

@agentmobius / agentmobius.tumblr.com

don't trust my heart in your hands. tracking #tuserju

palestine fundraisers masterpost

hi, i want to keep track of the asks i've received requesting to donate and share campaigns from palestinians. please regularly check this post, it will be pinned to the top of my blog. donate, share this post, remember to use a currency conversion chart if applicable.

UPDATED: november 15, 2024

eyadeyadsblog | campaign (CHF11,075 / CHF20,000) | vetted

samerpal | campaign (kr142,502 / kr450,000) | vetted (#196)

drfarhatblog | campaign ($10,084 / $29,500) | vetted (#248)

ranoshfamily | campaign (€435 / €30,000)

lailashaqoura | campaign (€30,788 / €45,000) | vetted

safaakhatib | campaign (€24,957 / €35,000) | vetted (#135)

shadowyavenuetaco | campaign (£5,981 / £50,000) | shared by 90-ghost

mohammadayyad | campaign (€23,375 / €35,000) | shared by 90-ghost

Fatima (blog deactivated) | campaign (€9,185 / €20,000) | shared by 90-ghost, northgazaupdates

Mohammad (blog deactivated) | campaign ($20,836 / $40,000)

salman-1990 | campaign (€891 / €50,000) | vetted

Noura (blog deactivated) | campaign (€343 / €5,000)

aiamaher | campaign (€1,924 / €55,000)

helpmohammed2024 | campaign ($3,247 / $50,000)

yasoyonis | campaign ($20 / $12,500)

wafaaresh6 | campaign ($25,053 / $50,000) | vetted

anas12a | campaign (€236 / €29,000) | vetted

abedallhferwanagaza | campaign (€8,182 / €35,000) | vetted by Femme intifada on telegram

mysticlovepizza | campaign (€118 / €13,000)

sarah-abo-hwidi | campaign (€1,010 / €50,000) | vetted

diana-aj | campaign (€303 / €10,000) | vetted

alaablogs | campaign (£30,167 / £56,000) | vetted (#99)


The source is in me. It's not in a bottle, it's not in a label, it's not in a man in a suit, it's not in a dollar bill, it's not in a radio. It comes from me. I don't need anything outside of myself and the glory of God to lead me anywhere in my career, and once I did that I was like - I'm gonna to write a mixtape, it's gonna be fantastic, I'm going to tell my story the way I want to tell it. I don't care about hits! Shut up! And I made the mixtape.


I know that there is some Black girl out there watching me right now. I want to tell you, you can do it. Anything is possible. Anything is possible. Don’t allow anybody to project any stereotypes on you, that tell you you can’t be here … that you’re too dark or that you’re not smart enough, or that you’re too dramatic or that you’re too loud. You are exactly who you need to be to be right where you are.

@lgbtqcreators event 26: black history month (te/mp)
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