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Corrections and clarifications

David Olusoga | Fairtrade Foundation

The historian David Olusoga is not among those who have contributed essays to Alan Lester’s new book, the Truth About Empire, as an article said (Pride in British history falls but support for arts remains, survey finds, 7 September, p4).

Income of £13.4m in 2023 for the Fairtrade Foundation represented annual growth of 5%, not 11% as we reported based on information supplied by the charity (‘Conscious consumerism’ pushes up Fairtrade sales, 9 September, p29).

Other recently amended articles include:

Bankrupt and ravaged by student mental illness, Britain’s universities are badly in need of reform

Chanel Contos teams up with Tinder on ‘crucial’ Australian consent course, but some have doubts

Ukraine war briefing: pilot killed after first F-16 crash since delivery of jets last month

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