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Alex Vines

Alex Vines is director of regional and security studies at Chatham House

June 2021

  • Simon Massey

    Other lives
    Simon Massey obituary

    Other Lives: International relations lecturer and Africa expert who started his career running a popular French restaurant

February 2016

  • Former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo at the international criminal court in The Hague on 28 January 2016.

    Does the international criminal court help to end conflict or exacerbate it?

    Alex Vines
    The trial of the former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo at the ICC shows how local and international justice can combine to move towards peace

December 2013

  • A South Sudan army soldier

    Who can halt the crisis in South Sudan?

    Alex Vines
    Alex Vines: The world's youngest state is heading towards civil war, but there's little that outsiders can do

August 2011

  • Communities in north Nigeria: marginalised and turning violent

    Alex Vines
    Alex Vines: Knee-jerk reactions must be avoided, and policy responses must ensure all Nigerians feel protected and valued

April 2011

  • Ivory Coast's internationally recognised

    Ivory Coast will need Alassane Ouattara to play the role of mediator

    Should Laurent Gbagbo fall, priorities will include reining in militias and restoring country's fuel, water and sanitation services

December 2010

  • Ivory Coast standoff, Charles Ble Goude

    Ivory Coast standoff will lead country into new civil war

    Alex Vines
    Alex Vines: Renewed civil war will destroy one of Africa's leading economies, affect the region – and possibly divide the country for ever

October 2009

  • Glenys Kinnock's Africa challenge

    Alex Vines
    Alex Vines: As the new minister for Africa, Glenys Kinnock faces security and development issues at the heart of UK foreign policy