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Introduction to Team Building
• Team Building refers to
the process of establishing
and developing a greater
sense of collaboration &
trust between team
• Or put another way
The Real Meaning of:
Everyone More
• “Teamwork is the ability to
work together towards a
common vision. The
ability to direct individual
accomplishments toward
organizational objectives.
It is the fuel that allows
common people to attain
uncommon results.”
Andrew Carnegie
Tips to Building & Managing a Team
• A Manager’s role has become
extremely challenging since
organisations have expanded
their scope across various
• Today’s managers are faced
with team members that may be
from multiple locations, from
different cultures and have
different backgrounds than their
The Seven Practices at the Heart of Building a First-Rate
1. Get the best on board
2. Align tasks to skills &
3. Strike the right balance
4. Manage the team mix
5. Give the credit & take the blame
6. Be hard on tasks and soft on
7. Communicate constantly and
review performance
Building a good team is extremely challenging & rewarding at the
same time.
 Be true to the team’s vision (which
will give the team purpose &
 Give people space to operate &
develop as leaders (this will give
the team the ability to deliver )
 Remain intellectually sharp as a
team (this will keep the team young
and vibrant)
Ways to Encourage Teamwork
Share a vision Communicate Be the Leader Avoid Micromanaging
Focus on the
big picture
Define roles
Set goals
Share Information
Establish Trust
Be Patient
Praise the Team
Be Enthusiastic
Have Fun
Ease Up
Characteristics of a Team
 There must be an awareness of
unity on the part of all its
 There must be interpersonal
 Members must have a chance to
contribute, learn from & work with
 The members must have the ability
to act together toward a common
Ten Characteristics of Well-Functioning Teams
1. Purpose: Members proudly share a
sense of WHY the team exists and are
invested in accomplishing its mission &
2. Priorities: Members know what needs to
be done next, by whom, and by when to
achieve team goals.
3. Roles: Members know their roles in
getting tasks done and when to allow a
more skilful member to do a certain task.
4. Decisions: Authority & decision-
making lines are clearly understood.
5. Conflict: Conflict is dealt with openly
and is considered important to decision-
making and personal growth.
Ten Characteristics of Well-Functioning Teams
6. Personal Traits: Members feel their
unique personalities are appreciated
and well utilised.
7. Norms: Group norms for working
together are set & seen as standards
for everyone in the group.
8. Effectiveness: Members find team
meetings EFFICIENT &
PRODUCTIVE & look forward to
this time together.
9. Success: Members know clearly when
the team has met with success and share
in this equally and proudly.
6. Training: Opportunities for feed back
and updating skills are provided and taken
advantage of by team members.
Guidelines for Effective Team Membership
 Contribute Ideas and Solutions
 Recognise and Respect Differences
in others
 Value the ideas and contributions of
 Listen & Share information
 Ask questions and get clarification
 Participate fully and keep your
 Be flexible and respect the partnership
created by a team – strive for the
 Have fun and care about the
team and outcomes
Characteristics of a High-Performance Team
• Participative Leadership – Creating an
interdependence by empowering, Freeing
Up & Serving Others
• Shared Responsibility: Establishing an
environment in which all team members feel
responsibilities as the Manager for the
performance of the team
• Aligned on Purpose – Having a sense of
common purpose about why the team exists
and the function it serves
• High Communication – Creating a climate
of trust and open, honest communication• Future Focused – Seeing change as an
opportunity for growth
• Focused on Task – Keeping meetings and
interactions focused on results
• Creative Talents – Applying individuals
talent and creativity
• Rapid Response – Identifying and acting
on opportunities
• Mission or Purpose (why we exist)
• Vision (what we are trying to accomplish)
• Strategy (How we are going to do it)
• Long-Term Goals (what our priorities are)
• Operating Plans
• Tactics
• Short-Term Objectives
•Overlaps •Interdependencies
•Skill Sets
of team leader
and member
Building Bridges
“The greatest genius will not
be worth much if he pretends
to draw exclusively on his
own resources.”
Building Bridges
 Could the company survive without the
team members cooperating with each
 Can you do your job without the support
of other Business Groups?

