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Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage is an MEP and the leader of the United Kingdon Independence party (Ukip).

June 2013

  • European Commission

    Here's how Ukip would clean up Westminster's act on lobbying

    Nigel Farage

    Nigel Farage: The Conservatives, Lib Dems and Labour have done little to end sleaze scandals. They're all in hock to lobbyists

January 2013

  • David Cameron's EU speech: panel verdict

    Emma Reynolds, Nigel Farage, Maria Margaronis, Imke Henkel, Andrea Leadsom, Mark Boleat, Guy Verhofstadt and Katinka Barysch: Cameron has announced a referendum on EU membership. Our panellists assess his speech

November 2011

  • City worker walks past protest signs

    The panel
    Occupy movement: critics have their say

    Nigel Farage, James Barty, Dan Hodges

    Nigel Farage, James Barty, Dan Hodges: Occupy is wrong to attack the bankers – it should focus on the EU and politicians, and be more self-critical, say our panel

November 2009

  • Cast-iron Tory pledge turns to fudge

    Nigel Farage
    Nigel Farage: David Cameron has been deeply dishonest – he knew how his 'cast iron guarantee' on a referendum would be interpreted

October 2009

  • Our future in Irish hands

    Nigel Farage
    Nigel Farage: The money and threats behind a yes vote in Ireland's referendum have skewed the pitch and may saddle us with the Lisbon treaty

April 2009

  • Fruitcakes can be good for you

    Nigel Farage

    Nigel Farage: Ukip's policy to reduce tax on low wages has been taken up by Oxfam – who are the fruitcakes and loonies now?

March 2009

  • Europe sets the rules on booze

    Nigel Farage

    Nigel Farage: Proposals in the UK to impose a minimum price on alcohol reveal a lack of understanding about European law

February 2009

  • We need our country back

    Nigel Farage

    Nigel Farage: We'll only have British jobs for British workers when we have a Britain run by Britons