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Neville Rigby

Neville Rigby is an international strategy consultant and writer focusing on health policy. He is former director of policy and public affairs at the International Obesity Task Force and coordinates the International Obesity Forum

July 2012

  • McDonald's sign

    Second thoughts
    Junk food has no place in the Olympic lineup

    Neville Rigby and Amandine Garde
    By concluding long-term exclusivity agreements with iconic junk food brands, the International Olympic Committee has failed to support public health policy

August 2010

  • Children eating apples

    Food Dudes should be in every school

    Neville Rigby

    Neville Rigby: It's won the praise of experts for getting kids to eat fruit and veg. So why is this great scheme being largely eschewed in Britain?

July 2010

  • The obesity crisis is growing

    Neville Rigby
    Neville Rigby: With the launch of National Childhood Obesity Week the government must set out a strategy for dealing with the issue

May 2010

  • Obesity

    Obesity awareness is not the problem

    Neville Rigby
    Neville Rigby: Today is European Obesity Day, but rather than more headlines we need sensible strategic thinking to cope with its realities

April 2010

  • Pile of French fries

    A ban on trans fats is overdue

    Neville Rigby
    Neville Rigby: So-called 'killer fat' is an undeniable health risk, so why is the UK still dithering over banning trans fats from our food products?

December 2009

  • Prevention is cheaper than cure

    Neville Rigby
    Neville Rigby: If only we would take more care of our bodies, it would save the cost of a 'no expense spared' approach when illness strikes

November 2009

  • Beating the diabetes bulge

    Neville Rigby
    Neville Rigby: With cases of obesity-related type 2 diabetes due to double by 2030, we must – and can – do better than drug therapy
  • Obesity: what a waist

    Neville Rigby
    Neville Rigby: Public health campaigns make a fetish of BMI – body mass index. In reality, it's a fat lot of good compared to a tape measure
  • No room for obesity complacency

    Neville Rigby
    Neville Rigby: 'Good' headlines about revised projections mustn't distract us from the work that needs to be done to tackle childhood obesity

October 2009

  • The Simpsons' obesity drive

    Neville Rigby
    Neville Rigby: The health department thinks Homer and family can promote healthier lifestyles. D'oh! Or should that be DoH?

April 2009

  • The case for a European obesity day

    Neville Rigby

    Neville Rigby: With 68.5 million adults in the EU classified as obese, a day devoted to healthy diets may motivate our growing population

March 2009

  • Still grappling with a big fat problem

    Neville Rigby

    Neville Rigby: Preventing obesity is not like selling soap powder – increased awareness does not necessarily affect public health

December 2008

  • The obesity timebomb is still ticking

    Neville Rigby

    Neville Rigby: The Health Survey for England has arrived with stark warnings ahead of our seasonal blowout – but will we listen?

October 2008

  • Fathead fun

    Neville Rigby

    Neville Rigby: Stigmatising the overweight is on the rise, but calling obese people 'fatty' in the street is true ignorance at work

July 2008

  • Weight of the nation

    Neville Rigby

    Neville Rigby: If we are to tackle obesity properly, the whole of society must become involved in the solution

January 2008

  • A larger problem

    Neville Rigby

    The pledge to become the first major country to reverse the obesity trend is a bold one that will require global recognition to succeed

October 2007

  • A sizeable problem

    Neville Rigby

    The Foresight report has produced a remarkable change of gear in the debate on obesity. The issue can no longer be ignored.

September 2007

  • Fat chance

    Neville Rigby

    The window of opportunity to tackle the obesity crisis is rapidly closing and the present token measures will be totally ineffectual.