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Teamwork = successful business
The owner of the Charlotte Hornets basketball team, George Shinn said
“There is no such thing as a self-made man (or woman). You will reach your goals
only with the help of others.”
Only individual forces combine, can you achieve greater results,
which were never possible on your own.
Teamwork plays a crucial role in any organization. When employees with common
interests, goals, ambitions, and attitudes come together, a team is formed. This
team then strives to put in the best effort to solve problems.
Each member of the team must put in equal efforts and achieve
the goals set by the organization.
Every team member must be focused on a collective goal.
“A team is a group of people who go out of their way to make each other look good.”
Robert Farrell
“A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed
to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually
Katzenbach and Smith
Training module - Teamwork_EN.NEWWWW.docx
Team Building involves the formation of groups to achieve goals. Teamwork
Is the union of team members individual skills to achieve a common
Problem Solving - Teamwork aims to achieve thorough problem solving.
Encourage Cooperation - Working in a team requires people to work towards
a common goal. Teamwork’s objective is to help employees learn skills like
patience, trusting each other, listening and trying to find common ground.
Improve Team Productivity - There can be many tasks which are too complex
or time-consuming to be undertaken by a single employee.
About 75% of employers rate teamwork and collaboration plays one important role.
Employees understand the value of teamwork. This is why 97% of employees and
executives believe lack of alignment within a team impacts the outcome.
Together Everyone Achieves More
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You must be a good team player. Together Everyone Achieves More
1. Clear vision or purpose – A vision is a clear, concise statement of purpose that
engenders involvement and commitment; provides a pulling force that can impel a
team toward a new realization of its possibilities, and appeals to people’s motivations.
2. Shared commitment – If each member is motivated to work for the vision, each
works to his/her full potential to see that the group achieves success.
3. Clear roles and responsibilities – Each team member knows what to do and
knows the roles of other members and how they all interact to form the whole.
4. Trust – With clear commitment and roles, each person can rely on the others;
Enables you to face challenges and support others.
5. Mutual accountability – The collective responsibility of the team toward
generating results and achieving success; performance of the team improves with
mutual support and cohesion.
6. Celebrate individual and team success— Team success is valued in theory and in
Forming: a group of people together to accomplish a shared purpose; the
initial success will depend on their familiarity with each other's work style,
their experience on prior teams, and the clarity of their assigned mission.
Storming: disagreement about mission, vision, and ways to approach the
problem or assignment are constant at this stage; members are still getting to
know each other, learning to work with each other, and growing familiar with
the interaction and communication of group members.
Norming: the team has consciously or unconsciously formed working
relationships that are enabling progress on the team’s objectives; the
members have consciously or unconsciously agreed to abide by certain group
norms, and they are becoming functional at working together.
Performing: relationships, team processes, and the team’s effectiveness in
working on its objectives are syncing to bring about a successfully functioning
Adjourning: the team has completed its mission or purpose and it is time for
team members to pursue other goals or projects.
“Ignoring one of these dimensions means failing to achieve the
potential of team performance.”
1. Clear Expectations for the Team – Can you accomplish?
2. The Context for the Team – do you understand what is participating in the team?
3. Team Commitment – You must be prepared to make decisions?
4. Competence of the Team – Do you proactively try to find resources, strategies, and support
needed to accomplish its mission?
5. Charter of the Team – Do you accomplish the mission, vision, strategies and goals?
6. Team Control – Do you clearly understand your boundaries?
7. Team Collaboration – Are you capable of…?
8. Team Communication – Have you good communication skills?
9. Creative Innovation –Are you able to do that?
10. Team Consequences – Do you feel responsible and accountable for team achievements?
11. Coordination of the Team – Do you contribute for a coordinated team?
12. Team Culture Change – Are you able to contribute to a collaborative, empowering, enabling
the organizational culture of one organization?
10. “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each
member is the team” -- Phil Jackson

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Training module - Teamwork_EN.NEWWWW.docx

  • 2. Teamwork = successful business The owner of the Charlotte Hornets basketball team, George Shinn said “There is no such thing as a self-made man (or woman). You will reach your goals only with the help of others.” Only individual forces combine, can you achieve greater results, which were never possible on your own.
