
im secretly the cockroach from poppy playtime chp3

@altruistic-meme / altruistic-meme.tumblr.com

| 23 | Abram | he/them | queer and here | Actual Potato | aftg, yr, capri, bsd | Liklihood is I'm more afraid to talk to you than you are to me so hi, conversation started | ao3: AmericanCanada

welcome :]

woohoo. time for an actual like. intro post. let's go πŸ‘

hello, i'm Abram. or Acee, if you wanna use that. he/they, but generally speaking i don't mind any pronouns. i'm queer in basically every direction and i could explain what i mean but i'll just leave it there for now. currently i'm 22. i'm usamerican and from the south.

i am a very big fandom nerd. some of my biggest fandoms include:

- Young Royals - All For the Game - Captive Prince - Bungo Stray Dogs - Haikyuu!! - Good Omens - Dan and Phil - Yuri!!! On Ice (dormant) + many, many more

i'm a fanfic author and you can find me on ao3 @ AmericanCanada

i also crochet and occasionally i post about it. tag: #crochet

i draw occasionally -> @aceedoodles i have a sideblog for helpful/reference posts -> @forthesadadult

all personal posts are tagged #shh ac

i love asks so much please never hesitate to send me an ask, especially about my fandoms and/or my fics. i will think of you fondly for the rest of my life if you do.

my three idiots cats <3 JJ, Anka, and Blue (here is a helpful guide!)

oh, i guess i've got a strawpage now if you wanna look at that too

okay that is all from me for now! have a fantastic day!

[ links to fanfictions + their tags below the cut! ]

i dont actually draw for deeper soul seeking purposes i draw because if my hands are not occupied i start destroying things like ripping shit apart. many working animals are like this. god also maybe

Work vacuum died. This is the fifth one since I started working here five years ago.

The first one died because my coworker vacuumed up rocks.

The second one died because my coworker vacuumed up rocks.

The third one died because my coworker vacuumed up rocks.

The fourth one died for unknown reasons that involved my coworker vacuuming up rocks.

The fifth one died a few minutes ago and it was a big mystery and my coworker was like β€œoh I don’t know what happened it just overtaxed for some reason” so I looked inside the hose andβ€”get thisβ€”it was jammed with rocks.

He keeps buying bigger and more expensive vacuums and complaining about how shitty and faulty the last ones were and every time I suggest something like β€œwhat if you didn’t vacuum up rocks” he’s like oh no it is the vacuums who are wrong.

hey guys guess what happened again just now

WAIT "iykyk" means "if you know you know"??????? i thought it was just the new cool kids way to keysmash

person writing "iykyk": if you know you know

me: ick yick...?

BE NICE TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

women who use tiktok i am talking to you directly. yall gotta stop engaging in this girl math women shouldn’t vote shit. it’s not a silly ironic joke men mean that and they are making fun of you. listen to me. call them out when you see it happen. show the kids who use that bastard app that it’s not okay to make jokes like that. stop being part of the problem and stand up for yourselves


women are not stupid, we don't need to be infantilized, we are not incapable.

and we need to stop messaging that to young women using misogynistic humor that is "cute"

The only "girl math" I care about is the math that took us to the Moon.

i thought the femboy cafes were the greatest invention ever but this chinese lesbian bar 😭>>>>>

my favorite part of this is the dichotomy of queerness as understood by certain cultures in the comments at the end; i.e., β€œit’s all women so it’s definitely pure and not gross and sexual!” right next to β€œFUCK IM SO GAY FOR THIS”

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