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Jon Cruddas

Jon Cruddas is the Labour MP for Dagenham and Rainham

September 2019

  • Lisa Nandy

    What should Labour do about Brexit? Five key party voices

    With a general election expected soon, senior party figures say what the policy should be

June 2019

  • An urban landscape of Potteries factory housing in Middleport, Stoke-on-Trent

    Labour can’t afford to lose its working-class heartlands by backing remain

    Jon Cruddas
    Seeking to appeal only to a certain part of its traditional coalition could have epic, unforeseen consequences for the party, says Jon Cruddas, Labour MP for Dagenham and Rainham

March 2019

  • Jeremy Corbyn, right, with Keir Starmer, the shadow secretary of state for exiting the European Union

    A second Brexit referendum cannot leave no deal off the ballot

    Jon Cruddas and Nick Lowles
    It would enrage the right and further erode trust in the British political system

October 2015

  • Tory politics is thin gruel.

    Labour must return power to the people

    Jon Cruddas
    A new organisation aims to put the party back in touch with voters

February 2015

  • Archbishop Canterbury and bishop norwich

    The bishops’ letter to British politicians is a true act of leadership

    Jon Cruddas
    This is a challenge to both left and right to develop a more generous politics and public conversation. As leader of Labour’s policy review, I’ve learned a lot from it

August 2014

  • Chi Onwurah MP, Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office

    Digital literacy campaign
    Labour's vision is for digital to power democracy, and empower communities

    Jon Cruddas and Chi Onwurah argue that under Labour, local authorities and citizens would be empowered by digital services they can help create and improve

July 2014

  • Labour rosette

    What Labour's proposing is big reform, not big spending

    Jon Cruddas, head of Labour's policy review, and Angela Eagle
    Jon Cruddas and Angela Eagle: The New Deal for England will be the biggest giveaway of power in 100 years: our regions will deliver the change we need

June 2014

  • Jon Cruddas Launches His Bid To Replace John Prescott

    We need radical transformational change in the way Britain governs itself

    Jon Cruddas
    Jon Cruddas: A report from the Institute of Public Policy Research shows us a path to a stronger nation

May 2014

  • Ukip campaign campaign poster with Nigel Farage

    Ukip isn't a Tory movement. It's a party of the disenfranchised English

    Jon Cruddas
    Jon Cruddas: Labour must rebuild a sense of pride in England's industrial heartlands and with elections ahead the stakes are high

March 2014

  • Euan Sutherland

    The co-operative movement can still lead the way towards a better Britain

    Jon Cruddas
    Jon Cruddas: The Co-op bank and group are reeling from recent scandals but they should not lose sight of the ideals they espouse

November 2013

  • graf cruddas loan

    To transform Britain, Labour must first transform itself

    Arnie Graf and Jon Cruddas

    Arnie Graf and Jon Cruddas: By giving families power over their own lives Labour will build the three pillars of one-nation Britain

April 2013

  • Children in a craft lesson

    A new politics of society: how Labour can get back on the front foot

    Jon Cruddas and Liam Byrne
    Jon Cruddas and Liam Byrne: Labour must understand what matters to people, and go much deeper than a series of 'offers' to tempt voters to the ballot box

February 2013

  • Highrise council flats in Tower Hamlets, London

    'Earning and belonging', the building blocks of Labour's policy review

    Jon Cruddas
    Jon Cruddas: Labour should not be concerned with an 'economistic tradition' but focus on realising our potential as human beings

September 2012

  • Elizabeth Truss

    Britannia Unchained: Global Lessons for Growth and Prosperity – review

    A tract by Tory rising stars is extreme, unpatriotic and bodes ill for conservatism, argues Jon Cruddas

May 2012

  • Protest at Barclays AGM about pay

    Let's turn the shareholder spring into a glorious summer

    Jon Cruddas
    Jon Cruddas: This is a golden opportunity to democratise the City and turn the economy into a force for social good

July 2011

  • EDL rally Luton

    Labour must fashion a new patriotism

    Jon Cruddas and Jonathan Rutherford
    Jon Cruddas and Jonathan Rutherford: To regain power, Labour needs to engage with people's fears over immigration and seize the politics of identity from the right

June 2011

  • Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown speaks with resident Gillian Duffy

    Labour shares the blame for mental illness tragedy

    Jon Cruddas and Jonathan Rutherford
    Jon Cruddas and Jonathan Rutherford: Cuts are hurting mentally ill people, but Labour's failure to distinguish between the unemployed and the sick played a part

April 2011

  • Billingsgate fish porters

    Theft in a City state

    Jon Cruddas and Maurice Glasman

    Jon Cruddas and Maurice Glasman: The same authority that hosted the bank crisis is taking away Billingsgate fish porters' livelihoods

December 2010

  • Two men sit on a fence outside a disused factory in Teeside

    Redefine welfare debate or society will pay the price

    Jon Cruddas
  • Cif belief
    Ban the hateful Pastor Jones

    Jon Cruddas
About 61 results for Jon Cruddas