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Name Rohit
Class XIIth
School Taxmann
Mindler's Sample Career Assessment Report
Mindler's Sample Career Assessment Report
Your Orientation Style
What is Orientation Style?
Orientation style identifies what an individual is driven by. Understanding the orientation style will help you with career decision based
on your dominant style of interaction with the surroundings.
Your Dominant Style
The scores obtained on this style inventory indicate that you
seek novelty and like to work with your ideas. You are curious
to understand the know-how of things and their functioning.
You wish to have your own ways of doing things with unique
ideas. You like to feel free to create, discover and synthesize
new products from abstract notions and concepts. You may
prefer to work in unstructured situations where you can
experiment with your intuitive ideas. You may be observed as
independent, original and expressive at the workplace.
Creative Orientation
Your Secondary Style
The scores obtained on this style inventory indicate that you
are people-orientated. This means that you like to interact with
people and have an understanding of their problems and
needs. You are drawn more to seek close relationships with
others. Your style indicates that you will be good in tasks in
which you have to lead, direct and persuade others. You
cooperate well with others and can express yourself clearly.
You make friends easily and are observed as trustworthy,
social and helpful at the workplace.
People Orientation
0 3 6 9
Your Orientation Style
Your Interest
What is Interest?
Understanding your Interest will help you identify what work areas excite you and helps you identify career options which are
personally rewarding. Interest assessment explores your interest across multiple career options to find the right match which shall
keep you engaged.
Your Dominant Interest Areas
Commerce &
Entrepreneurship Design Education Training &
Social Services
Applied Arts
Commerce & Management
Defense Services
Distribution & Logistics
Education Training & Social Services
Engineering, Information & Technology
Finance & Accounting
Governance & Administration
Health, Medicine & Fitness
Actuarial Sciences
Media & Communication
Performing Arts
Science & Maths
Social Sciences & Humanities
0 3 6 9
Your Interest
Your Personality
What is Personality?
Understanding your Personality will help you identify your consistent behavior patterns. Every individual is different due to their unique
blend of attributes. Personality assessment identifies what career options suit your style and match your personal attributes.
Your Dominant Personality Traits
Enthusiasm Extraversion Moral Conformity
Locus of Control
Moral Conformity
Team Work
Decision Making Capacity
Intense Pursuit
Organizational Skills
0 3 6 9
Your Personality
Your Personality in Detail
Locus of Control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Locus of Control is the individual's
perception of the power they have
over events that happen in their lives.
People with this trait believe that they
have control over their own destiny
and are convinced about their own
Expert Analysis
You feel that all your abilities, skills and reinforcement are dependent on your luck
and external factors. You feel better when you get directive from others, as your
decision-making may be low which makes you less of a leader and more of a
follower. You are not very good in situations where initiative is to be taken and your
dependency is high making you less independent in nature
Development Plan
You can improve your internal locus of control through following strategies -:
Be assertive: You have to start speaking up your mind and take responsibility for your acts as blaming others would not work
in life.
Develop trust: After understanding your strengths, you have to start trusting yourself. Believe in whatever you do or perform.
Strong level of trust in oneself makes a person confident and composed.
Stop being judgmental: Stop judging all your actions and go easy on yourself. Demanding too much sometimes leads to
drainage of strength and hence failures.
Be relaxed and rejuvenate yourself: Sometimes too much of stress to excel leads to panic and then everything you work on
gets spoiled. Take timeouts to start regaining confidence in yourself.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Resilience is the ability to pursue
chosen path despite stress, high- risk
status, challenges and hardships
Expert Analysis
Your responses indicate that though you have difficulty in stressful situations but
sometimes you tend to handle it well. You may struggle in adapting to varied
circumstances and sometimes may falter in sticking to your tasks or schedule. This
makes you less productive in high stress situations and it becomes difficult for you to
bounce back from setbacks or failures
Development Plan
You can improve your resilience by using the following strategies -:
Learn to be more flexible. It is always better to embrace change and adapt as per the requirements. It helps in handling
stress in a better manner and work more effectively.
Be optimistic & do not lose hope. It is always better to be optimistic during hardships. A sense of optimism helps in dealing
with difficult situations.
Learn to tackle your problems step by step. Think of taking small steps while resolving problematic circumstances.
Develop a strong social network. Being with people that are supportive and encouraging can be very helpful in facing
Your Personality in Detail
Moral Conformity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Synonymous with honesty,
principles, sincerity, scruples;
integrity means being honest and
living by universal principles of right
and wrong
Expert Analysis
Your score indicates that on one hand you perceive set norms as important and on
the other hand you sometimes don't give that much importance to it. You can
compromise on your set standards and integrity. Personal gains may prove to be
more important for you and you may be ready to compromise on your set rules and
norms. You often face conflicts to decide between right and wrong
Development Plan
Think of working on following strategies to improve on your integrity levels:
Right vs. Wrong Dilemma: You should learn how to develop the difference between right and wrong and how you can deal
with conflicting situations.
Place a rule book in your life: Start afresh with new norms in your life. Begin with simple tasks and complete them on set
timelines and gradually move to the bigger tasks. Give importance to set rules and strictly follow those rules. Be aware of your
decisions and recognize your mistakes and try to not repeat them in future.
Accept ups & downs: You should have courage to accept your failures along with appreciations for the achievements
regardless of the person providing the feedback.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Moral conformity implies standing by
your principles & code of conduct
rather than matching attitudes,
beliefs, and behaviors to group
norms so as to fit into the group
Expert Analysis
You can quickly analyze the demands and gravity of the situation and take
appropriate decisions keeping in mind the principles of morality and interest of the
society. Your decisions are based on fact and reasoning and not on emotions. Your
decisions are not influenced by group pressure and you stand by your principles of
right & wrong. You can easily withstand the group pressure if it goes against your
notion of morality
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Personality in Detail
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Agreeableness is the ability to
sympathize with others, trust them
and be warm, concerned and
cooperative towards them
Expert Analysis
You are mostly optimistic about human nature. You believe that generally people are
warm, considerate and cooperative. You are usually willing to help people who have
helped you in the past, or people whom you consider good. You are willing to work
with others and give full cooperation to the group. You do not want yourself to be
engaged in conflict and try to maintain harmony with others most of the time
Development Plan
You can increase your agreeableness level by using following strategies:
Try to see things from perspective of others: This will help you better understand the behavior of other people and also the
reasons why they behave in certain ways. Also check on how you would have reacted in a similar situation.
Accept that all people are different: Rather than competing with others and suspecting their intentions, it is better you
understand that everyone is unique. This will help you to accept different viewpoints and also maintain social harmony.
Different people different voices: Everyone has a point of view which needs to be respected. Listening to these voices will
help you to sympathize with them
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Extraversion is the ability to talk
easily to others, assert viewpoints
and prefer working in groups, rather
than working alone
Expert Analysis
You take immense pleasure in social gatherings; enjoy spending time with people
and dislike loneliness. You are energetic & have the ability to approach strangers
with ease and can initiate conversation on a wide range of topics. You prefer working
in groups rather than working alone. You eagerly share your opinions among group
members and find it easy to assert yourself
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Personality in Detail
Team Work
Decision Making Capacity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Team work implies including not only
your views but also the views of
others while working towards a
common goal. It involves working
collaboratively with people and
maximizing the team output
Expert Analysis
You may find it difficult to work with others in a team. You face some difficulty in
communicating your views with other members of your team. This interferes with
your ability to work with a group of people, in order to achieve a goal. This also
makes it difficult for you to establish and maintain new relations. You tend to ignore
the views of others while making decisions most of the time
Development Plan
Your scores indicate that you need to put some effort to develop your ability to work collaboratively within a group of people in order
to achieve a goal. You can do this by:
Be an active listener: Developing listening skills will help you to understand others viewpoints, provide you with learning
opportunities and will also minimize misunderstandings. Wherever warranted, you need to express your views to others.
