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Thomas Coward

Thomas Coward was an English ornithologist who wrote the Country Diary column until his death

September 2024

  • Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) on a yew tree, UK.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1924: Does the yew deserve its bad name?

    12 September 1924: Its leaves are said to poison cattle; its wood so toxic that drinking vessels of yew have been responsible for many deaths

July 2024

  • Grey heron in flight attacking a small group of crows.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1924: birds of a feather work together

    8 July 1924: Sometimes the cooperation is that of a robber band and I have seen two crows steal from a heron in this way

May 2024

  • Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) single bird probing dead kelp stem for invertebrate prey at low tide on sandy beach, Northumberland, England.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1924: dead seaweed is not always a safe refuge

  • Common Otter (Lutra lutra) feeding on fish, Thetford, Norfolk, UK.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1924: the taste of the otter is catholic

April 2024

  • Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) adult male perched on lichen covered branch, Thursley National Nature Reserve, Surrey.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1924: the damaging effects of egg-looting

    29 April 1924: Friends of mine met a man who boasted that this year he had taken 14 clutches of eggs of the woodlark and nine of the crossbill

January 2024

  • Bewick (Cygnus columbarius) and mute (Cygnus olor) swans, Wildfowl and Wetland centre, Welney, East Anglia.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1924: watching the wild swans

    8 January 1924: Their thin, straight necks and short heads suggested the species named after the famous draughtsman and engraver, Thomas Bewick

November 2023

  • Little auks (Alle alle) on a rock ledge in seabird colony.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1923: lost little auks end their days in Britain

  • Lesser spotted catshark/dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) hiding amongst sea weeds, Babbacombe Bay, Devon, UK.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1923: don’t fear sharks in home waters

August 2023

  • Dog walkers enjoy the view as the storm clouds start rolling in over the water meadow in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1923: Yellow wayside flowers predominate in August

    7 August 1923: Ragwort is crowned with fine heads, goldenrod with floral spikes, but the yellow flowers of St John are not yet at their best

July 2023

  • Silhouette of arctic tern.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1923: The grace and beauty of the tern

    6 July 1923: The long-winged sea bird is far more dainty than heavy gulls or powerful gannets

February 2023

  • Common Scoter covered in light crude oil.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1923: oil clogged scoters on the shore

    9 February 1923: The bird may be plentiful enough off our western shores but it does not add to the pleasure of a walk to see corpses

January 2023

  • Eurasian blackcap perched on a firethorn eating berries.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1923: Birds know where to find the best fruit

    16 January 1923: There are three. trees in garden: one is stripped of fruit, a second has a few berries left and the third is still full of fruit

December 2022

  • Coot swimming at wetland, Warnham, Horsham.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1922: Nervous glances on the mere

    12 December 1922: Coots swam out from the reed, turning their white-billed heads from side to side as they glanced uneasily over their sooty shoulders

October 2022

  • Common wasp (vespula vulgaris) queen and workers in their nest.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1922: The queen wasp must be tough

    24 October 1922: The future of the wasp race depends on the queen surviving the dangers that surround her deathlike winter sleep

September 2022

  • A corncrake in Argyll, Scotland.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1922: close escape for a migrating corncrake

    22 September 1922: As the sportsman prepared to fire a sparrowhawk appeared; the hawk paid the penalty but the shooter failed to find the corncrake

August 2022

  • Clouded yellow (Colias croceus) on Scabias flower, Potton, Bedfordshire.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1922: a clouded yellow butterfly year

    18 August 1922: From time to time the butterflies increase so enormously in their native home – north Africa and southern Europe – that they seek fresh pastures in England

April 2022

  • Adult sand smelt (Atherina presbyter), Dorset.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1922: the seldom seen smelt

    11 April 1922: Occasionally detected during the spawning season, the smelt is an anadromous fish that has changed its habits

March 2022

  • A Bewick's swan flies into the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, England.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1922: Bewick’s swans fail to make it back to the Arctic

    14 March 1922: Some of the wild swans will never again see the rolling tundras; one young bird fell to the gun, while two crashed into a steep escarpment

February 2022

  • A male chaffinch at the Spinneys reserve, Bangor, north Wales.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1922: pugnacious ring of the male chaffinch voice

    21 February 1922: These early chaffinches are not striving to lure a hen bird to admire their voices, but are warning other males to keep clear from their territory

January 2022

  • Mouse tracks and shadows on snow.

    Country diary
    Country diary 1922: footprints in the snow reveal secrets of the nocturnal ramblers

    31 January 1922: Mice, voles, and shrews collect material for cosy nests, replenishing their stock of bedding when the temperature falls
About 266 results for Thomas Coward
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