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Nic Fleming

Nic Fleming is a freelance science journalist

October 2023

  • A closeup image of a white lion's mane fungus.

    Functional fungi: can medicinal mushrooms really improve people’s health?

    The boom in sales of mushroom products has led to many claims for their wellbeing and curative properties, but is there any scientific evidence to back them up?

July 2022

  • Carlo Marenda and his dog search for white truffles in Roddi, near Alba, north-western Italy.

    Puzzle of prized white truffle finally yields to science

    No one has been able to farm the rare, expensive fungus on a commercial scale – until now

January 2021

  • Child studying in front of computer screen

    After Covid, will digital learning be the new normal?

    Some see huge benefits in virtual learning but others fear the impact on disadvantaged children and privatisation by stealth

July 2020

  • Illustration of a yogic breather floating on ice

    Are breathing techniques good for your health?

    The market is flooded with books and classes claiming ‘breathwork’ can help with mental health, sleep and even Covid-19. But experts are not convinced

May 2020

  • A sourdough starter and loaf

    The science of making sourdough bread

    The transformation of dough into a loaf is chemistry in action. With a bit of physics and microbiology. And love…

March 2020

  • Volocopter’s VoloCity air taxi on a test flight in Singapore last October.

    Are flying taxis ready for lift-off?

    Are they really the answer to urban travel?

August 2019

  • Illustration by James Melaugh.

    Does Amazon have answers for the future of the NHS?

    Amazon is preparing a move into the healthcare market, but critics fear profit will come before patients and privacy

April 2019

  • USA’s Lawson Craddock and France’s Nicolas Edet competing in the Tour de France, 2016.

    The secrets of sports recovery

    There are fortunes to be made in soothing post-exercise aches and pains – so which remedies work best?

January 2019

  • Justice Syndicate jury members debrief in Dundee Sheriff court after reaching their verdict.

    Everyone is biased, including you: the play designed by neuroscientists

    We all cling to beliefs despite the evidence. Immersive theatre experience The Justice Syndicate aims to show why

August 2018

  • Yes, we have no bananas… or we won’t do soon, if fusarium wilt isn’t stopped.

    Science’s search for a super banana

    A fruit bowl favourite and a staple food to millions, the banana is under threat from a formidable foe

June 2018

  • Man looking at his smartphone on a sunny beach

    Why are all my weather apps different?

  • Chill out … meditation can fight stress and improve memory.

    Seven ways
    Seven ways to improve your memory

April 2018

  • immune

    Seven ways
    Seven ways … to support your immune system

  • Key restorative processes take place while we are asleep, although many fail to get the 7-9 hours recommended rest.

    Seven ways
    Seven ways ... to improve your sleep

March 2018

  • Illustration by Bryan Mayes.

    The dark truth about chocolate

    Grand health claims have been made about chocolate, but while it gives us pleasure, can it really be good for us?

February 2018

  • Low libido? Try reading something erotic …

    Seven ways … to boost your libido

    Exhaustion, stress, drugs and poor technique can all cause your sex drive to stall. How can you get it back on track?

January 2018

  • A 330ml can of regular Coca-Cola contains 35g of sugar – more than the government’s daily recommended allowance.

    Seven ways
    Seven ways ... to avoid type 2 diabetes

  • pills in various shades shaped like skulls spilling out of a medicine bottle

    The search for the perfect painkiller

  • Girl on a treadmill

    How to get the best out of exercise

  • The UK’s first dog-poo powered streetlamp

    Solutions and innovations
    From stools to fuels: the street lamp that runs on dog do

About 57 results for Nic Fleming