Add humor: Adding humor in your day-to-day dealings with others will help you to keep a sense of perspective and will also
work as a great bonding tool.
Group activity: You need to try and engage yourself in more group activities wherein coordination and cooperation with
members of the team will help achieve the common objective
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Decision making capacity is the
tendency to choose effectively from
alternatives through reasoning and
critical thinking
Expert Analysis
You have skills that enable you to take the decisions at the appropriate time. By
anticipating future perspective, you are able to take decisions at the earliest possible.
You evaluate the pros & cons of a situation and look for a logical approach towards
decision making. High decision making capacity makes you capable to learn from
the past difficulties and apply those learning in the future
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Personality in Detail
Intense Pursuit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Enterprising is being assertive,
confident, high on risk- taking
capacity, and having the ability to
persuade others
Expert Analysis
You do take initiative to perform tasks but you lack the assertiveness needed to put
across your ideas and thinking. You are not much of a risk taker and enjoy being in
the zone of comfort and safety. You like being a follower rather than a leader. This
does not mean that you do not stand out in situations or groups; it just means that
you prefer doing things the conventional way and hence the creative and novel
aspect in problem solving is less
Development Plan
You can improve your enterprising skills through the following strategies:
Be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses: No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. The most
successful person is one who knows that the key to success is not in avoiding failures, but to learn from them. You should
continue to improve yourself in every possible way.
Being confident: Learning about any area/domain in detail helps you to become confident in that particular area. You can
start by learning more about your hobby.
Maintain a positive attitude: With a positive attitude, you are looking at the bright side of life. People are naturally attracted to
you when you have a positive attitude. By being positive, you will lead a happier life, as well as be surrounded by other
positive people.
Being passionate: You need to be passionate about the work you do. Passion is contagious and it helps you in persuading
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Synonymous with dedication,
devotion & zeal; intense pursuit is
having a clear intention, aim, interest,
commitment and strong desire to
pursue on a chosen path
Expert Analysis
You are very determined and have a strong will power. You are very passionate about
what you choose, and tend to devote all your energy and time to it. Your pursuit of
goals is full of unmatched commitment and zeal despite various ups and downs. This
quality of being focused in achieving your goals helps you make constant efforts until
you reach your goal. Your ability to be intensely absorbed in your pursuits enables
you to keep trying and making continued efforts until your goal is achieved
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Personality in Detail
Organizational Skills
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Synonymous with vitality,
spiritedness & vigor, enthusiasm is
having abundant or intense energy
and curiosity to gather knowledge
Expert Analysis
You are full of excitement, optimism, curiosity & cheerfulness. You face challenges
with a sense of enthusiasm that is contagious. Your inquisitiveness is endless; you
continuously ask questions & persistently seek their answers. You are constantly
seeking new experiences in order to grow & learn. People often seek your company,
as you energize them with your presence and cheerful disposition. You are full of
energy & vigor, which allows you to perform multiple tasks in the shortest possible
time span
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Organization skill is the ability and
style of an individual to structure plan
and meet their goals in a systematic
Expert Analysis
Your tendency to not work in a systematic and coordinated way puts a lot of stress
on you when it comes to achieving tasks in a specific period of time. You are unable
to utilize your time, energy, and resources, in an effective manner and therefore not
able to meet your goals at times
Development Plan
You can improve your organization skills by using the following strategies -:
Set specific & realistic goals. This will help you in being more systematic and efficient, which will enable you to achieve set
Prioritize your work. Learn to understand the difference between tasks that are highly important and need to be done
immediately and the tasks that can be done later. This will help you do your work on time and not be stressed.
Set proper timelines. When you start a task, set a realistic timeline for the completion of your task. This will make you more
systematic and help you to be more structured in doing your task
Your Personality in Detail
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Perfectionism is the desire to strive
for flawlessness and set high
standards of excellence
Expert Analysis
Your score stands for an average desire to strive for high standards of excellence.
This indicates that you sometimes complete tasks without giving much attention to
minute details. You usually don't look for faults or shortcomings in your own actions
as well as that of others and accept them with ease. Due to this, you compromise on
the standards of excellence. You don't feel the sense of responsibility while working
on a task. Due to this, the quality of your work may suffer at times
Development Plan
You need to develop a sense of high standards of excellence. You can do this by-:
Detailing: Break down a task into smaller steps and pay attention to minute details in every step. You can reward yourself for
successfully completing every step with perfection.
Evaluate your performance: Be honest while evaluating your performance and work on the areas wherein improvement
seems necessary.
Set high standards: You should make an attempt to set high standards of excellence for yourself. This will motivate you to
work hard and ultimately perform better
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Perseverance is the determination of
an individual to complete a task,
irrespective of the obstacles
Expert Analysis
You remain persistent on a task although it may be surrounded with difficulties. You
do not take failures as the end but believe in working towards the goal, on most
occasions. You remain hopeful in tough circumstances and do not give up most of
the time. You frequently show self-confidence in your ability to deal with failures and
work towards the completion of the task
Development Plan
You can improve your perseverance levels by using the following strategies:
Strengthen the belief that nothing is impossible. Everything is possible if you make constructive efforts to achieve it.
Running away from problems is not a solution. Facing them and dealing with them will help you find a solution.
Learn from Failures. Learning from failures rather than just getting emotionally driven will help build perseverance. A clear
focus on the goal and ability to continue the pursuit should lead to success.
Create alternatives. Try and use unconventional problem solving approach, whenever faced with dynamic situations and new
Your Personality in Detail
Practical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Synonymous with pragmatic, real &
hands-on; practical is being more
concerned with practice than theory
Expert Analysis
You tend to overlook the realistic side of theory and rely more on bookish knowledge.
You are unable to develop a relationship between what is real and what is
theoretical. Your judgments tend to be affected by the theories you may have studied
rather than experience. You are more inclined towards conventional ideas and resist
making contemporary changes
Development Plan
You can improve your tendency of being more concerned with theory rather than with practice by following certain strategies such as
Try it out - Hands on experience will help you in testing of assumptions and your own belief.
Visualize reality - Try to visualize the practical aspects of theories in day to day situations.
Challenge the status quo – Don’t go by pre-set standards or assumptions. Try to challenge the existing way of doing things.
Functional Connect - Develop a functional connect between theory and its practice so as to have a more realistic
Your Aptitude
What is Aptitude?
Understanding your Aptitude will help you explore your innate strengths. Every individual has a unique area of expertise and their own
forte. Aptitude assessment predicts what is your innate ability and potential and helps you find career options that are in sync with your
Your Dominant Aptitude Strengths
Creative Language Usage Numerical
Logical Reasoning
Language Usage
Info Tech
0 3 6 9
Your Aptitude
Your Aptitude in Detail
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to work with new concepts,
abstract ideas & recognizing patterns
and similarities
Expert Analysis
Your score indicates that you are skilled at working with new concepts, abstract
ideas and recognizing patterns and similarities between them. High abstract aptitude
enables you to analyze and understand non-verbal or visual information. It also
means that you are able to easily recognize the similarities and differences between
ideas, or concepts which are not necessarily related
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to comprehend words and
sentences and deduce meaningful
relationship from them
Expert Analysis
You are proficient at verbal skills such as correct usage of words, grammar, word
meanings, and understanding word relationships. You are usually good at finding the
right words to explain ideas and are able to interpret written and spoken instructions.
