The document discusses using Storybook to develop a new system. It begins with an introduction and agenda, then describes Storybook and how it can be used to develop UI components separately from pages. It explains how to install Storybook, including for Nuxt.js projects. Methods for Storybook-driven development are presented, such as creating screen designs and specifications in Markdown. Benefits include parallel documentation creation and API mocking. In summary, Storybook may help reduce overall development costs while improving component management.
- The document discusses recommendations for effectively participating in programming study sessions.
- It suggests taking active notes during sessions to transform passive learning into active learning. This includes researching unclear terms and writing blog posts to teach others.
- Hands-on sessions are recommended over just observing, to directly experience the material. Presenting at meetups is also suggested for teaching others.
- More advanced study sessions should be chosen as skills increase, such as those with famous speakers or long presentation times for in-depth topics.
This document provides information about an online event hosted by Toranoana Inc. It details the schedule, speakers, and topics for an LT (learning and teaching) conference about improving efficiency. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and provide comments or feedback through the YouTube comments or with the hashtag #とらラボ3 on Twitter. Technical issues like videos stopping or low audio are addressed, and participants are thanked for their attendance.
This document summarizes a presentation about GCP operations learned from Fantia. It discusses trends in the number and categories of Fantia fan clubs over the past 5 years. It also outlines GCP features used like Instance Groups, CloudArmor, and CloudDNS. Instance Group issues and how CloudArmor's preview and rule settings help security are covered. The benefits of services like AWS Aurora are briefly mentioned.
The document discusses two Rust-based full-text search engines: Tantivy and Bayard. It describes trying out Tantivy using its CLI tool to index 1000 Wikipedia articles and perform searches. It then discusses Bayard's features like supporting Japanese text, REST API, and clustering. The author shares their experience setting up Bayard with Docker to index and search Japanese sample data.
This document summarizes a presentation about building a serverless app using Vue3 and Firebase. The presentation introduces Vue3 and its new features like Composition API. It also introduces Firebase and the services used - Authentication, Cloud Firestore, Hosting, and Functions. The presentation then explains why the app was built - to reduce Safari tabs and easily search bookmarked sites. It provides an overview of the app's architecture and functionality, and demonstrates how to use the app, including logging in, bookmarking URLs, searching bookmarks, and pinning bookmarks. It concludes that Vue3 and a serverless structure make building such an app simple.
The document discusses implementing full-text search on Cloud Firestore by indexing document text using kuromojin for tokenization. It describes collecting page content using Playwright, tokenizing titles and text with kuromojin, and storing tokens as a search index in a separate Firestore collection. The process retrieves matching document IDs from the index to display search results without an external search service.
Jean-Roche Maitre and Joris TIrado discuss the basics of coding a Monster app, which will track all new call events happening on a Kazoo Account. The goal is to see the events in our app as we place calls from a softphone!
This document discusses Core ML, an Apple framework for running machine learning models on Apple devices. It provides an overview of Core ML, how machine learning models are used with Core ML, and different approaches for creating models, including using pre-trained models, using the Create ML tool in Xcode, or building models from scratch using libraries like TensorFlow. It also provides clarification around common machine learning terms and their relationship to Core ML. The document encourages trying out Create ML to build a custom image classification or recommendation model in order to better understand Core ML.
PuppetConf 2014 Killer R10K Workflow With NotesPhil Zimmerman
R10K is a tool that automates the deployment of Puppet modules and environments. The presenter's organization previously used a single monolithic repository to manage all of their Puppet code and hiera data, which led to long test cycles, all-or-nothing deployments, and other issues. They transitioned to using R10K along with separate repositories for each module and hiera data. Now, changes can be tested and deployed independently for each module through a Sinatra-based Git hook that handles dynamic Puppetfile manipulation and environment deployment with R10K.
Running Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia dumpBilly Yang
1.personal experience running spark mllib word2vec algorithm
2.use ansible and linode api to create/destroy linode instance rapidly
3.use akka, d3.js to build web backend server
4.I also use react.js, t-SNE and jieba in this work.
Some of the very things that make JavaScript awesome can also leave it exposed. Guy Podjarny and Danny Grander walk through some sample security flaws unique to Node’s async nature and surrounding ecosystem (or especially relevant to it)—e.g., memory leaks via the buffer object, ReDoS and other algorithmic DoS attacks (which impact Node due to its single-threaded nature), and timing attacks leveraging the EventLoop—and show how these could occur in your own code or in npm dependencies.
