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HR Trends
15 March 2018
my background
9 trend
Short desciption
From hierarchy to network / from closed to open
The invasion of smart tech
Globalisation/ Localisation
Individualisation | More generations in the workforce
Making fun is serious business
Purpose before pecunia
Increasing speed: fast eats slow
From Big Bang change programs to small experiments
From intuitive HR to evidence/ fact based HR
Version 3.0 | copyright HR Trend Institute
1. changing shapes of organizations
from individuals to teams to networks of
Different talent sources
Internal talent
Start-ups Self employed
Talent Sharing
from fixed jobs to fluid roles
job crafting
job piling
the end of traditional recruitment
profile recruitment selection
offer onboarding start
you hire a candidate and her network
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
Explore your potential
2. smart tech
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
A computer with a roof (“The Edge”)
Jimmy, Intel’s 3D
printed robot
Digital Intelligent Assistants
Enterprise Behavioral Matching
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
algorithm aversion
3. Globalisation/
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
4. from X to Y to Z:
more generations
in the workforce
or: individualisation
from collective to segments to individuals
5. making fun is serious business
the consumerisation of HR
from ptb to ei
The Employee Experience (or Journey)/ EX
Exploration Onboarding
Performance /
Growth Offboarding
Tailored Employee Journeys for each of the personas
What are the moments that matter for Persona 1?
What are the moments that matter for Persona 2?
What are the moments that matter for persona 3?
What are the moments that matter for Persona N?
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
6. purpose before pecunia
change the
world list
HR Trends Update
start with
30 minutes
HR Trends Update
Zappos HQ in
downtown Las Vegas
“Casual Colision”
7. From slow to fast
Performance: not a Bell curve,
but a Power Law distribution
Number of people
• slow
• top-down [manager > employee]
• paternalistic
• organizational driven [org > boss > employee]
• ratings
• complex
• actionable?
• connected to pay
what we see today
• frequency up
• use of apps
• multi-rater
• moving away from ratings
• ”good conversations”
• superficial
• relying on humans
• internal focus
• granular feedback?
• use of technology?
• performance consulting?
• transcend org boundaries?
Would you hire this person again?
HR Trends Update
Slow Real Time
Overview of
Employee Mood Measurement
8. from Big Bang change programs
to small experiments
Tribes/ Chapters/ Squads
9. from intuition to evidence-based
Accenture Sweden: diversity
HR Trends Update
HR Trends Update
8 HR major trends for 2018
1. From PTB to EI
2. Renewed focus on productivity
3. Power to the people
4. The end of fixed jobs
5. Learning in real time
6. Hospitality and service
7. Shrinking HR teams
8. Letting go
HR Trends Update
- Twitter: @tomwhaak
- Flipboard: The Future of HR
- Pinterest: The Future of HR
No, we are kind
of ignoring the
Yes, we are
doing what
others do
We are
We are real
Trend Setters
We are far
From hierarchy to network / from closed to open
The invasion of smart tech
Globalisation/ Localisation
Individualisation| more generations in the workforce
Making fun is serious business
Purpose before pecunia
Increasing speed: fast eats slow
From Big Bang change programs to small experiments
From intuitive HR to evidence/ fact based HR
The HR Trend Scan | To what extend is your organisation using the trends?
Version 3.0 | copyright HR Trend Institute

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HR Trends Update

Editor's Notes

  • #63: Het volgende trend gebied. “Making Fun is serious business” Dit het Google kantoor in Amsterdam Zuid. Geheel ingericht in Nederlandse stijl. Google wil trouwens graag dat iedereen naar kantoor komt! Ontbijt en lunch worden gratis geserveerd.
  • #80: Bij Zappos kan je via internet schoenen kopen. Zappos heeft het hoofdkantoor neergezet in ‘downtown’ Las Vegas. Dit is een achterstandswijk, in schril contrast met he gebied waar de bekende hotels en casino’s staan. Door hun hoofdkantoor hier te plaatsen, helpt Zappos het gebied te ontwikkelen. In de buurt onstaat nieuwe activiteit: printshops, coffee shops etc.
  • #92: Scrum (zo genoemd naar de scrum van rugby, dus geen afgkorting) is een werkwijze die is gestart in IT. Aan het werk, en het werk uitvoeren in ‘sprints’ van een paar weken. Snel terugkoppeling naar de klant, waar nodig aanpassingen maken, en weer door naar de volgende sprint. Scrum (of andere methodieken van ‘Agile’ werken) zijn sterk in opkomst. Ook in het gebied HR goed toepasbaar!