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Tim Williams

Timothy Williams is an art historian and director of Pieta Fine Art Ltd. He lives near Brighton and plays guitar for the band Trousseaux

April 2013

  • Vending machine

    Take art – it's only £1 from a vending machine

    Tim Williams
    Tim Williams: A Leeds shopping centre is to have vending machines selling £1 artworks – it may be a PR stunt, but it could be the next big thing

October 2011

  • Marcel Duchamp

    If you want to distinguish art's hoaxes from its frauds, ask a metadadaist

    Tim Williams
    Tim Williams: The motives guiding the likes of Nat Tate and Rrose Sélavy diverge fundamentally from those of the sinister Pietro Psaier

February 2011

  • The Bedroom, by Vincent van Gogh

    The glory is in the detail of the Google Art Project

    Tim Williams
    Tim Williams: Greater numbers of people viewing these paintings close-up will aid understanding – which seems unlikely to hit museum visits

November 2010

  • Mark Sinckler

    Mark Sinckler's 7/7 painting: the stuff of tabloid outrage

    Tim Williams
  • Marble statue of "Venus and Mars" before and after restoration, inside Chigi Palace in Rome

    Silvio Berlusconi's restoration work is no cock-up

    Tim Williams

October 2010

  • Why I'll never sell my Damien Hirst

    Tim Williams

    Tim Williams: The shark drawing that Hirst sent me would be worth a small fortune, but it's the personal value that speaks volumes

December 2009

  • No shame in living with parents

    Tim Williams
    Tim Williams: Embarrassed about still living at home? I've got other things to worry about – not least my own financial crisis
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