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Taras Grescoe

Taras Grescoe is a non-fiction writer, specialising in travel and transport. A frequent contributor to the New York Times, the Independent, and National Geographic Traveler, Taras is also the author of five books: Sacré Blues, The End of Elsewhere, The Devil's Picnic, Bottomfeeder, and Straphanger. Follow Taras on Twitter @grescoe

November 2016

  • CGI images of Suzhou Creek, Shanghai

    On the radar
    Shanghai’s Suzhou Creek cleans up its act

    The once-smelly and disease-ridden canal area is being made into a new waterfront destination for shopping, strolling and living – while preserving its heritage

November 2012

  • Governor Andrew Cuomo, right, tours the damaged Brooklyn-Battery tunnel with MTA chairman Joseph Lhota (far left) and Jim Ferrara, president of MTA bridges and tunnels.

    The Sandy subway disaster creates a historic opportunity for New York

    Taras Grescoe

    Taras Grescoe: In 1888, a terrible storm kickstarted New York's subway system. Now, Sandy needs to spark a major renewal of public transport