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The latest news and press releases from Time Out Group


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  • Travel
  • Transport & Travel

Time Out – the global brand that inspires and enables people to experience the best of the city – has launched a new shore experience with P&O Cruises, as part of its long-term partnership with the brand. Flavours of Barcelona by Time Out will offer guests on selected holidays a foodie exploration of this Mediterranean city, focusing on the newly opened Time Out Market Barcelona. Guests will visit Time Out Market Barcelona in the vibrant Port Vell area, where they will find a curated selection of Barcelona's best chefs, restaurateurs and bars, all under one roof. This dynamic space showcases both established and emerging local culinary talents, serving up a true taste of the city's rich gastronomic scene. During the visit, guests will enjoy the chance to explore the Market and sample an array of local specialities.  Afterwards, guests can explore the city’s charming Gothic Quarter en route to Barcelona’s Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia, giving them a unique glimpse into this part of the city. Next, a relaxing pit stop at Granja La Pallaresa to enjoy rich drinking chocolate and irresistible crispy churros. From there, guests are free to explore Barcelona at their leisure and roam the vibrant streets or simply soak up the ambience of this sublime city. Time Out is a P&O Cruises Destination Partner, with Time Out’s global network of local city experts creating content to showcase the best things to do in the destinations around the world that P&O Cruises visits. As

  • Eating

Time Out Market Barcelona, the food and cultural market that brings the best of the city together under one roof, announces today that it is the official food market of Sail Team BCN – a new America’s Cup team created in Barcelona to compete in the first ever Youth & Women’s America’s Cup taking place in September and October 2024. With their base in Barcelona’s Port Vell during the competition – in direct neighbourhood to the newly opened Time Out Market Barcelona in Maremagnum – Sail Team BCN is focused on the success of a female sailors and a youth team which, after having been based in Port de Sitges, are now training and racing in the Catalan capital. As the team’s official food market partner, Time Out Market Barcelona has created a bespoke hospitality offering for Sail Team BCN at their base, and in addition, the team is also regularly visiting the close-by Time Out Market itself to experience the best of the city under one roof. Time Out Market Barcelona is a uniquely-designed space offering a curated mix of 14 kitchens with the city’s best award-winning chefs, much-loved local gems and up-and-coming restaurateurs. The Market is also home to a full-service restaurant, four bars (two indoor and two outdoor), an events space, a podcast station and cultural experiences – all with stunning views of the city, the marina and the sea. The Puig Women’s America’s Cup will be held between September 28 and October 13 and marks the first time in the 173-year history of the Americ

  • Drinking

Time Out, the global brand that inspires and enables people to experience the best of the city, has created a buzz-worthy summer campaign with TAZO® with weekly activations at Time Out Market New York complementing a digital campaign. The bespoke 360-degree campaign developed by Time Out’s Creative Solutions team features a branded content hub on the Time Out website, filled with inspirational summer content including custom TAZO® tea-infused recipes from eight chefs and mixologists and “things to do guides”  for Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami, Atlanta and Austin, created by Time Out’s expert editors and writers who know the city better than anyone. To bring the brand to life and directly connect with consumers, as part of the campaign Time Out Market New York will host TAZO® Tuesdays every Tuesday until 27th August, serving up custom cocktails and mocktails using TAZO® Tea products for happy hour alongside exciting event programming.  Time Out Market is the world's first editorially curated food and cultural market, leveraging the Time Out brand to bring the best of the city together under one roof: its best chefs, drinks and cultural experiences – based on the editorial curation Time Out has always been known for. This unique proposition, where Time Out’s editorial content comes to life, is a new opportunity for advertisers to engage with Time Out’s highly desirable audience directly as part of bespoke 360-degree campaigns spanning both digital and physical channels.

