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Supplying content to Guardian News & Media: freelance contributors

  • Freelance contributors: how to offer us a contribution

  • Freelance commissions: key things to know

  • Terms and conditions for the supply of contributions to Guardian News & Media

  • Terms and conditions for fixed freelance personnel

  • Social media best practice: guidelines for freelance contributors

  • Terms and conditions for blog networks

  • Terms and Conditions for Guardian Masterclasses

  • Terms and conditions for contributions to Guardian Live

  • Additional terms and conditions for dramatisation and documentary rights

Supplying content: video

  • Terms and conditions for the supply of long-form and series video production services

  • Terms and conditions for video revenue share arrangements

    • Terms and conditions for use of locations

    • Technical requirements for submitting video contributions to GNM

Supplying content: publishers​

  • Terms and conditions for book extracts and serialisations

Supplying content: users & readers

  • Terms of service for the Guardian digital network

  • Terms and conditions for submitting reader content to our print publications

    These are the terms and conditions by which readers agree to be bound should they submit any content to Guardian News & Media for publication
  • Terms and conditions for callouts from GNM social media presences

    Terms for callouts from GNM social media presences

Supplying content: network partners

  • Terms and conditions for content network sharing agreements

  • Terms and conditions for content network supply agreements

Supplying content: payments

  • Status of Contributors and Suppliers to Guardian News & Media Limited (GNM) as Independent Contractors

  • Terms and conditions for payments to content suppliers

  • Tax compliance: United States of America

Supplying content: GLabs

  • Terms and conditions for influencers

  • Terms and conditions for Guardian campaign contributors