  • 3. WHY DO COMPANIES USE TEAMS?! Teamwork plays a crucial role in any organization. When employees with common interests, goals, ambitions, and attitudes come together, a team is formed. This team then strives to put in the best effort to solve problems. Each member of the team must put in equal efforts and achieve the goals set by the organization. Every team member must be focused on a collective goal.
  • 4. DEFINITIONS - TEAMS “A team is a group of people who go out of their way to make each other look good.” Robert Farrell “A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable.” Katzenbach and Smith
  • 6. TEAMWORK AND TEAM BUILDING - FORM VERSUS FUNCTION Team Building involves the formation of groups to achieve goals. Teamwork Is the union of team members individual skills to achieve a common goal.
  • 7. OBJECTIVES OF TEAMWORK – Purpose of a Team Problem Solving - Teamwork aims to achieve thorough problem solving. Encourage Cooperation - Working in a team requires people to work towards a common goal. Teamwork’s objective is to help employees learn skills like patience, trusting each other, listening and trying to find common ground. Improve Team Productivity - There can be many tasks which are too complex or time-consuming to be undertaken by a single employee. About 75% of employers rate teamwork and collaboration plays one important role. Employees understand the value of teamwork. This is why 97% of employees and executives believe lack of alignment within a team impacts the outcome.
  • 8. Together Everyone Achieves More Loading Video... You must be a good team player. Together Everyone Achieves More
  • 9. CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE TEAMS 1. Clear vision or purpose – A vision is a clear, concise statement of purpose that engenders involvement and commitment; provides a pulling force that can impel a team toward a new realization of its possibilities, and appeals to people’s motivations. 2. Shared commitment – If each member is motivated to work for the vision, each works to his/her full potential to see that the group achieves success. 3. Clear roles and responsibilities – Each team member knows what to do and knows the roles of other members and how they all interact to form the whole. 4. Trust – With clear commitment and roles, each person can rely on the others; Enables you to face challenges and support others. 5. Mutual accountability – The collective responsibility of the team toward generating results and achieving success; performance of the team improves with mutual support and cohesion. 6. Celebrate individual and team success— Team success is valued in theory and in practice.
  • 11. TEAM FORMATION: FORM, STORM, NORM, PERFORM Forming: a group of people together to accomplish a shared purpose; the initial success will depend on their familiarity with each other's work style, their experience on prior teams, and the clarity of their assigned mission. Storming: disagreement about mission, vision, and ways to approach the problem or assignment are constant at this stage; members are still getting to know each other, learning to work with each other, and growing familiar with the interaction and communication of group members. Norming: the team has consciously or unconsciously formed working relationships that are enabling progress on the team’s objectives; the members have consciously or unconsciously agreed to abide by certain group norms, and they are becoming functional at working together. Performing: relationships, team processes, and the team’s effectiveness in working on its objectives are syncing to bring about a successfully functioning
  • 12. Adjourning: the team has completed its mission or purpose and it is time for team members to pursue other goals or projects. “Ignoring one of these dimensions means failing to achieve the potential of team performance.”
  • 13. TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK 1. Clear Expectations for the Team – Can you accomplish? 2. The Context for the Team – do you understand what is participating in the team? 3. Team Commitment – You must be prepared to make decisions? 4. Competence of the Team – Do you proactively try to find resources, strategies, and support needed to accomplish its mission? 5. Charter of the Team – Do you accomplish the mission, vision, strategies and goals? 6. Team Control – Do you clearly understand your boundaries? 7. Team Collaboration – Are you capable of…? 8. Team Communication – Have you good communication skills? 9. Creative Innovation –Are you able to do that? 10. Team Consequences – Do you feel responsible and accountable for team achievements? 11. Coordination of the Team – Do you contribute for a coordinated team? 12. Team Culture Change – Are you able to contribute to a collaborative, empowering, enabling the organizational culture of one organization?
  • 14. 10. “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team” -- Phil Jackson