  • Nightlife
  • Nightlife

Time Out has released its inaugural ranking of the World’s Best Cities for Nightlife, with Rio de Janeiro taking the crown as the world’s nightlife capital according to locals, followed by Manila and Berlin. Even in the face of increased cost-of-living, a notable shift in young people's social habits towards a more sober lifestyle, and work from home culture transforming Thursdays into the new Fridays, nightlife is not dead – but the traditional markers of nightlife are changing and going “out” is no longer just about simply going to a club. The cities on Time Out’s inaugural World’s Best Cities for Nightlife list prove that the party is far from over: instead, nightlife is evolving into something more exciting, interesting and varied than ever, offering something for everyone.  To compile the list, Time Out – the global brand that inspires and enables people to experience the best of the city – surveyed thousands of people around the world about nightlife and going out in their city. Each city was ranked on how locals rated the quality and affordability of their city’s nightlife scene, as well as which nightlife venues and experiences they love the most in their city. Time Out editors included only the highest-scoring city for each country to ensure the list reflects the nightlife scenes of cities around the world. To complete the list, Time Out’s local experts also reached out to a series of DJs – people who live and breathe nightlife – to nominate three nightlife capitals

  • Shopping
  • Tech

Time Out – the global brand that inspires and enables people to experience the best of the city – has launched four new WhatsApp Channels to bring its editorial expertise and its curation of local recommendations directly to readers and followers in London.  The WhatsApp Channels – Time Out London, Time Out London Restaurants, Time Out East London and Time Out London Offers – will act as a direct line of communication to all those seeking inspiration and information about going out in the city, and present a new way for Time Out’s audience to interact with its expert content in a quick, easy, friendly, informative and human way.  The Time Out East London Channel focuses on local news and updates for an area of the city that offers much to do, eat and drink, and has been popular with the brand’s London audience for many years. To promote this hyper-local channel, Time Out has kicked off an out-of-home campaign with 48-sheet billboards across east London - Bethnal Green, Cambridge Heath, London Fields, Hackney Walk and Walthamstow - featuring a QR code directing east Londoners to easily follow Time Out East London on WhatsApp. The launch is timed to coincide with increased footfall in the area, with All Points East festival taking over Victoria Park for two weekends during the campaign. The billboards’ creative was developed and designed in-house by Time Out’s London-based content team, with each billboard featuring the Time Out editors’ expert tips on the greatest locations, v

  • Eating

From award-winning chefs to up-and-coming restaurateurs and much-loved local gems: Time Out Market Bahrain will showcase the city’s best local culinary and cultural talents – curated by Time Out   Bahrain will soon be home to Time Out Market, the food and cultural market that brings the best of the city together under one roof: its best chefs, restaurateurs and cultural experiences – based on the editorial curation Time Out is known and trusted for. Set to open later this year at City Centre Bahrain – with the exact date to be announced closer to the opening – Time Out Market Bahrain will offer plenty of space to celebrate and explore award-winning, much-loved and rising culinary and cultural talents – all of them are local and homegrown to give a true taste of Bahrain. Spanning over 3,000 sq m and offering 900 seats over two levels, Time Out Market Bahrain will feature an editorially curated mix of eleven kitchens, a dessert counter, a coffee shop, a stage and an al fresco rooftop. Located on the top floor of City Centre Bahrain where the main entry will be via Le Meridien Hotel, Time Out Market Bahrain will be a uniquely-designed space where guests will get to experience some of the city’s very best food from a variety of concepts while coming together with family and friends to enjoy their meals – on china with flatware – at communal tables. This new concept will cement City Centre Bahrain’s positioning as the leading shopping, leisure and entertainment destination in the

  • Eating

Des de xefs consolidats a talents emergents: Time Out Market Barcelona compta amb les millors propostes gastronòmiques i experiències culturals de la ciutat. És el primer mercat de curació editorial del país i acull xefs que sumen 4 estrelles Michelin als seus restaurants i una de les millors cocteleries del món.   Barcelona – 4 de juliol de 2024. Time Out Market, el mercat gastronòmic i cultural que reuneix el millor de la ciutat sota un mateix sostre: els seus millors xefs, restauradors, bars i també les seves experiències culturals ha obert la seva primera seu a Espanya a la ciutat de Barcelona.   Time Out Market Barcelona, obert des del 5 de juliol, disposa d´un espai excepcional per celebrar i explorar els talents culinaris i culturals locals, tant consagrats com promeses emergents, amb l´objectiu de representar l´autèntic sabor de la capital catalana. Amb vistes a la ciutat, al port esportiu i al mar, el mercat ocupa 5.250 metres quadrats i acull una afinada selecció editorial de catorze cuines, un restaurant de servei complet, quatre bars (dos interiors i dos exteriors), un espai per a esdeveniments i un estudi de pòdcast, tot seleccionat minuciosament sota la curació editorial per la qual Time Out és reconegut.   Ubicat a la planta superior del Maremagnum, al Port Vell, Time Out Market Barcelona té accés directe des del carrer a través d'una escala mecànica i un ascensor. En un espai amb un disseny únic, els visitants poden viure algunes de les millors experiències ga