You are also able to absorb communication without losing concentration or
becoming confused or left behind. You can learn or extract new information quite fast
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Aptitude in Detail
Logical Reasoning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to identify and isolate
components of an argument to arrive
at a complete inference and reach a
Expert Analysis
You have an average ability to apply logical reasoning to solve problems. At times
you find it hard to detect the stronger arguments from the weaker ones. At times
when you cannot find logical reason to support your stand, you may lean on
emotional reasoning or rely on instincts
Development Plan
You can develop logical reasoning by practicing following strategies:
Play mind games: You should try playing mind games such as chess, Sudoku, word games and other mystery games and
puzzles that are easily available online. This will give you an understanding of the patterns and their individual elements and
will help you in developing logical reasoning.
Practice & Perform non-routine tasks: You should regularly practice open-mindedness and must make conscious attempt
to figure out relationships among related or unrelated stimuli. Read books on logical reasoning and improve your skills by
practicing a wide range of problem types.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to develop novel and diverse
ideas and solutions for a given
Expert Analysis
Your scores reveal that you have high capacity to develop new and diverse ideas and
solutions for a given problem. You are able to look at the creative side of things more
often than others. You like to have a fresh perspective to things and hence, try to
innovate most of the times. You do not believe in going strictly by the rules and like to
have alternatives wherever possible
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Aptitude in Detail
Language Usage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to manipulate shapes in two
dimensions or to visualize three-
dimensional objects presented as
two-dimensional pictures
Expert Analysis
You are skilled at mentally visualizing and manipulating objects in three-dimensional
space. You are able to effectively visualize and mentally rotate objects presented to
you in two-dimension. This means you can easily rotate an image or object in your
mind without actually turning or rotating them. This enables you to mentally re-
arrange objects even without physically touching them
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to understand and use words
along with the grammatical rules and
structures to produce meaningful-
novel sentences
Expert Analysis
You have a high capacity to understand and use words along with the grammatical
rules and structures to produce meaningful and complex sentences. You have a high
ability to detect errors in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization and are able to
formulate diverse combinations of words and sentences
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Aptitude in Detail
Info Tech
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to quickly grasp mathematical
functions and to use them to analyze
and solve mathematical problems
Expert Analysis
You are skilled at making use of numbers and numerical operations rapidly and
accurately. You have the capacity to quickly grasp mathematical functions and to use
them to analyze and solve mathematical problems with high accuracy
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to grasp and use principles
and concepts of technology and
computer programs to solve
Expert Analysis
You have a very good understanding of the principles and concepts of technology.
Your responses indicate that you have high awareness about the basic computer
programs and its applications. You are quite comfortable when it comes to dealing
with computer software. Your awareness about latest technologies and software is
also very high. You are extremely comfortable when it comes to learning about the
working of new gadgets or software
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Aptitude in Detail
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to grasp and use mechanical
concepts and principles to so solve
Expert Analysis
You have a natural understanding of forces and dynamics. You have good knowledge
and understanding of mechanical and other physical principles. You are very
perceptive of basic mechanical principles, simple machines, tools, electrical, and
automotive facts. You are analytical and receptive as you can see a number of forces
and factors operating within a problem at any given time
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to accurately and quickly
compare similarities and differences
among sets of pictures, patterns,
objects, letters or numbers.
Expert Analysis
You are quite capable of working with rapid speed and accuracy in tasks which do
not necessarily require high intellectual activity. You take less time to respond to
external stimuli of varied nature like pictures, patterns and objects. You can swiftly
perceive a whole stimulus when parts of it are missing. You are effective where a
quick and precise decision is required
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Emotional Quotient
What is Emotional Quotient?
Understanding your Emotional Intelligence will help you understand your effectiveness in social situations. Emotional Intelligence
assessment identifies how well do you recognize and handle your own emotions and interpersonal relationships.
Your Dominant Emotional Quotient Strengths
Empathy Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Pro Social Behavior
Emotional Regulation
Emotional Self Awareness
Emotional Self Efficacy
0 3 6 9
Your Emotional Quotient
Your Emotional Quotient in Detail
Conflict Management
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ability to resolve conflicts through
Expert Analysis
You strongly believe that great results can be achieved by mutual consent of the
parties involved. You are very good at understanding your own need and that of the
others involved in the conflict. You are a good listener, and listen to both sides before
resolving their differences and aligning their interests. Your ability to pay attention to
the non- verbal behavior makes you an effective listener. You are confident of
maintaining your emotional composure in stressful situations. This allows you to
bring humor into the conflict resolution process, whenever things start to get difficult.
You have a readiness to forgive, compromise and move on and this allows you to
focus on mutual benefits of the parties involved. You are known for your integrity,
which make you a trustworthy person
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Perceiving and being aware about
emotions of others, including being
sensitive to a diverse population
Expert Analysis
You have a high ability to understand and identify with the feelings of others. You are
highly sensitive to understanding the emotions shared by others and in helping them
resolve those emotions. You are a good listener and adept at understanding non-
verbal cues. As a result, you can easily understand both pain and joy of others. You
can intuitively sense what the other person is going through. One important reason
for this is that you have high awareness of your own emotional experiences. You
show a deep insight into other person's problems and have the ability to "walk in their
shoes". You also have the skill to communicate in an objectively explicit manner to
express your understanding of the other person's problem. Your deep compassion for
those you come across makes you a great friend to have
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Emotional Quotient in Detail
Pro Social Behavior
Emotional Regulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Having the motivation to help others
without any personal gain
Expert Analysis
You are highly motivated to help others in ways that will benefit them, without any
personal gains or immediate benefit to yourself. The help that you give to others may
be trivial like picking up someone's dropped pen or donating for social causes, or
extraordinary behaviour like volunteering to rescue stranded people. You rush to help
others in need and sometimes tend to ignore the danger to yourself in your desire to
help those in distress. If you notice any situation that you consider to be an
emergency, you feel compelled to offer your help. This high need to help others in
need also indicates a higher than average ability to empathize with others. Your
score also indicates a high interpersonal trust and high degree of social responsibility
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Managing one's constructive as well
as destructive emotions well. Ability
to manage stress, anger and anxiety
Expert Analysis
Your score indicates that you may find it hard to manage your emotions. If the
pressure is high, it may interfere in your ability to give your best. You also have
difficulty asserting yourself, and there are situations in which you find you are being
taken advantage off. If a performance in a particular situation is too important for your
future, you may find the anxiety unmanageable. Your inability to manage your
emotions may also cause problems in some of your interpersonal relationships.
When faced with a setback or a failure you may find it hard to deal with it
Development Plan
You can improve emotional regulation by following strategies.
Reappraisal: This involves reinterpreting the meaning of an event so as to alter the emotional impact. For example, this might
involve reinterpreting an event by broadening one’s perspective and looking “at the bigger picture.”
