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Other lives

Obituaries pages traditionally describe and celebrate the lives of the great and good, the famous and infamous. There is another type of life that deserves noticing: people less in the public eye, or lives lived beyond formal recognition. To offer a piece to Other Lives, contact us here.

  • Alan Betteridge

    Alan Betteridge obituary

  • Kris Maharaj waving to his wife, Marita, at a 2014 hearing in Miami

    Krishna Maharaj obituary

  • John Burgess

    John Burgess obituary

    Other lives: Director and tutor who helped launch the careers of dozens of playwrights
  • Kate Owen

    Kate Owen obituary

  • Alan Rushton

    Alan Rushton obituary

  • Graham Boyd portrait

    Graham Boyd obituary

    Other lives: Artist who explored colour and light in non-figurative paintings and sculpture
  • Alan Lyons helped to train Guardian colleagues in new technology and served as a union official

    Alan Lyons obituary

    Other lives: Guardian news subeditor for nearly 40 years
  • Ruth Eastwood

    Ruth Eastwood obituary

    Other lives: Theatre manager who reinvigorated a number of regional venues
  • John Sell

    John Sell obituary

    Other lives: Champion of historic buildings who served as chairman of SPAB
  • Mike Robins

    Mike Robins obituary

    Other lives: Physiologist whose research focus was on the growth of cells
  • Mina Panić

    Mina Panić obituary

    Other lives: BBC TV director who specialised in science, archaeology and history
  • Sue Jones

    Sue Jones obituary

    Other lives: Welfare rights adviser who supported people in poverty in Harlow, Essex
  • THIS ONE Richard Leeson

    Richard Leeson obituary

    Other lives: Linguist who became deputy director of Ealing College of Technology and was known affectionately as ‘Mr Liberal Arts’
  • Tony Strong at his studio in Buckinghamshire

    Tony Strong obituary

  • Graham Lyons

    Graham Lyons obituary

  • Fiona Evans

    Fiona Evans obituary

  • Ashley Hill

    Ashley Hill obituary

  • Chris York

    Chris York obituary

  • David Ish-Horowicz  in 2002

    David Ish-Horowicz obituary

  • Robert Lee

    Robert Lee obituary

    Other lives: Historical demographer and economic historian of Europe
About 7,974 results for Other lives
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