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Non-Members: You must Register for an account to purchase a membership and conduct other transactions. Future visits to the website will only require login.

After login or registration: You may conduct online transactions such as joining or renewing a membership, registering for an annual meeting and making donations.


The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution is an international organization whose goals are to provide facilities for association and communication among molecular evolutionists and to further the goals of molecular evolution, as well as its practitioners and teachers. In order to accomplish these goals, the Society publishes two peer-reviewed journals, Molecular Biology and Evolution and Genome Biology and Evolution. The Society sponsors an annual meeting, as well as smaller satellite meetings or workshop on important, focused, and timely topics. It also confers honors and awards to students and researchers.


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Featured News

Register for the 2023 BII/CME Annual Symposium on Mechanisms of Cellular Evolution

SMBE Members, 

You are cordially invited to register for the SMBE Satellite Meeting on Mechanisms of Cellular Evolution. This four-day event is being organized by the Biology Integration Institute for Mechanisms of Cellular Evolution at Arizona State University and is in collaboration with the NSF BII for Mechanisms of Cellular Evolution's Annual Symposium.

The event is scheduled to take place from November 8-11, 2023, in Tempe, AZ and is the second in a series of annual events focused on the emerging interdisciplinary field of evolutionary cell biology (ECB). This field combines evolutionary biology and cell biology with other related disciplines, including biochemistry, biophysics, population genetics, molecular biology, and mathematics. The motivation behind this meeting is the simple point that the cell, organelles, and their contents define the natural settings within which genes, genomes, proteins, and other molecular features evolve. It follows that a stronger focus on the molecular features inside of cells and the constraints under which they function will lead to an improved understanding of evolutionary processes. Remarkably, despite well-established fields of molecular evolution, genome evolution, and evolutionary developmental biology, we still have no recognizable field of ECB. Our efforts with this symposium seek to change that.

This symposium aims to bring together leading researchers and experts from diverse scientific fields to discuss current advances and future directions in ECB, and to provide opportunities for interdisciplinary discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. This year, our meeting will incorporate several broad themes within ECB.

For more information and to register, please see HERE.

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  • Thursday, May 18, 2023
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Call for Best Graduate Student Paper of 2022 Nominations

Dear SMBE Members,

SMBE is calling for nominations for Best Graduate Student Papers of 2022. These awards provide recognition for outstanding papers in both our SMBE journals,  Molecular Biology & Evolution (MBE) and Genome Biology & Evolution (GBE). There will be one Best Graduate Student Paper award for each journal. Like last year, each journal may also name up to 3 ‘honorable mentions’ for outstanding runners-up.

All articles published in the calendar year 2022 are eligible for nomination. This corresponds to papers published in the printed volume 39 in MBE and volume 14 in GBE. Please see below for additional information on eligibility.

Winners will receive a prize each of US$ 500, runners up a prize each of US$ 100.

Best Regards, 
Kateryna Makova
President, SMBE

Eligibility & Nomination

1. All articles published in the two SMBE journals, Molecular Biology & Evolution and Genome Biology & Evolution (one prize for each journal), in the calendar year 2022 are automatically eligible if the final publication date of the nominated paper is not more than two years later than the date of the nominee's Ph.D.

2. The nominated graduate student must be the first author or joint first-author of the nominated paper.

3. An article and its first author can be nominated by anyone; self-nominations are acceptable.

4. A signed letter from the Ph.D. advisor, MSc advisor, or equivalent, confirming that the paper was part of the nominee’s thesis or graduate work is required.

5. The deadline for submitting nominations is June 1, 2023.

How to Enter

Please send the name of the nominee, a scan of the signed advisor letter, and the name of the paper for which the award is to be considered as a SINGLE PDF to

Please use the email subject line "MBE/GBE Best Student Paper Nomination", deleting journal name as appropriate.

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  • Saturday, April 15, 2023
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SMBE Business Meeting 2022 Recording

Dear Members,

The SMBE Business Meeting 2022 Recording from our President James McInerney is available here. With lots of announcements, this year's election results, award winners, our current and upcoming conferences, financial summary, and including our exciting activities toward diversity, equity and inclusivity in our society. Please do listen to James' summary, ask us anything unclear or you'd like to know more of, and get involved! As James says, we are your voice and here for you, our members.