Distancing: This involves that you that you don’t evaluate situations according to your emotions
Humor: You can also make use of humor to effectively manage emotions
Your Emotional Quotient in Detail
Emotional Self Awareness
Emotional Self Efficacy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Being aware of and recognize one's
own emotions
Expert Analysis
You understand and recognize your own emotions very well. You are able to
understand the feelings associated with the emotions that you experience, and also
understand what you think and do as a result of those feelings. This quality of high
emotional self-awareness helps you understand the reasons for your actions,
because it is these emotions that actually drive your behavior. This gives you greater
control over the decisions you make. You are not carried away by your negative
emotions. You have the ability to deal with the potentially destructive emotions
quickly and prevent them from harming you or others
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Belief in one's capability to
understand and deal with one's
Expert Analysis
You have a strong belief in your potential to understand and deal with your own
emotions. Your perceived capacity to deal with negative emotions is high. Also, you
strongly believe in your ability to understand and regulate your emotions. You believe
that you have control over your emotions. This enables you to manage them internally
by solving problems in difficult situations, without being affected by them. You also
take ownership of your emotions and clearly understand that they reflect your
personal and subjective experience
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Emotional Quotient in Detail
Motivation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Having achievement drive, optimism,
and being committed to one's values,
needs and goals
Expert Analysis
You find it easy to set goals and achieve them. You can easily initiate and sustain a
task you find important and meaningful. You face challenges & think positively in the
direction of overcoming them. You are flexible in your approach and as a result you
are able to achieve most of your goals. You have a wide range of strategies to lift
your morale when you are feeling low. When a problem seems overpowering, you
see it as a challenge, which allows you to come up with a right strategy to solve that
particular problem. You are also able of focus on the task and avoid all distractions
which are a hindrance to the goals you are seeking
Development Plan
You have scored well in this trait
Your Dominant Style
Your Dominant Interests
Your Dominant Personality
Your Dominant Aptitude
Your Dominant Emotional Quotient
Creative Orientation People Orientation
Commerce & Management Entrepreneurship Design Education Training & Social Services Marketing
Enthusiasm Extraversion Moral Conformity
Creative Language Usage Numerical
Empathy Conflict Management
Career Match with Animation & Graphics
Animation and graphics is the combination of art with technology to produce movies, websites, digital content, video games etc. This
domain requires having basic knowledge of fine arts along with ability to use computers and technology for creating digital special
effects, producing 2D and 3D programs, creating graphics for websites, logos, illustrations etc. UI/UX designers are at the helm of this
work. This can be an ideal job for people who have a creative bent of mind and are also tech savvy.
Along with the right education in the field, one should have an attitude and passion to excel in animation graphics.
Bachelor's degree in graphic designing, graphic arts or visual communication is available in various universities and institutes. One
can also pursue bachelors in fine arts and then apply for a certificate or diploma course in animation. If one's interest lies in UI/UX
design, then computer science is an important subject for them.
Job opportunities are available in Top Design Firms, Adverstising Agencies, MNCs, Website and App Development Agencies,
Electronic Industry, Entertainment Industry amongst others.
Trending Field: Character Animator, UI/ UX Designers, Graphic Designers
Animation & Graphics
0 20 40 60 80 100
Your Match with Animation &
Career Match with Management
A career in Management makes students familiar with knowledge of business, trade, management techniques, industry, basics of
economics, fiscal policies, industrial policies, share market, stock markets, etc. Management studies teaches one how to manage a
business professionally.
With increasing competition in the field, huge number of colleges providing management related courses have mushroomed across
the country offering traditional specializations such as Finance, Marketing, Sales, Operations and Human Resources to the trending
specializations like Health Care Management, Sports Management, Rural Management, Fashion Management etc.
Students who are keen to take up management as a career option after class 12th can opt for BBA, BBS or BBM for developing a
sound base in the field of management education. After graduation, one may opt for an MBA degree in a specialized field.
Management is a career option which can also be pursued after almost any graduation degree such as Law, Engineering, Medicine,
Social Sciences among others.
Management is one of the most sought after careers because of the lucrative salaries and good future prospects it offers; especially if
one graduates from the leading management colleges.
Trending Fields: Sports Management, Health Care Management, Operations Management, Human Resource Management, Finance
0 20 40 60 80 100
Your Match with Management
Career Match with Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs are leaders willing to take risk and exercise initiative. They look to take advantage of market opportunities often by
innovating or improving existing products & services.
Developed countries are moving from 'managerial' to 'entrepreneurial' economies. India, as an emerging economy, is ensuring that
entrepreneurship is embraced as a career choice for the young. The ecosystem for Entrepreneurship commonly known as Start-Ups is
at its brightest.
While no specific education or training is required to start a business venture of your own, the odds of success increase exponentially
when entrepreneurs have a solid education background. With the popularity of entrepreneurship rising, many universities/ institutes
offer programs to groom budding entrepreneurs. These programs are available both at undergraduate (BBS, BBA) and post graduate
levels (MBA). Most top business schools also provide courses for entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurs are job creators rather than job seekers. They create products and services. Other than the path of owning one's own
business, participating in a family business or starting a partnered venture, entrepreneurs also take up roles in the field of business
consulting, sales, research and development, not-for-profit management, and mid-level management.
Trending Fields: E-Commerce, M-Commerce, EduTech, FinTech, Healthcare
0 20 40 60 80 100
Your Match with Entrepreneurship
Career Match with Education & Training
A career in Education and training is considered a noble one in India as well as across the globe. Educators pass on accumulated
knowledge to the new generation shaping the future of the country. Educators requires a perfect blend of essential attributes like
patience, confidence, liking for and an understanding of children/ students. Education & training is such a broad domain that different
skills and type of trainings are required for different levels. Areas of specialization include teaching at nursery schools, middle schools,
high schools, colleges, universities, institutes, special schools etc.
The demand for qualified educators is on rise and this trend is not likely to change anytime in the near future. Whether you're
interested in working as a professor or elementary school teacher, a special educator instructor or corporate trainer you're sure to find
a career in education extremely rewarding.
For different levels, a different set of qualification is required ranging from nursery which requires a higher secondary degree (10+2
examination) along with B.Ed. to university level, where one requires at least a masters degree with NET qualification certificate. For
aspirants planning to enter the domain of training they need to gain relevant expertise and experience.
All top Schools and Colleges both in the private and public sector are constantly on the lookout for good talent in the field of education
& training and are thus amongst the top recruiters. Training organizations and corporates are also on constant lookout for qualified
trainers and experts.
Education & Training
0 20 40 60 80 100
Your Match with Education & Training
Career Match with Design
Career in design is for people who have a creative outlook and are able to form innovative connections between colors, shape,
materials and textures. Designers are required in nearly every field whether in designing cars, clothes, buildings, products, logos,
theatre sets, merchandise sets, landscapes etc. While most indulge in computer-aided designs, a basic fine art is also intrinsic to
Design has wide variety of sub fields including graphic designing, fashion designing, interior designing, web designing, set designing,
industrial designing, visual merchandise designing etc. Each of these categories requires a domain specialization. One can select
their area of specialization on the basis of their interest, skill and aptitude. Most institutes have an entrance exam for admission and
competition for the premier institutes like NID and NIFT is quite high.
In order to build a career in design one should have a bachelor's or master's degree in the particular field.
Designers can find jobs in Fashion Houses, Media Houses, Automobile Industry, Technology Firms, Web Designing Firms etc. A lot of
designers also pursue their career as a Freelancer.
