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A short and succinct letter will improve your chances of publication. Photograph: De Visu/Alamy
A short and succinct letter will improve your chances of publication. Photograph: De Visu/Alamy

How to send a letter to the Guardian

Do you have an opinion on anything you have read in the Guardian online or in print? Then follow our guidelines below for your letter to be considered for publication

Have you been affected by an issue that you have read about in the Guardian? Do you disagree with one of our writers’ opinions? Or just love one of our articles or podcasts? We at the Guardian letters desk would love to hear from you.

Send your letter to

Your letter should be no more than 300 words and in the body of the email, not an attachment.

Please include a reference – either the headline and date, or the web link to an online article that you are writing in response to.

Also, include your name and a full postal address, plus a contact telephone number. These details are for verification purposes; we will only publish your name and location. We do not publish letters where only an email address is supplied.

We particularly encourage people from underrepresented, marginalised and minority communities to write in.

We publish robust views, but not abuse or personal and derogatory comments.

We will get in touch if and when your letter is chosen for publication.

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