Explore the world of ethical hacking with CTF (Capture the Flag) in a fun and interactive way. Join us and ensure you bring your laptops to follow along with live CTF challenges. Cybersecurity may seem daunting, but CTF makes it accessible to all.
The document introduces the Django web framework for Python. It provides an overview of Django's philosophies such as loose coupling, quick development and the DRY principle. It then demonstrates how to build a basic blog application in Django with models, views, templates and URLs. Finally, it discusses additional Django features like generic views and real-world code snippets.
Rocking the microservice world with Helidon-LAOUCTour2023.pdfAlberto Salazar
In the banking industry, we have a lot of business logic running in the old fashion way as monolith enterprise applications; take a look from 0 to how you can work with last Java Version and Helidon to move forward your application to the Oracle Cloud.
Exploring the Internet of Things Using RubyMike Hagedorn
The document discusses exploring the Internet of Things using Ruby. It covers using Ruby and USB to control a lamp, creating an IoT printer that prints tasks from a Mac, and building an IoT display to show tweets. It demonstrates connecting various devices like Arduino boards to the cloud and controlling them remotely through Ruby scripts and APIs.
Hardware hacking hit the news quite often in 2017, and a lot of pentesters tried to jump into the band wagon and discover the joy of hacking things rather than servers or applications. But most of them are only looking for rootz shellz and p0wning embedded Linux operating systems rather than doing what we really call "hardware hacking". In this talk, we are going to hack a Bluetooth Low Energy smartlock, from its printed circuit board to a fully working exploit, as well as its (wait for it) associated mobile application you need to install to operate this thing.
This talk is not only an introduction into the field of hardware hacking, but also a good way to dive into electronics and its specific protocols, and of course into microcontrollers and System-on-chip reverse engineering. We will cover some electronics basic knowledge as well as tools and classic methodologies when it comes at analyzing an IoT device and will provide tips and tricks based on our experience but our failures too.
Java Hurdling: Obstacles and Techniques in Java Client Penetration-TestingTal Melamed
Testing Java client applications is not always straightforward as testing web applications. Even under experienced hands, there might be obstacles coming your way; what if you cannot use a proxy? How do you MitM? What if you just can't? How do you modify the app to your benefit?
Fortunately, Java is still Java. This lecture is based on a true story, and will follow an interesting case of pen-testing a known product; what tools and techniques can be used in order to jump over hurdles, all the way to the finish line.
The lecture aims to enrich the pentester's toolbox as well as mind, when facing Java client applications; MitM-ing, run-time manipulations and patching the code are only some of the discussed cases.
In addition, a newly developed proxy for intercepting and tampering with TCP communication over TLS/SSL and bypassing certificate-pinning protections, will be introduced during the lecture.
This document discusses the Python programming behind, a website that provides League of Legends player stats and rankings. It begins with an introduction to the author and his background. It then explains what League of Legends is and how allows users to look up player info, rankings, and stats even when not in-game. The rest of the document discusses the technical details behind building and maintaining, including scraping player data, using Django as the web framework, MongoDB to store non-structured log data, and Twisted for network programming.
"Source Code Abstracts Classification Using CNN", Vadim Markovtsev, Lead Soft...Dataconomy Media
"Source Code Abstracts Classification Using CNN", Vadim Markovtsev, Lead Software Engineer - Machine Learning Team at Source {d}
Watch more from Data Natives Berlin 2016 here:
Visit the conference website to learn more:
Follow Data Natives:
Stay Connected to Data Natives by Email: Subscribe to our newsletter to get the news first about Data Natives 2016:
About the Author:
Currently Vadim is a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at source{d} where he works on deep neural networks that aim to understand all of the world's developers through their code. Vadim is one of the creators of the distributed deep learning platform Veles ( while working at Samsung. Afterwards Vadim was responsible for the machine learning efforts to fight email spam at Mail.Ru. In the past Vadim was also a visiting associate professor at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, teaching about new technologies and conducting ACM-like internal coding competitions. Vadim is also a big fan of GitHub (vmarkovtsev) and HackerRank (markhor), as well as likes to write technical articles on a number of web sites.