  • Eating

Desde chefs consolidados a talentos emergentes: Time Out Market Barcelona cuenta con las mejores propuestas gastronómicas y experiencias culturales de la ciudad. Es el primer mercado de curación editorial del país y acoge chefs que suman 4 estrellas Michelin en sus restaurantes y una de las mejores coctelerías del mundo en su elenco.   Barcelona – 4 de julio de 2024. Time Out Market el mercado gastronómico y cultural que reúne lo mejor de la ciudad bajo un mismo techo: sus mejores chefs, restauradores, bares y también sus experiencias culturales, ha abierto  su primera sede en España en la ciudad de Barcelona.   Time Out Market Barcelona, abierto desde el viernes 5 de julio, dispone de un espacio excepcional para celebrar y explorar los talentos culinarios y culturales locales, tanto consagrados como promesas emergentes, con el objetivo de representar el auténtico sabor de la capital catalana. Con vistas a la ciudad, al puerto deportivo y al mar, el mercado ocupa 5.250 metros cuadrados y acoge una afinada selección editorial de catorce cocinas, un restaurante de servicio completo, cuatro bares (dos interiores y dos exteriores), un espacio para eventos y un estudio de pódcast, todo ello, seleccionado minuciosamente bajo la curación editorial por la que Time Out es reconocido.   Ubicado en la planta superior del Maremagnum, en el Port Vell, Time Out Market Barcelona tiene acceso directo desde la calle a través de una escalera mecánica y un ascensor. En un espacio con un diseño

  • Eating

Located in the Port Vell area, the food and cultural market is home to the city’s award-winning chefs, much loved local gems and up-and-coming home-grown talents. Time Out Market Barcelona opened its doors to the public in the city’s Old Port on 5 July. The food and cultural market brings the best of the city together under one roof with a curated mix of the best local chefs, drinks and cultural experiences. At the heart of Time Out Market is to showcase the city’s top talents and to make their high-quality food accessible. Time Out Market Barcelona – the first to open in Spain – features 14 award-winning chefs, up-and-coming restaurateurs and much-loved local gems, a full-service restaurant, four bars (two indoor and two outdoor), an event space and a podcast station across 5,250 sqm. It’s a place where guests come together around communal tables to enjoy the experience, surrounded by top chefs and their teams in action. Located in the Port Vell area on the top floor of the Maremagnum, Time Out Market Barcelona has direct access from the street via an escalator and an elevator. The Market space has undergone a unique design transformation with a goal to become a place where people can get together in a communal atmosphere. Alongside some of the city’s best food and drinks, people also will be able to take in stunning views of the city, the sea, the Torre del Rellotge and the new Llotja de Pescadors. “Our team has spent over a year developing and curating Time Out Market Barc

  • Eating

Time Out Market Barcelona has announced that it will officially open its doors to the public on Friday, 5 July 2024 at 12pm and following this first day it will be open daily from 10am to midnight. It has also revealed further additions to its culinary offering, as well as an exciting bar takeover. Time Out Market is a food and cultural market based on Time Out’s editorial curation – it brings the best of the city together under one roof: its best chefs and restaurateurs, drinks and cultural experiences. At the heart of Time Out Market is to showcase the city’s top talents and to make their high-quality food affordable and accessible. Time Out Market Barcelona – the first to open in Spain – will feature 14 award-winning chefs, up-and-coming restaurateurs and much-loved local gems, a full-service restaurant, four bars (two indoor and two outdoor), an event space and a podcast station across 5,250 sqm. Located in the Port Vell area on the top floor of the Maremagnum, Time Out Market Barcelona will have direct access from the street via an escalator and an elevator. The Market space has undergone a unique design transformation with a goal to become a place for people where they can get together in a communal atmosphere. Alongside some of the city’s best food and drinks, people will also be able to take in stunning views – which they haven’t been able to enjoy for many years – of the city, the sea, the Torre del Rellotge and the new Llotja de Pescadors. Time Out Market Barcelona