We'll also be making separate dedicated announcements of the election results, upcoming award nominations, conferences and the various other activities on our website and on social media via @officialSMBE and Facebook over the next few weeks: please 'watch this space'.

Greetings from all of us at Council, SMBE

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  • Tuesday, October 25, 2022
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SMBE 2023 Call for Symposia Proposals - Deadline 31 October -

Dear SMBE Members,
We're delighted to announce that the Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution is now accepting proposals for symposium topics for the 2023 Annual Meeting, taking place in Ferrara, Italy, from July 23rd – 27th, 2023. Selection of proposals will be aimed at spanning the range of interests of SMBE members, including new exciting scientific developments, and representing the geographic and gender diversity of members.
For each accepted symposium we provide financial support up to 5,000 Euros to facilitate symposium organizers in attracting outstanding invited speakers and to contribute to their own travel and lodging expenses. To submit your proposal please click on the link below and follow the instructions. Please complete and submit the form by 11:59pm CET October 31st, 2022. Successful applications will be confirmed by the middle of November. Please email us at for any questions.
Each symposium will include 2 invited speakers and some contributed speakers. Symposium proposals should include a description of the symposium (250 words max) and the names of the proposed invited speakers capable of delivering a talk of high quality and wide interest. At the time of proposal submission, proposed invited speakers should have agreed to accept the invitation in principle. Please explain to all proposed invited speakers that the invitation is conditional on funding of the proposal. For each proposed invited speaker, please indicate whether they have been approached, whether they have expressed their interest in participating, and the likely topic for their talk. The symposium organizers will also select contributed speakers from the abstracts submitted by registered delegates.
Please visit – to access the submission portal.
The final decision on the selection of symposia, invited and contributed talks will be made by the Local Org

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  • Tuesday, September 06, 2022
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SMBE Seeks Proposal to Host 2025 Annual Conference

Want to meet like-minded colleagues from all over the world?

Wish you could have an international conference in your field closer to home?

SMBE is accepting proposals to host its International meeting in 2025. Informal expressions of interest should be from a prospective local organizing committee of scientists headed by an SMBE member and should be emailed to us ASAP. Full proposals will need to be submitted to the Society's Executive Administrator Lulu Stader at using the SMBE template by 30 October 2022.

For details of meeting organization, please see the SMBE Conference Guidelines (and specifically Appendix 2 which outlines the format of proposals).

In addition, please include details for a hybrid conference to be held at least partially online and a backup plan in case the meeting cannot be held in person.

Once a location is chosen, the local organizing committee will be responsible for the academic program and the overall conference budget. The Society and the local organizers will hire an international professional conference organizing firm who will work together with the local organizers to secure facilities, develop a website, and advertise the meeting.

SMBE rotates its meetings geographically to encourage international participation. 

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  • Wednesday, July 27, 2022
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SMBE GS3 Registration Reminder

Global Symposium 3 will occur on August 2. The event is free for registered members*, so please register ASAP!

*Meeting registration is free but you must be a member:

Register HERE.

Membership is $10/3yrs for students & $30/3yrs for others:

Purchase a membership HERE.

*Students from underrepresented regions may apply for free membership up until 7 working days prior to the next Global Symposium, please email with details of your status (undergrad? postgrad?), name of PI (please cc your PI), and full affiliation details including postal address.

Check out the online program HERE.  

SMBE Everywhere commenced with the first Global Symposia 1 & 2 on 10 and 11 July. This was just the start of a great year of events, and we hope that those of you who attended enjoyed it! For registered members*, the recordings of the talks from GS1 & GS2 will be available for viewing in the Metaverse space in the coming weeks.

Please visit and follow @SMBEmeetings, #SMBEeverywhere and @OfficialSMBE for more details.

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  • Thursday, July 21, 2022
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MBE | Most Read

Molecular Biology and Evolution

GBE | Most Read

Genome Biology & Evolution