This document provides an introduction to creating custom widgets using the Web Tools Platform (WTP) and the Dojo JavaScript library. It discusses loading Dojo, using modules and classes, and creating a custom widget with a class and template. The document encourages readers to get involved by joining a newsgroup or filing bugs to provide feedback on WTP.
writing self-modifying code and utilizing advanced assembly techniquesRussell Sanford
This document provides instructions for creating shellcode using only alphanumeric characters. It begins by outlining the plan, which is to use IMUL and XOR instructions to reconstruct bytes not in the alphanumeric range. It then provides a blueprint, explaining how IMUL and XOR can be used to generate needed values. The first code example walks through transforming an existing 24-byte shellcode into an alphanumeric version by pushing and popping values and using XOR to zero registers.
Puppet Camp Dallas 2014: How Puppet Ops RollsPuppet
The document discusses how Puppet Ops manages its Puppet infrastructure. It recommends using good modules from the Forge or GitHub instead of reinventing the wheel. Roles and profiles are used to logically organize Puppet code and consume modules. Hiera drives Puppet configuration with data and allows grouping data by environment. R10k and dynamic environments help keep code agile for multiple developers. Useful tools mentioned include Puppet Query, Puppet Dashboard, Puppet Lint, and Beaker for testing. Hardware recommendations include using a properly sized server to avoid Puppet performance issues.
PuppetConf 2014 Killer R10K Workflow With NotesPhil Zimmerman
R10K is a tool that automates the deployment of Puppet modules and environments. The presenter's organization previously used a single monolithic repository to manage all of their Puppet code and hiera data, which led to long test cycles, all-or-nothing deployments, and other issues. They transitioned to using R10K along with separate repositories for each module and hiera data. Now, changes can be tested and deployed independently for each module through a Sinatra-based Git hook that handles dynamic Puppetfile manipulation and environment deployment with R10K.
Running Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia dumpBilly Yang
1.personal experience running spark mllib word2vec algorithm
2.use ansible and linode api to create/destroy linode instance rapidly
3.use akka, d3.js to build web backend server
4.I also use react.js, t-SNE and jieba in this work.
Some of the very things that make JavaScript awesome can also leave it exposed. Guy Podjarny and Danny Grander walk through some sample security flaws unique to Node’s async nature and surrounding ecosystem (or especially relevant to it)—e.g., memory leaks via the buffer object, ReDoS and other algorithmic DoS attacks (which impact Node due to its single-threaded nature), and timing attacks leveraging the EventLoop—and show how these could occur in your own code or in npm dependencies.
Explore the world of ethical hacking with CTF (Capture the Flag) in a fun and interactive way. Join us and ensure you bring your laptops to follow along with live CTF challenges. Cybersecurity may seem daunting, but CTF makes it accessible to all.
The document introduces the Django web framework for Python. It provides an overview of Django's philosophies such as loose coupling, quick development and the DRY principle. It then demonstrates how to build a basic blog application in Django with models, views, templates and URLs. Finally, it discusses additional Django features like generic views and real-world code snippets.
Rocking the microservice world with Helidon-LAOUCTour2023.pdfAlberto Salazar
In the banking industry, we have a lot of business logic running in the old fashion way as monolith enterprise applications; take a look from 0 to how you can work with last Java Version and Helidon to move forward your application to the Oracle Cloud.
Exploring the Internet of Things Using RubyMike Hagedorn
The document discusses exploring the Internet of Things using Ruby. It covers using Ruby and USB to control a lamp, creating an IoT printer that prints tasks from a Mac, and building an IoT display to show tweets. It demonstrates connecting various devices like Arduino boards to the cloud and controlling them remotely through Ruby scripts and APIs.
Hardware hacking hit the news quite often in 2017, and a lot of pentesters tried to jump into the band wagon and discover the joy of hacking things rather than servers or applications. But most of them are only looking for rootz shellz and p0wning embedded Linux operating systems rather than doing what we really call "hardware hacking". In this talk, we are going to hack a Bluetooth Low Energy smartlock, from its printed circuit board to a fully working exploit, as well as its (wait for it) associated mobile application you need to install to operate this thing.
This talk is not only an introduction into the field of hardware hacking, but also a good way to dive into electronics and its specific protocols, and of course into microcontrollers and System-on-chip reverse engineering. We will cover some electronics basic knowledge as well as tools and classic methodologies when it comes at analyzing an IoT device and will provide tips and tricks based on our experience but our failures too.
Java Hurdling: Obstacles and Techniques in Java Client Penetration-TestingTal Melamed
Testing Java client applications is not always straightforward as testing web applications. Even under experienced hands, there might be obstacles coming your way; what if you cannot use a proxy? How do you MitM? What if you just can't? How do you modify the app to your benefit?