Trending Field: Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Animation & Graphics
0 20 40 60 80 100
Your Match with Design
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Mindler's Sample Career Assessment Report

  • 1. Name Rohit Class XIIth School Taxmann SAMPLE REPORT
  • 4. Your Orientation Style What is Orientation Style? Orientation style identifies what an individual is driven by. Understanding the orientation style will help you with career decision based on your dominant style of interaction with the surroundings. Your Dominant Style The scores obtained on this style inventory indicate that you seek novelty and like to work with your ideas. You are curious to understand the know-how of things and their functioning. You wish to have your own ways of doing things with unique ideas. You like to feel free to create, discover and synthesize new products from abstract notions and concepts. You may prefer to work in unstructured situations where you can experiment with your intuitive ideas. You may be observed as independent, original and expressive at the workplace. Creative Orientation Your Secondary Style The scores obtained on this style inventory indicate that you are people-orientated. This means that you like to interact with people and have an understanding of their problems and needs. You are drawn more to seek close relationships with others. Your style indicates that you will be good in tasks in which you have to lead, direct and persuade others. You cooperate well with others and can express yourself clearly. You make friends easily and are observed as trustworthy, social and helpful at the workplace. People Orientation Administrative Informative Creative People 0 3 6 9 Score 3 4 7 5 Your Orientation Style
  • 5. Your Interest What is Interest? Understanding your Interest will help you identify what work areas excite you and helps you identify career options which are personally rewarding. Interest assessment explores your interest across multiple career options to find the right match which shall keep you engaged. Your Dominant Interest Areas Commerce & Management Entrepreneurship Design Education Training & Social Services Marketing Applied Arts Commerce & Management Defense Services Design Distribution & Logistics Education Training & Social Services Engineering, Information & Technology Entrepreneurship Finance & Accounting Governance & Administration Health, Medicine & Fitness Hospitality Actuarial Sciences Legal Marketing Media & Communication Performing Arts Sales Science & Maths Social Sciences & Humanities 0 3 6 9 Score 6 9 3 8 5 7 5 9 2 6 4 5 5 4 7 6 4 6 5 7 Your Interest
  • 6. Your Personality What is Personality? Understanding your Personality will help you identify your consistent behavior patterns. Every individual is different due to their unique blend of attributes. Personality assessment identifies what career options suit your style and match your personal attributes. Your Dominant Personality Traits Enthusiasm Extraversion Moral Conformity Locus of Control Resilience Integrity Moral Conformity Agreeableness Extraversion Team Work Decision Making Capacity Enterprising Intense Pursuit Enthusiasm Organizational Skills Perfectionism Perseverance Practical 0 3 6 9 Score 5 5 4 7 6 8 5 7 5 7 9 3 5 6 2 Your Personality
  • 7. Your Personality in Detail Locus of Control Resilience 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Locus of Control is the individual's perception of the power they have over events that happen in their lives. People with this trait believe that they have control over their own destiny and are convinced about their own skills Expert Analysis You feel that all your abilities, skills and reinforcement are dependent on your luck and external factors. You feel better when you get directive from others, as your decision-making may be low which makes you less of a leader and more of a follower. You are not very good in situations where initiative is to be taken and your dependency is high making you less independent in nature Development Plan You can improve your internal locus of control through following strategies -: Be assertive: You have to start speaking up your mind and take responsibility for your acts as blaming others would not work in life. Develop trust: After understanding your strengths, you have to start trusting yourself. Believe in whatever you do or perform. Strong level of trust in oneself makes a person confident and composed. Stop being judgmental: Stop judging all your actions and go easy on yourself. Demanding too much sometimes leads to drainage of strength and hence failures. Be relaxed and rejuvenate yourself: Sometimes too much of stress to excel leads to panic and then everything you work on gets spoiled. Take timeouts to start regaining confidence in yourself. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Resilience is the ability to pursue chosen path despite stress, high- risk status, challenges and hardships Expert Analysis Your responses indicate that though you have difficulty in stressful situations but sometimes you tend to handle it well. You may struggle in adapting to varied circumstances and sometimes may falter in sticking to your tasks or schedule. This makes you less productive in high stress situations and it becomes difficult for you to bounce back from setbacks or failures Development Plan You can improve your resilience by using the following strategies -: Learn to be more flexible. It is always better to embrace change and adapt as per the requirements. It helps in handling stress in a better manner and work more effectively. Be optimistic & do not lose hope. It is always better to be optimistic during hardships. A sense of optimism helps in dealing with difficult situations. Learn to tackle your problems step by step. Think of taking small steps while resolving problematic circumstances. Develop a strong social network. Being with people that are supportive and encouraging can be very helpful in facing hardships
  • 8. Your Personality in Detail Integrity Moral Conformity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Synonymous with honesty, principles, sincerity, scruples; integrity means being honest and living by universal principles of right and wrong Expert Analysis Your score indicates that on one hand you perceive set norms as important and on the other hand you sometimes don't give that much importance to it. You can compromise on your set standards and integrity. Personal gains may prove to be more important for you and you may be ready to compromise on your set rules and norms. You often face conflicts to decide between right and wrong Development Plan Think of working on following strategies to improve on your integrity levels: Right vs. Wrong Dilemma: You should learn how to develop the difference between right and wrong and how you can deal with conflicting situations. Place a rule book in your life: Start afresh with new norms in your life. Begin with simple tasks and complete them on set timelines and gradually move to the bigger tasks. Give importance to set rules and strictly follow those rules. Be aware of your decisions and recognize your mistakes and try to not repeat them in future. Accept ups & downs: You should have courage to accept your failures along with appreciations for the achievements regardless of the person providing the feedback. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Moral conformity implies standing by your principles & code of conduct rather than matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms so as to fit into the group Expert Analysis You can quickly analyze the demands and gravity of the situation and take appropriate decisions keeping in mind the principles of morality and interest of the society. Your decisions are based on fact and reasoning and not on emotions. Your decisions are not influenced by group pressure and you stand by your principles of right & wrong. You can easily withstand the group pressure if it goes against your notion of morality Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 9. Your Personality in Detail Agreeableness Extraversion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Agreeableness is the ability to sympathize with others, trust them and be warm, concerned and cooperative towards them Expert Analysis You are mostly optimistic about human nature. You believe that generally people are warm, considerate and cooperative. You are usually willing to help people who have helped you in the past, or people whom you consider good. You are willing to work with others and give full cooperation to the group. You do not want yourself to be engaged in conflict and try to maintain harmony with others most of the time Development Plan You can increase your agreeableness level by using following strategies: Try to see things from perspective of others: This will help you better understand the behavior of other people and also the reasons why they behave in certain ways. Also check on how you would have reacted in a similar situation. Accept that all people are different: Rather than competing with others and suspecting their intentions, it is better you understand that everyone is unique. This will help you to accept different viewpoints and also maintain social harmony. Different people different voices: Everyone has a point of view which needs to be respected. Listening to these voices will help you to sympathize with them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Extraversion is the ability to talk easily to others, assert viewpoints and prefer working in groups, rather than working alone Expert Analysis You take immense pleasure in social gatherings; enjoy spending time with people and dislike loneliness. You are energetic & have the ability to approach strangers with ease and can initiate conversation on a wide range of topics. You prefer working in groups rather than working alone. You eagerly share your opinions among group members and find it easy to assert yourself Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 