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Introduction to Team Building

  • 1. Introduction to Team Building • Team Building refers to the process of establishing and developing a greater sense of collaboration & trust between team members. • Or put another way BUILDING BRDIGES
  • 2. The Real Meaning of: Achieves Together Everyone More
  • 3. • “Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” Andrew Carnegie
  • 4. Tips to Building & Managing a Team • A Manager’s role has become extremely challenging since organisations have expanded their scope across various demographics. • Today’s managers are faced with team members that may be from multiple locations, from different cultures and have different backgrounds than their own.
  • 5. The Seven Practices at the Heart of Building a First-Rate Team 1. Get the best on board 2. Align tasks to skills & motivation 3. Strike the right balance 4. Manage the team mix 5. Give the credit & take the blame 6. Be hard on tasks and soft on people 7. Communicate constantly and review performance
  • 6. Building a good team is extremely challenging & rewarding at the same time.  Be true to the team’s vision (which will give the team purpose & direction)  Give people space to operate & develop as leaders (this will give the team the ability to deliver )  Remain intellectually sharp as a team (this will keep the team young and vibrant)
  • 7. Ways to Encourage Teamwork Share a vision Communicate Be the Leader Avoid Micromanaging Focus on the big picture Define roles Set goals Share Information Establish Trust Listen Be Patient Provide Encouragement Praise the Team Be Enthusiastic Have Fun Ease Up Delegate
  • 8. Characteristics of a Team  There must be an awareness of unity on the part of all its members.  There must be interpersonal relationships.  Members must have a chance to contribute, learn from & work with others.  The members must have the ability to act together toward a common goal
  • 9. Ten Characteristics of Well-Functioning Teams 1. Purpose: Members proudly share a sense of WHY the team exists and are invested in accomplishing its mission & goals. 2. Priorities: Members know what needs to be done next, by whom, and by when to achieve team goals. 3. Roles: Members know their roles in getting tasks done and when to allow a more skilful member to do a certain task. 4. Decisions: Authority & decision- making lines are clearly understood. 5. Conflict: Conflict is dealt with openly and is considered important to decision- making and personal growth.
  • 10. Ten Characteristics of Well-Functioning Teams 6. Personal Traits: Members feel their unique personalities are appreciated and well utilised. 7. Norms: Group norms for working together are set & seen as standards for everyone in the group. 8. Effectiveness: Members find team meetings EFFICIENT & PRODUCTIVE & look forward to this time together. 9. Success: Members know clearly when the team has met with success and share in this equally and proudly. 6. Training: Opportunities for feed back and updating skills are provided and taken advantage of by team members.
  • 11. Guidelines for Effective Team Membership  Contribute Ideas and Solutions  Recognise and Respect Differences in others  Value the ideas and contributions of others  Listen & Share information  Ask questions and get clarification  Participate fully and keep your commitments  Be flexible and respect the partnership created by a team – strive for the “Win-Win”  Have fun and care about the team and outcomes
  • 12. Characteristics of a High-Performance Team • Participative Leadership – Creating an interdependence by empowering, Freeing Up & Serving Others • Shared Responsibility: Establishing an environment in which all team members feel responsibilities as the Manager for the performance of the team • Aligned on Purpose – Having a sense of common purpose about why the team exists and the function it serves • High Communication – Creating a climate of trust and open, honest communication• Future Focused – Seeing change as an opportunity for growth • Focused on Task – Keeping meetings and interactions focused on results • Creative Talents – Applying individuals talent and creativity • Rapid Response – Identifying and acting on opportunities
  • 13. Goals • Mission or Purpose (why we exist) • Vision (what we are trying to accomplish) • Strategy (How we are going to do it) • Long-Term Goals (what our priorities are) • Operating Plans • Tactics • Short-Term Objectives
  • 14. WHY WE NEED TO BUILD BRIDGES •Responsibilities •Commitments •Overlaps •Interdependencies •Skill Sets •Expectations of team leader and member roles
  • 15. Building Bridges “The greatest genius will not be worth much if he pretends to draw exclusively on his own resources.”
  • 16. Building Bridges  Could the company survive without the team members cooperating with each other?  Can you do your job without the support of other Business Groups?