”
Gauge these areas – Are they enthusiastic? Are they in between? -Or-
Are they not enthusiastic.
Rules on timing…
If you go above their enthusiasm and talk about something you guys have in
common for 45 minutes you will lose the sale.
If you talk about how the product will save their life after they have repeatedly
said no, you didn’t qualify that prospect. So why even waste your time with
someone who is going to say no all the time when you need to talk to someone
who says yes! Makes sense doesn’t it?
Stay in control of the sale
When you control the sale you must do these three critical things:
1. Be certain about your products that they will solve your
customers problems.
2. Make the solution crystal clear and don’t muddy the waters. Meaning
keep the solution easy to understand and short.
3. Have and share your vision. Go so far has telling your prospect
something like, “imagine what life would be like for you, (prospect’s
name) when you use the products as directed because we are seeing a
tremendous amount of success. Then immediately show social proof… But
keep it simple, to the point, and easy to understand.
Remember you also need to build rapport and the best way of building rapport is
when you gather information. When you gather information you are asking the
prospect questions; probing for pain points. This is not pre-qualifying prospects,
this should automatically be built into your sales approach when you are talking
with prospects.
After you go through this, those peskey Objections and
Excuses will become nothing more than opportunities
for you to solve problems.
There are 7 things you must do when you built rapport…
They are:
1. Be sharp
2. Listen – Be a good listener. Take notes too and write down their objections so you can match a
proper solution to their problem. Let them know you are doing that becuse it goes a long way to
build trust.
3. Be an expert
4. Be enthusiastic because it shows that your product must be good and
solves problems!!
5. Be an authority worth listening to. Don’t be a “Mr. Wimp!” Remember you
are the best salesperson in the world even if you have no income to show
for it. Re-read the first few lines of this blog.
6. You must be someone who will help your prospects achieve their goals -
help them get what they want, not what you want!
7. Be a solution for their problems and for goodness sake’s, be their friend and make it genuine
(Don’t be the grease ball used cars salesmen, “Fast Eddie.”)
By simply asking them, “What are your goals?” You now can bridge where they
are currently in their situation to what they need to do (purchase your product),
and where they will be in the future. Then you express how good they will feel in
the future when they use the product which is a method called “future
I personally use this tactic all the time in my business and don’t even know I’m doing it. The cool this is –
it works for me.
Before you influence anybody to buy your product, learn these three
KEY things.
These three kings of salesmanship are… sorry, things of salesmanship will help
you overcome objections and excuses like crazy even after you have prequalified
your prospects.
They are:
1) Know your outcome and stay positive. If you get a negative thought in your
mind tell it to go suck it, then re-focus, and visualize the outcome once again.
Think how the golf pro visualizes his or her shot before the address the ball.
Same goes for sales. Before you make any call or send out an email, know your
outcome and keep it positive every time. A “no,” means you are closer to making
a sale. A yes, well congrats now continue…
2) Know the things you need to accomplish in your prospect’s mind in order for
them to say yes. Let me break those things down. (Mindbending thoughts here…
lets get deep!)
A. Do they’ve love your product on a logical and emotional level? Make a logical
case for them to buy a product and make it airtight why they would love your
product. Make sure it makes sense. For the Emotional Side, use the method
called future pacing. Help them visualize using the product in the future and
making them feel good about it like I mentioned earlier. Oh man it really does
help especially when you preframe the prospect.
B. Trust and connect on an unconscious and conscious level with your prospect.
C. Trust and connect with your company who’s behind or affiliated with you and
to your prospect. (Social proof helps.)
3) Now blend all of that in a single moment of time – know the outcome; the
things you need to do for that person to say yes and connect with them on an
emotional level unconsciously and consciously and build trust and integrity with
And if necessary do it again but use basic language that cracks basic limiting
buying beliefs.
Are you getting any value out of this?
Yes? Awesome!!!!
Can you see yourself implementing the strategies mentioned above in closing
more sales?
Yes? Fantastic!
Do you trust my integrity giving you the best value and bang for your buck?
Yes? Wonderful.
So if you are getting any value out of this and I know you are, Do me a big favor
Click the button below to contact me via my about me page and many thanks for
spending time here! You are terrific!