Fortunately, Java is still Java. This lecture is based on a true story, and will follow an interesting case of pen-testing a known product; what tools and techniques can be used in order to jump over hurdles, all the way to the finish line.
The lecture aims to enrich the pentester's toolbox as well as mind, when facing Java client applications; MitM-ing, run-time manipulations and patching the code are only some of the discussed cases.
In addition, a newly developed proxy for intercepting and tampering with TCP communication over TLS/SSL and bypassing certificate-pinning protections, will be introduced during the lecture.
This document discusses the Python programming behind, a website that provides League of Legends player stats and rankings. It begins with an introduction to the author and his background. It then explains what League of Legends is and how allows users to look up player info, rankings, and stats even when not in-game. The rest of the document discusses the technical details behind building and maintaining, including scraping player data, using Django as the web framework, MongoDB to store non-structured log data, and Twisted for network programming.
"Source Code Abstracts Classification Using CNN", Vadim Markovtsev, Lead Soft...Dataconomy Media
"Source Code Abstracts Classification Using CNN", Vadim Markovtsev, Lead Software Engineer - Machine Learning Team at Source {d}
Watch more from Data Natives Berlin 2016 here:
Visit the conference website to learn more:
Follow Data Natives:
Stay Connected to Data Natives by Email: Subscribe to our newsletter to get the news first about Data Natives 2016:
About the Author:
Currently Vadim is a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at source{d} where he works on deep neural networks that aim to understand all of the world's developers through their code. Vadim is one of the creators of the distributed deep learning platform Veles ( while working at Samsung. Afterwards Vadim was responsible for the machine learning efforts to fight email spam at Mail.Ru. In the past Vadim was also a visiting associate professor at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, teaching about new technologies and conducting ACM-like internal coding competitions. Vadim is also a big fan of GitHub (vmarkovtsev) and HackerRank (markhor), as well as likes to write technical articles on a number of web sites.
This document provides an introduction to creating custom widgets using the Web Tools Platform (WTP) and the Dojo JavaScript library. It discusses loading Dojo, using modules and classes, and creating a custom widget with a class and template. The document encourages readers to get involved by joining a newsgroup or filing bugs to provide feedback on WTP.
writing self-modifying code and utilizing advanced assembly techniquesRussell Sanford
This document provides instructions for creating shellcode using only alphanumeric characters. It begins by outlining the plan, which is to use IMUL and XOR instructions to reconstruct bytes not in the alphanumeric range. It then provides a blueprint, explaining how IMUL and XOR can be used to generate needed values. The first code example walks through transforming an existing 24-byte shellcode into an alphanumeric version by pushing and popping values and using XOR to zero registers.
Puppet Camp Dallas 2014: How Puppet Ops RollsPuppet
The document discusses how Puppet Ops manages its Puppet infrastructure. It recommends using good modules from the Forge or GitHub instead of reinventing the wheel. Roles and profiles are used to logically organize Puppet code and consume modules. Hiera drives Puppet configuration with data and allows grouping data by environment. R10k and dynamic environments help keep code agile for multiple developers. Useful tools mentioned include Puppet Query, Puppet Dashboard, Puppet Lint, and Beaker for testing. Hardware recommendations include using a properly sized server to avoid Puppet performance issues.
Improving Surgical Robot Performance Through Seal Design.pdfBSEmarketing
Ever wonder how something as "simple" as a seal can impact surgical robot accuracy and reliability? Take quick a spin through this informative deck today, and use what you've learned to build a better robot tomorrow.
The Golden Gate Bridge a structural marvel inspired by mother nature.pptxAkankshaRawat75
The Golden Gate Bridge is a 6 lane suspension bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait, connecting the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.
It provides a vital transportation link between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay.
Biases, our brain and software developmentMatias Iacono
Quick presentation about cognitive biases, classic psychological researches and quite new papers that displays how those biases might be impacting software developers.