10. Your Personality in Detail Team Work Decision Making Capacity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Team work implies including not only your views but also the views of others while working towards a common goal. It involves working collaboratively with people and maximizing the team output Expert Analysis You may find it difficult to work with others in a team. You face some difficulty in communicating your views with other members of your team. This interferes with your ability to work with a group of people, in order to achieve a goal. This also makes it difficult for you to establish and maintain new relations. You tend to ignore the views of others while making decisions most of the time Development Plan Your scores indicate that you need to put some effort to develop your ability to work collaboratively within a group of people in order to achieve a goal. You can do this by: Be an active listener: Developing listening skills will help you to understand others viewpoints, provide you with learning opportunities and will also minimize misunderstandings. Wherever warranted, you need to express your views to others. Add humor: Adding humor in your day-to-day dealings with others will help you to keep a sense of perspective and will also work as a great bonding tool. Group activity: You need to try and engage yourself in more group activities wherein coordination and cooperation with members of the team will help achieve the common objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Decision making capacity is the tendency to choose effectively from alternatives through reasoning and critical thinking Expert Analysis You have skills that enable you to take the decisions at the appropriate time. By anticipating future perspective, you are able to take decisions at the earliest possible. You evaluate the pros & cons of a situation and look for a logical approach towards decision making. High decision making capacity makes you capable to learn from the past difficulties and apply those learning in the future Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 11. Your Personality in Detail Enterprising Intense Pursuit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Enterprising is being assertive, confident, high on risk- taking capacity, and having the ability to persuade others Expert Analysis You do take initiative to perform tasks but you lack the assertiveness needed to put across your ideas and thinking. You are not much of a risk taker and enjoy being in the zone of comfort and safety. You like being a follower rather than a leader. This does not mean that you do not stand out in situations or groups; it just means that you prefer doing things the conventional way and hence the creative and novel aspect in problem solving is less Development Plan You can improve your enterprising skills through the following strategies: Be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses: No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. The most successful person is one who knows that the key to success is not in avoiding failures, but to learn from them. You should continue to improve yourself in every possible way. Being confident: Learning about any area/domain in detail helps you to become confident in that particular area. You can start by learning more about your hobby. Maintain a positive attitude: With a positive attitude, you are looking at the bright side of life. People are naturally attracted to you when you have a positive attitude. By being positive, you will lead a happier life, as well as be surrounded by other positive people. Being passionate: You need to be passionate about the work you do. Passion is contagious and it helps you in persuading others. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Synonymous with dedication, devotion & zeal; intense pursuit is having a clear intention, aim, interest, commitment and strong desire to pursue on a chosen path Expert Analysis You are very determined and have a strong will power. You are very passionate about what you choose, and tend to devote all your energy and time to it. Your pursuit of goals is full of unmatched commitment and zeal despite various ups and downs. This quality of being focused in achieving your goals helps you make constant efforts until you reach your goal. Your ability to be intensely absorbed in your pursuits enables you to keep trying and making continued efforts until your goal is achieved Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 12. Your Personality in Detail Enthusiasm Organizational Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Synonymous with vitality, spiritedness & vigor, enthusiasm is having abundant or intense energy and curiosity to gather knowledge Expert Analysis You are full of excitement, optimism, curiosity & cheerfulness. You face challenges with a sense of enthusiasm that is contagious. Your inquisitiveness is endless; you continuously ask questions & persistently seek their answers. You are constantly seeking new experiences in order to grow & learn. People often seek your company, as you energize them with your presence and cheerful disposition. You are full of energy & vigor, which allows you to perform multiple tasks in the shortest possible time span Development Plan You have scored well in this trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Organization skill is the ability and style of an individual to structure plan and meet their goals in a systematic manner Expert Analysis Your tendency to not work in a systematic and coordinated way puts a lot of stress on you when it comes to achieving tasks in a specific period of time. You are unable to utilize your time, energy, and resources, in an effective manner and therefore not able to meet your goals at times Development Plan You can improve your organization skills by using the following strategies -: Set specific & realistic goals. This will help you in being more systematic and efficient, which will enable you to achieve set tasks. Prioritize your work. Learn to understand the difference between tasks that are highly important and need to be done immediately and the tasks that can be done later. This will help you do your work on time and not be stressed. Set proper timelines. When you start a task, set a realistic timeline for the completion of your task. This will make you more systematic and help you to be more structured in doing your task
  • 13. Your Personality in Detail Perfectionism Perseverance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Perfectionism is the desire to strive for flawlessness and set high standards of excellence Expert Analysis Your score stands for an average desire to strive for high standards of excellence. This indicates that you sometimes complete tasks without giving much attention to minute details. You usually don't look for faults or shortcomings in your own actions as well as that of others and accept them with ease. Due to this, you compromise on the standards of excellence. You don't feel the sense of responsibility while working on a task. Due to this, the quality of your work may suffer at times Development Plan You need to develop a sense of high standards of excellence. You can do this by-: Detailing: Break down a task into smaller steps and pay attention to minute details in every step. You can reward yourself for successfully completing every step with perfection. Evaluate your performance: Be honest while evaluating your performance and work on the areas wherein improvement seems necessary. Set high standards: You should make an attempt to set high standards of excellence for yourself. This will motivate you to work hard and ultimately perform better 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Perseverance is the determination of an individual to complete a task, irrespective of the obstacles Expert Analysis You remain persistent on a task although it may be surrounded with difficulties. You do not take failures as the end but believe in working towards the goal, on most occasions. You remain hopeful in tough circumstances and do not give up most of the time. You frequently show self-confidence in your ability to deal with failures and work towards the completion of the task Development Plan You can improve your perseverance levels by using the following strategies: Strengthen the belief that nothing is impossible. Everything is possible if you make constructive efforts to achieve it. Running away from problems is not a solution. Facing them and dealing with them will help you find a solution. Learn from Failures. Learning from failures rather than just getting emotionally driven will help build perseverance. A clear focus on the goal and ability to continue the pursuit should lead to success. Create alternatives. Try and use unconventional problem solving approach, whenever faced with dynamic situations and new complexities.
  • 14. Your Personality in Detail Practical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Synonymous with pragmatic, real & hands-on; practical is being more concerned with practice than theory Expert Analysis You tend to overlook the realistic side of theory and rely more on bookish knowledge. You are unable to develop a relationship between what is real and what is theoretical. Your judgments tend to be affected by the theories you may have studied rather than experience. You are more inclined towards conventional ideas and resist making contemporary changes Development Plan You can improve your tendency of being more concerned with theory rather than with practice by following certain strategies such as –: Try it out - Hands on experience will help you in testing of assumptions and your own belief. Visualize reality - Try to visualize the practical aspects of theories in day to day situations. Challenge the status quo – Don’t go by pre-set standards or assumptions. Try to challenge the existing way of doing things. Functional Connect - Develop a functional connect between theory and its practice so as to have a more realistic understanding.