Click here to help you get to $10,000k per month. (The results are not typical but the education and lessons
learned can help you get there.) You must fill in the information on that page so I can send it to you. Again
all information is confidential and will never be shared. Scouts honor!
I work as a business development coach besides being a recruiter. So if you are interested starting your own
home-based business or need help with your current business to grow more sales, please please let me
know! Also, Please like and share this post so others can get some valuable
training too. Remember – Sharing is caring!!! Click the share buttons! To
subscribe to my blog, please fill out the form on the pop up window when you
exit. All information is confidential and will never be shared. I hate spam too so
you may report me to the Monty Python Spam haters club.
I’m absolutely blown away with a wealth of knowledge that I received with this platform, tools and training
that’s why I wanted to share this free sales training blog post with you. The site along with the people – the
community here is absolutely tremendous. You can get the entire back office and training library for $10
dollars for a ten day trial.
There’s nothing else like it.
That’s it. Period.
Click the Green Button.
All the best to you my friend!
-Bob Nevin
“The 24- Hour Recruiting Wizard”
P.S. What are you waiting for?
A Large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and soft drinks cost more than this!
Click the green start button above and lets put you on a path to freedom and wealth… the right way.
P.P.S. Please visit my other blogs:
5 Simple Steps to Close More Sales:
3 Epic Business Fails: How To Avoid Them
How To Write Awesome Titles
How to Get Youtube to Stop Buffering
Workshop Announcement
3 Handy Backlink Services For Online Affiliate Marketers
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How to overcome objections and excuses

  • 1. How to Overcome Objections and Excuses In this post I will discuss how to easily overcome Objections and Excuses in situations where you need to convince someone to take some sort of action. the video can be viewed on the blog itself at Rachel B. writes, “Great video! If you can’t overcome an objection you can’t overcome a sale.” Tanner W. mentioned in a tweet, “Enjoyed the video. You do good work.” Kay S. said, “Great article and video, man. I agree that answering people’s questions is what gains their trust and gets them to like you. That is key to the sales process. Thanks for sharing!” Objections and Excuses are easy to overcome.
  • 2. ***Warning!*** Before I begin. I want to make sure that I have your complete and undivided attention. The Information below is not guaranteed that you will be successful. I am only offering this little bit of sales training on How to close more sales and blast through excuses and objections offered up by your prospects limiting beliefs that everyone has for people who will use it with the highest integrity. If
  • 3. you are reading this to sell nefarious items, or scams I will be thoroughly disappointed. Shame on you if that’s your intention. Just close this page now. Okay so by continuing with this blog you are agreeing that you will use this training with companies who have a business philosophy to help customers with the highest integrity. Ponder this before we dive right in: Who are the best sales people on planet earth? Mothers. You are probably saying “whaaaah?” Who was the one convincing you to clean your room as a kid? Who was the one who told you that you had to go to school and do your homework, or stop playing videos games and get out of the house and play with your friends etc…? Yes! Mothers! Your mom sold you… …that if you didn’t do what she asked, you’d be penalized in some way. Many sales situations we just take for granted and don’t realize it that actually we get sold over 100 times a day. Now think how many times did you make an excuse not to do what mom said and received the penalty. I can think of many times in my life… ha ha! this is just the tip of the ice burg… Lets jump in… and… ABSORB – Please understand right now that this is a lot to absorb. So please dedicate some time if you really want to learn and implement this strategy. (Personally I was blown away with this and continue to experience breakthroughs over and over again in my business and just had to share this with you.) BE WARNED – There’s a train (wreck) of thought with some people that say we need to distinguish between Objections and Excuses. Then they try to figure out whether are are the objections are actually genuine or fake. I’ll be dead honest. In the sales process, when a person gives you an excuse it’s an objection and if a person gives you an objection it’s an excuse. According to Google… an Objection is “an expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition; a reason for disagreeing.”
