Pablo Ganguli is the founder of Liberatum, a British cultural diplomacy organisation
November 2016
David Attenborough on climate change: 'The world will be transformed' – video
An extract from Liberatum’s documentary In this Climate, in which a range of cultural and environmental figures respond to the threat of climate change
February 2009
When in Dubai ...
Pablo Ganguli
Pablo Ganguli: Freedom is one thing, but we need to respect the cultural sensitivities of other countries
August 2008
Theatre blog
Edinburgh festival: What's in a theme?
'Artists without borders' is the motto linking the shows at this year's international festival, but I'm not sure it needs a theme at all
April 2008
The Gucci life
Pablo Ganguli
Pablo Ganguli: India is leaving behind its staid image and creating its own version of modernity. Changing attitudes should now see homosexuality decriminalised
November 2007
Russia: the art of survival
Pablo Ganguli
Pablo Ganguli: Russians love cultural exchanges with foreigners, but they're often wary about speaking their minds