  • 15. Your Aptitude What is Aptitude? Understanding your Aptitude will help you explore your innate strengths. Every individual has a unique area of expertise and their own forte. Aptitude assessment predicts what is your innate ability and potential and helps you find career options that are in sync with your aptitude. Your Dominant Aptitude Strengths Creative Language Usage Numerical Abstract Verbal Logical Reasoning Creative Spatial Language Usage Numerical Info Tech Mechanical Perceptual 0 3 6 9 Score 8 7 6 9 7 9 8 8 8 8 Your Aptitude
  • 16. Your Aptitude in Detail Abstract Verbal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to work with new concepts, abstract ideas & recognizing patterns and similarities Expert Analysis Your score indicates that you are skilled at working with new concepts, abstract ideas and recognizing patterns and similarities between them. High abstract aptitude enables you to analyze and understand non-verbal or visual information. It also means that you are able to easily recognize the similarities and differences between ideas, or concepts which are not necessarily related Development Plan You have scored well in this trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to comprehend words and sentences and deduce meaningful relationship from them Expert Analysis You are proficient at verbal skills such as correct usage of words, grammar, word meanings, and understanding word relationships. You are usually good at finding the right words to explain ideas and are able to interpret written and spoken instructions. You are also able to absorb communication without losing concentration or becoming confused or left behind. You can learn or extract new information quite fast Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 17. Your Aptitude in Detail Logical Reasoning Creative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to identify and isolate components of an argument to arrive at a complete inference and reach a conclusion Expert Analysis You have an average ability to apply logical reasoning to solve problems. At times you find it hard to detect the stronger arguments from the weaker ones. At times when you cannot find logical reason to support your stand, you may lean on emotional reasoning or rely on instincts Development Plan You can develop logical reasoning by practicing following strategies: Play mind games: You should try playing mind games such as chess, Sudoku, word games and other mystery games and puzzles that are easily available online. This will give you an understanding of the patterns and their individual elements and will help you in developing logical reasoning. Practice & Perform non-routine tasks: You should regularly practice open-mindedness and must make conscious attempt to figure out relationships among related or unrelated stimuli. Read books on logical reasoning and improve your skills by practicing a wide range of problem types. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to develop novel and diverse ideas and solutions for a given problem Expert Analysis Your scores reveal that you have high capacity to develop new and diverse ideas and solutions for a given problem. You are able to look at the creative side of things more often than others. You like to have a fresh perspective to things and hence, try to innovate most of the times. You do not believe in going strictly by the rules and like to have alternatives wherever possible Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 18. Your Aptitude in Detail Spatial Language Usage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to manipulate shapes in two dimensions or to visualize three- dimensional objects presented as two-dimensional pictures Expert Analysis You are skilled at mentally visualizing and manipulating objects in three-dimensional space. You are able to effectively visualize and mentally rotate objects presented to you in two-dimension. This means you can easily rotate an image or object in your mind without actually turning or rotating them. This enables you to mentally re- arrange objects even without physically touching them Development Plan You have scored well in this trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to understand and use words along with the grammatical rules and structures to produce meaningful- novel sentences Expert Analysis You have a high capacity to understand and use words along with the grammatical rules and structures to produce meaningful and complex sentences. You have a high ability to detect errors in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization and are able to formulate diverse combinations of words and sentences Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 19. Your Aptitude in Detail Numerical Info Tech 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to quickly grasp mathematical functions and to use them to analyze and solve mathematical problems Expert Analysis You are skilled at making use of numbers and numerical operations rapidly and accurately. You have the capacity to quickly grasp mathematical functions and to use them to analyze and solve mathematical problems with high accuracy Development Plan You have scored well in this trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to grasp and use principles and concepts of technology and computer programs to solve problems Expert Analysis You have a very good understanding of the principles and concepts of technology. Your responses indicate that you have high awareness about the basic computer programs and its applications. You are quite comfortable when it comes to dealing with computer software. Your awareness about latest technologies and software is also very high. You are extremely comfortable when it comes to learning about the working of new gadgets or software Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 20. Your Aptitude in Detail Mechanical Perceptual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to grasp and use mechanical concepts and principles to so solve problems Expert Analysis You have a natural understanding of forces and dynamics. You have good knowledge and understanding of mechanical and other physical principles. You are very perceptive of basic mechanical principles, simple machines, tools, electrical, and automotive facts. You are analytical and receptive as you can see a number of forces and factors operating within a problem at any given time Development Plan You have scored well in this trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to accurately and quickly compare similarities and differences among sets of pictures, patterns, objects, letters or numbers. Expert Analysis You are quite capable of working with rapid speed and accuracy in tasks which do not necessarily require high intellectual activity. You take less time to respond to external stimuli of varied nature like pictures, patterns and objects. You can swiftly perceive a whole stimulus when parts of it are missing. You are effective where a quick and precise decision is required Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 21. Your Emotional Quotient What is Emotional Quotient? Understanding your Emotional Intelligence will help you understand your effectiveness in social situations. Emotional Intelligence assessment identifies how well do you recognize and handle your own emotions and interpersonal relationships. Your Dominant Emotional Quotient Strengths Empathy Conflict Management Conflict Management Empathy Pro Social Behavior Emotional Regulation Emotional Self Awareness Emotional Self Efficacy Motivation 0 3 6 9 Score 9 9 7 4 9 8 8 Your Emotional Quotient
  • 22. Your Emotional Quotient in Detail Conflict Management Empathy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Ability to resolve conflicts through negotiations Expert Analysis You strongly believe that great results can be achieved by mutual consent of the parties involved. You are very good at understanding your own need and that of the others involved in the conflict. You are a good listener, and listen to both sides before resolving their differences and aligning their interests. Your ability to pay attention to the non- verbal behavior makes you an effective listener. You are confident of maintaining your emotional composure in stressful situations. This allows you to bring humor into the conflict resolution process, whenever things start to get difficult. You have a readiness to forgive, compromise and move on and this allows you to focus on mutual benefits of the parties involved. You are known for your integrity, which make you a trustworthy person Development Plan You have scored well in this trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Perceiving and being aware about emotions of others, including being sensitive to a diverse population Expert Analysis You have a high ability to understand and identify with the feelings of others. You are highly sensitive to understanding the emotions shared by others and in helping them resolve those emotions. You are a good listener and adept at understanding non- verbal cues. As a result, you can easily understand both pain and joy of others. You can intuitively sense what the other person is going through. One important reason for this is that you have high awareness of your own emotional experiences. You show a deep insight into other person's problems and have the ability to "walk in their shoes". You also have the skill to communicate in an objectively explicit manner to express your understanding of the other person's problem. Your deep compassion for those you come across makes you a great friend to have Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 23. Your Emotional Quotient in Detail Pro Social Behavior Emotional Regulation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Having the motivation to help others without any personal gain Expert Analysis You are highly motivated to help others in ways that will benefit them, without any personal gains or immediate benefit to yourself. The help that you give to others may be trivial like picking up someone's dropped pen or donating for social causes, or extraordinary behaviour like volunteering to rescue stranded people. You rush to help others in need and sometimes tend to ignore the danger to yourself in your desire to help those in distress. If you notice any situation that you consider to be an emergency, you feel compelled to offer your help. This high need to help others in need also indicates a higher than average ability to empathize with others. Your score also indicates a high interpersonal trust and high degree of social responsibility Development Plan You have scored well in this trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Managing one's constructive as well as destructive emotions well. Ability to manage stress, anger and anxiety Expert Analysis Your score indicates that you may find it hard to manage your emotions. If the pressure is high, it may interfere in your ability to give your best. You also have difficulty asserting yourself, and there are situations in which you find you are being taken advantage off. If a performance in a particular situation is too important for your future, you may find the anxiety unmanageable. Your inability to manage your emotions may also cause problems in some of your interpersonal relationships. When faced with a setback or a failure you may find it hard to deal with it Development Plan You can improve emotional regulation by following strategies. Reappraisal: This involves reinterpreting the meaning of an event so as to alter the emotional impact. For example, this might involve reinterpreting an event by broadening one’s perspective and looking “at the bigger picture.” Distancing: This involves that you that you don’t evaluate situations according to your emotions Humor: You can also make use of humor to effectively manage emotions