  • 4. an Excuse (used as a noun in this case rather than a verb) is “a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense. – When a person gives you an excuse it’s an objection and if a person gives you an objection it’s an excuse. Personally I don’t have the time to differentiate, figure out, and/or analyze whether or not a person is going to buy this product when he or she spews forth Objections and Excuses . It causes confusion and sometimes it can cause anger and frustration with your client or prospect. Heck even trying to explain the difference between the two is confusing enough! So I don’t want your eyes to glaze over. Let us move beyond that train (wreck) of thought and throw it in the toilet where it belongs! So what you need to do first is… to qualify or pre-frame the prospect way before you begin to sell them anything! How do you qualify a prospect? Simple! Ask them questions such as, what is your ultimate goal in life? That’s actually a good one because you can offer a solution to their problem and give them of vision of how your product can get them there faster than they originally thought. Let me break this down into several different steps for you so you can understand what I’m talking about. Whatever you do, do not hung up if you don’t have the proper solution for that persons problem. Be honest and let them know that you don’t have an answer. It’s okay. However it’s also a good idea to have referral sources or partners on hand where you can refer your prospect to another person or partner that may have a solution. Be sure to have those referral sources cut you in 50/50 if there are any commissions involved. Objections and Excuses are problems your product’s must solve. As mentioned in the video, Objections and Excuses can be broken down into these general phrases that people use all the time when they are being sold. (Please see how I phrased that… Being sold. eeeuuuw – Nobody likes to be sold…remember that. ) Okay here they are:
  • 5. 1. Just don’t have time. 2. I don’t have the money. 3. Well I don’t think I can do this. 4. Is this real? 5. I don’t believe this. 6. What’s involved? 7. What is the compensation plan? 8. What am I supposed to do once I join? As you can see, many of these are questions. You need to answer their questions truthfully with integrity and enthusiasm. Again (read this aloud 12 times a day) Objections and Excuses are problems our products must solve. Each one of those questions above are each one of those Objections and Excuses can be easily overcome. The money one is probably the most difficult because if they’re talking about money or the lack of money then it’s probably due to the fact that you didn’t accurately qualify that lead. So what I would do in that instance is re-qualify that lead and ask a question back along the lines of what would it take for you to purchase this product without causing harm to your finances. The very last thing I want to do is put you in a bad spot. (Integrity… showing Care…) After they come back and say well wait a minute… Then okay keep going with the sale. If they keep going on with that excuse then drop them. Let them chase you. That’s what we call “attraction marketing.” Objections and Excuses are not just problems that they have but it’s an excuse for you to solve their problem. So the first thing you need to do is to control the sale’s conversation and understand the boundaries of where they are within the sales process. This helps to identify any subliminal or hidden objections or excuses and keeps you laser focused to close the sale. Remember to always be closing or “Know your ABC’s.” Gauge these areas – Are they enthusiastic? Are they in between? -Or- Are they not enthusiastic. Rules on timing… If you go above their enthusiasm and talk about something you guys have in common for 45 minutes you will lose the sale. If you talk about how the product will save their life after they have repeatedly said no, you didn’t qualify that prospect. So why even waste your time with someone who is going to say no all the time when you need to talk to someone who says yes! Makes sense doesn’t it? Stay in control of the sale When you control the sale you must do these three critical things:
  • 6. 1. Be certain about your products that they will solve your customers problems. 2. Make the solution crystal clear and don’t muddy the waters. Meaning keep the solution easy to understand and short. 3. Have and share your vision. Go so far has telling your prospect something like, “imagine what life would be like for you, (prospect’s name) when you use the products as directed because we are seeing a tremendous amount of success. Then immediately show social proof… But keep it simple, to the point, and easy to understand. Remember you also need to build rapport and the best way of building rapport is when you gather information. When you gather information you are asking the prospect questions; probing for pain points. This is not pre-qualifying prospects, this should automatically be built into your sales approach when you are talking with prospects. After you go through this, those peskey Objections and Excuses will become nothing more than opportunities for you to solve problems. There are 7 things you must do when you built rapport… They are: 1. Be sharp 2. Listen – Be a good listener. Take notes too and write down their objections so you can match a proper solution to their problem. Let them know you are doing that becuse it goes a long way to build trust. 3. Be an expert 4. Be enthusiastic because it shows that your product must be good and solves problems!! 5. Be an authority worth listening to. Don’t be a “Mr. Wimp!” Remember you are the best salesperson in the world even if you have no income to show for it. Re-read the first few lines of this blog. 6. You must be someone who will help your prospects achieve their goals - help them get what they want, not what you want! 7. Be a solution for their problems and for goodness sake’s, be their friend and make it genuine (Don’t be the grease ball used cars salesmen, “Fast Eddie.”) IMPORTANT!! DON’T SKIP THIS By simply asking them, “What are your goals?” You now can bridge where they are currently in their situation to what they need to do (purchase your product), and where they will be in the future. Then you express how good they will feel in
