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Amy Lightfoot

Amy Lightfoot is a freelance English language teaching materials writer.

March 2013

  • english additional language

    Learning English
    Mentors support children with limited English but 'gaps' in specialist skills remain

    Rising numbers of school children with limited English puts pressure on skills and resources

November 2012

  • confusion businesswoman

    Learning English
    Where clarity is lacking in English language teaching

    Finding a Tesol training course is made harder by complex terminology

September 2012

  • Amazon Kindle Fire tablet is dis

    Learning English
    Kindle's English language teaching role 're-examined'

    Global ELT project cancellation highlights challenges of getting value from e-readers

March 2012

  • mobile phone learning

    Learning English
    Signal poor on m-learning's impact

    Mobile phones have been praised as a cheap and effective way to bridge education and digital divides, but hard evidence of their value for effective English learning remains scarce

January 2012

  • applying matesol knowledge

    Learning English
    Making theory work

    Demanding MA studies can leave little time to transfer new knowledge back into the real world