Practice Head is assembled with Practice Torpedo intended for carrying out exercise firings. It is assembled with Homing Head in the forward section and oxygen flask in the rear section. Practice Head imparts positive buoyancy to the Torpedo at the end of run. The Practice Head is divided into two compartments viz. Ballast Compartment (Houses Light Device, Depth & Roll Recorder, Signal Flare Ejector, Discharge Valve, Stop Cock, Water discharge Valve, Bellow reducing Valve, Release Mechanism, Recess, Bypass Valve, Pressure Equalizer, Float, Sinking Plug etc.) which provides positive buoyancy at the end of run by discharging water (140 ltrs.) filled in the compartment and Instrument compartment (dry), houses (safety & recovery unit and its battery, combined homing and influence exploder equipment, noise maker, bollards & safety valve etc.) The recess in Ballast compartment houses the float which gets inflated at the end of run to provide floatation to the surfaced Torpedo. Several hand holes/recesses are provided on the casing/shell of Practice Head for assembly of the following components:-
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure equalizer
e) Drain/Discharge Valve assembly
f) Bollard Assembly
g) Holding for Floater/Balloon Assembly
h) Sinking Valve
i) Safety Valve
j) Inspection hand hole
Technical Details:
SrNo Items Specifications
1 Aluminum Alloy (AlMg5)
Casing Body Material: AlMg5
• Larger Outer Diameter of the Casing: 532.4 MM
• Smaller Outer Diameter of the Casing: 503.05 MM
• Total Length: 1204.20 MM
• Thickness: 6-8 mm
• Structural Details of Casing: The casing is of uniform outer dia for a certain distance from rear side and tapered from a definite distance to the front side. (Refer T-DAP-A1828-GADWG-PH- REV 00)
• Slope of the Tapered Portion: 1/8
• Mass of Casing (Without components mounting, but including the ribs and collars on the body): 58.5 kg
• Maximum External Test Pressure: 12 kgf/cm2
• Maximum Internal Test Pressure:-
i. For Ballast Compartment: 2 kgf/cm2
ii. For Instrument Compartment: 1 kgf/cm2
• Innerspace of casing assembly have 2 compartments:-
i. Ballast Compartment and
ii. Instrument Compartment
• Cut outs/ recesses shall be provided for the assembly of following components.
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure Equalizer
e) Drain/ discharge valve assembly
2 Front Side Collar Material: AlMg5
• Maximum Outer Diameter: 500 MM
• Pitch Circle Diameter: 468 MM
• All Dimensions as per drawing T-DAP-A1828-MDWG-C&R-REV-00
In a torpedo, the ballast components and instrument compartment play crucial roles in maintaining stability, control, and overall operational effectiveness. The ballast system primarily manages buoyancy and trim, ensuring that the torpedo maintains a stable trajectory underwater.
A helium boosting and decanting system is typically used in various industrial applications, particularly in the production and handling of gases, including helium including leak test of reciprocating cylinder. Here’s a brief overview of its components and functions:
1. Helium Storage Tanks: High-pressure tanks that store helium@ 150 bars.
2. Boosting Pumps: Designed to boost helium pressure up to 150 bar, ensuring efficient flow throughout the system.
3. Decanting Unit: Separates liquid helium from gas, facilitating decanting at pressures of up to 2 bars.
4. Pressure Regulators: Maintain and control the pressure of helium during transport.
5. Control Valves: automatic control valve is provided for the flow and direction of helium through the system.
6. Piping and Fittings: High-quality, corrosion-resistant materials for safe transport.
• Boosting Pressure: The system boosts helium pressure up to 150 bar for various applications.
• Decanting: Safely decants helium, separating liquid from gas at pressures of up to 2 bar.
• Safety Measures: Equipped with relief valves and emergency shut-off systems to handle high pressures safely.
• Monitoring and Control: Sensors and automated controls monitor pressure and flow rates.
• Cryogenics: Cooling superconducting magnets in MRI machines and particle accelerators.
• Welding: Used as a shielding gas in welding processes.
• Research: Crucial for various scientific applications, including laboratories and space exploration.
Key Features:
• Helium Storage & Boosting System
• Decanting System
• Pressure Regulation & Monitoring
• Valves & Flow Control
• Filtration & Safety Components
• Structural & Material Specifications
• Automation & Electrical Components
Flex and rigid-flex printed circuit boards (PCBs) can be considered at the basic level some of the most complex PCBs in the industry. With that in mind, it’s incredibly easy to make a mistake, to leave something out, or to create a design that was doomed from the start.
Such design failures can end up leading to an eventual failure by delamination, short circuits, damage to the flex portions, and many other things. The easiest way to circumvent these is to start at the beginning, to design with preventing failure in mind rather than trying to fix existing designs to accommodate for problems.
In this webinar, we cover how to design flex and rigid-flex PCBs with failure prevention in mind to save time, money, and headaches, and what failure can look like.
For more information on our flex and rigid-flex PCB solutions, visit