  • 24. Your Emotional Quotient in Detail Emotional Self Awareness Emotional Self Efficacy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Being aware of and recognize one's own emotions Expert Analysis You understand and recognize your own emotions very well. You are able to understand the feelings associated with the emotions that you experience, and also understand what you think and do as a result of those feelings. This quality of high emotional self-awareness helps you understand the reasons for your actions, because it is these emotions that actually drive your behavior. This gives you greater control over the decisions you make. You are not carried away by your negative emotions. You have the ability to deal with the potentially destructive emotions quickly and prevent them from harming you or others Development Plan You have scored well in this trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Belief in one's capability to understand and deal with one's emotions Expert Analysis You have a strong belief in your potential to understand and deal with your own emotions. Your perceived capacity to deal with negative emotions is high. Also, you strongly believe in your ability to understand and regulate your emotions. You believe that you have control over your emotions. This enables you to manage them internally by solving problems in difficult situations, without being affected by them. You also take ownership of your emotions and clearly understand that they reflect your personal and subjective experience Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 25. Your Emotional Quotient in Detail Motivation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning Having achievement drive, optimism, and being committed to one's values, needs and goals Expert Analysis You find it easy to set goals and achieve them. You can easily initiate and sustain a task you find important and meaningful. You face challenges & think positively in the direction of overcoming them. You are flexible in your approach and as a result you are able to achieve most of your goals. You have a wide range of strategies to lift your morale when you are feeling low. When a problem seems overpowering, you see it as a challenge, which allows you to come up with a right strategy to solve that particular problem. You are also able of focus on the task and avoid all distractions which are a hindrance to the goals you are seeking Development Plan You have scored well in this trait
  • 26. Your Dominant Style Your Dominant Interests Your Dominant Personality Your Dominant Aptitude Your Dominant Emotional Quotient Creative Orientation People Orientation Commerce & Management Entrepreneurship Design Education Training & Social Services Marketing Enthusiasm Extraversion Moral Conformity Creative Language Usage Numerical Empathy Conflict Management
  • 27. Career Match with Animation & Graphics Animation and graphics is the combination of art with technology to produce movies, websites, digital content, video games etc. This domain requires having basic knowledge of fine arts along with ability to use computers and technology for creating digital special effects, producing 2D and 3D programs, creating graphics for websites, logos, illustrations etc. UI/UX designers are at the helm of this work. This can be an ideal job for people who have a creative bent of mind and are also tech savvy. Along with the right education in the field, one should have an attitude and passion to excel in animation graphics. Bachelor's degree in graphic designing, graphic arts or visual communication is available in various universities and institutes. One can also pursue bachelors in fine arts and then apply for a certificate or diploma course in animation. If one's interest lies in UI/UX design, then computer science is an important subject for them. Job opportunities are available in Top Design Firms, Adverstising Agencies, MNCs, Website and App Development Agencies, Electronic Industry, Entertainment Industry amongst others. Trending Field: Character Animator, UI/ UX Designers, Graphic Designers Animation & Graphics Style Interest Aptitude Personality EQ 0 20 40 60 80 100 Score Your Match with Animation & Graphics
  • 28. Career Match with Management A career in Management makes students familiar with knowledge of business, trade, management techniques, industry, basics of economics, fiscal policies, industrial policies, share market, stock markets, etc. Management studies teaches one how to manage a business professionally. With increasing competition in the field, huge number of colleges providing management related courses have mushroomed across the country offering traditional specializations such as Finance, Marketing, Sales, Operations and Human Resources to the trending specializations like Health Care Management, Sports Management, Rural Management, Fashion Management etc. Students who are keen to take up management as a career option after class 12th can opt for BBA, BBS or BBM for developing a sound base in the field of management education. After graduation, one may opt for an MBA degree in a specialized field. Management is a career option which can also be pursued after almost any graduation degree such as Law, Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences among others. Management is one of the most sought after careers because of the lucrative salaries and good future prospects it offers; especially if one graduates from the leading management colleges. Trending Fields: Sports Management, Health Care Management, Operations Management, Human Resource Management, Finance Management Management Style Interest Aptitude Personality EQ 0 20 40 60 80 100 Score Your Match with Management
  • 29. Career Match with Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs are leaders willing to take risk and exercise initiative. They look to take advantage of market opportunities often by innovating or improving existing products & services. Developed countries are moving from 'managerial' to 'entrepreneurial' economies. India, as an emerging economy, is ensuring that entrepreneurship is embraced as a career choice for the young. The ecosystem for Entrepreneurship commonly known as Start-Ups is at its brightest. While no specific education or training is required to start a business venture of your own, the odds of success increase exponentially when entrepreneurs have a solid education background. With the popularity of entrepreneurship rising, many universities/ institutes offer programs to groom budding entrepreneurs. These programs are available both at undergraduate (BBS, BBA) and post graduate levels (MBA). Most top business schools also provide courses for entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are job creators rather than job seekers. They create products and services. Other than the path of owning one's own business, participating in a family business or starting a partnered venture, entrepreneurs also take up roles in the field of business consulting, sales, research and development, not-for-profit management, and mid-level management. Trending Fields: E-Commerce, M-Commerce, EduTech, FinTech, Healthcare Entrepreneurship Style Interest Aptitude Personality EQ 0 20 40 60 80 100 Score Your Match with Entrepreneurship
  • 30. Career Match with Education & Training A career in Education and training is considered a noble one in India as well as across the globe. Educators pass on accumulated knowledge to the new generation shaping the future of the country. Educators requires a perfect blend of essential attributes like patience, confidence, liking for and an understanding of children/ students. Education & training is such a broad domain that different skills and type of trainings are required for different levels. Areas of specialization include teaching at nursery schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, universities, institutes, special schools etc. The demand for qualified educators is on rise and this trend is not likely to change anytime in the near future. Whether you're interested in working as a professor or elementary school teacher, a special educator instructor or corporate trainer you're sure to find a career in education extremely rewarding. For different levels, a different set of qualification is required ranging from nursery which requires a higher secondary degree (10+2 examination) along with B.Ed. to university level, where one requires at least a masters degree with NET qualification certificate. For aspirants planning to enter the domain of training they need to gain relevant expertise and experience. All top Schools and Colleges both in the private and public sector are constantly on the lookout for good talent in the field of education & training and are thus amongst the top recruiters. Training organizations and corporates are also on constant lookout for qualified trainers and experts. Education & Training Style Interest Aptitude Personality EQ 0 20 40 60 80 100 Score Your Match with Education & Training
  • 31. Career Match with Design Career in design is for people who have a creative outlook and are able to form innovative connections between colors, shape, materials and textures. Designers are required in nearly every field whether in designing cars, clothes, buildings, products, logos, theatre sets, merchandise sets, landscapes etc. While most indulge in computer-aided designs, a basic fine art is also intrinsic to designing. Design has wide variety of sub fields including graphic designing, fashion designing, interior designing, web designing, set designing, industrial designing, visual merchandise designing etc. Each of these categories requires a domain specialization. One can select their area of specialization on the basis of their interest, skill and aptitude. Most institutes have an entrance exam for admission and competition for the premier institutes like NID and NIFT is quite high. In order to build a career in design one should have a bachelor's or master's degree in the particular field. Designers can find jobs in Fashion Houses, Media Houses, Automobile Industry, Technology Firms, Web Designing Firms etc. A lot of designers also pursue their career as a Freelancer. Trending Field: Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Animation & Graphics Design Style Interest Aptitude Personality EQ 0 20 40 60 80 100 Score Your Match with Design
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