  • 7. the future when they use the product which is a method called “future pacing.” I personally use this tactic all the time in my business and don’t even know I’m doing it. The cool this is – it works for me. Before you influence anybody to buy your product, learn these three KEY things. These three kings of salesmanship are… sorry, things of salesmanship will help you overcome objections and excuses like crazy even after you have prequalified your prospects. They are: 1) Know your outcome and stay positive. If you get a negative thought in your mind tell it to go suck it, then re-focus, and visualize the outcome once again. Think how the golf pro visualizes his or her shot before the address the ball. Same goes for sales. Before you make any call or send out an email, know your outcome and keep it positive every time. A “no,” means you are closer to making a sale. A yes, well congrats now continue… 2) Know the things you need to accomplish in your prospect’s mind in order for them to say yes. Let me break those things down. (Mindbending thoughts here… lets get deep!) A. Do they’ve love your product on a logical and emotional level? Make a logical case for them to buy a product and make it airtight why they would love your product. Make sure it makes sense. For the Emotional Side, use the method called future pacing. Help them visualize using the product in the future and making them feel good about it like I mentioned earlier. Oh man it really does help especially when you preframe the prospect. B. Trust and connect on an unconscious and conscious level with your prospect. C. Trust and connect with your company who’s behind or affiliated with you and to your prospect. (Social proof helps.) 3) Now blend all of that in a single moment of time – know the outcome; the things you need to do for that person to say yes and connect with them on an emotional level unconsciously and consciously and build trust and integrity with authority.
  • 8. KABLAMMO! -GOOD BYE OBJECTIONS AND EXCUSES LIKE A BASEBALL GETTING SLUGGED OUT OF THE PARK! And if necessary do it again but use basic language that cracks basic limiting buying beliefs. Are you getting any value out of this? Yes? Awesome!!!! Can you see yourself implementing the strategies mentioned above in closing more sales? Yes? Fantastic! Do you trust my integrity giving you the best value and bang for your buck? Yes? Wonderful. So if you are getting any value out of this and I know you are, Do me a big favor Click the button below to contact me via my about me page and many thanks for spending time here! You are terrific!
  • 9. Click here to help you get to $10,000k per month. (The results are not typical but the education and lessons learned can help you get there.) You must fill in the information on that page so I can send it to you. Again all information is confidential and will never be shared. Scouts honor! I work as a business development coach besides being a recruiter. So if you are interested starting your own home-based business or need help with your current business to grow more sales, please please let me know! Also, Please like and share this post so others can get some valuable training too. Remember – Sharing is caring!!! Click the share buttons! To subscribe to my blog, please fill out the form on the pop up window when you exit. All information is confidential and will never be shared. I hate spam too so you may report me to the Monty Python Spam haters club. I’m absolutely blown away with a wealth of knowledge that I received with this platform, tools and training that’s why I wanted to share this free sales training blog post with you. The site along with the people – the community here is absolutely tremendous. You can get the entire back office and training library for $10 dollars for a ten day trial. There’s nothing else like it. That’s it. Period. Click the Green Button. All the best to you my friend!
  • 10. -Bob Nevin “The 24- Hour Recruiting Wizard” P.S. What are you waiting for? A Large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and soft drinks cost more than this! Click the green start button above and lets put you on a path to freedom and wealth… the right way. P.P.S. Please visit my other blogs: 5 Simple Steps to Close More Sales: 3 Epic Business Fails: How To Avoid Them How To Write Awesome Titles How to Get Youtube to Stop Buffering Workshop Announcement 3 Handy Backlink Services For Online Affiliate Marketers There is no other community like this. It is truly a movement that WILL change your life. Make the decision, and take the action, to change your life today! Start here: Connect with me: My Blog: Facebook Personal: Facebook Fan Page: Twitter:
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