
Trinkets & Baubles

@amberspacedf / amberspacedf.tumblr.com

Amber | she/they/he/any really | Whimsical Fool :^)

because the thing is that initially, ignus nilsen is always referred to in relation to kras mazov. nilsen is mazov's school teacher friend, best friend and comrade in arms of mazov. when mazov shoots himself in the head during the last hours of the eleven day government, when nilsen learns mazov had stopped giving orders, he commands that twelve thousand enemy soldiers be impaled on spruce trees. this earns him the epithet of apocalyptic shrike. as the narration says, twice, mazov's apocalyptic shrike. nilsen goes on to help shape samara, mazov's home country, into a socialist state. the same state he is later expelled from. made to live in exile on the katlan landmass, which contains somewhere his homeland of vaasa. eventually, vaasa comes to find nilsen burdensome to their image of social democracy, and with the help of the nation of graad, they attempt to destroy all evidence of his existence. the vaasan censors are able to succeed almost entirely, but in all footage of mazov during the eleven day government, he is seen holding nilsen's hand. they believe erasing all footage of such an influential figure would arouse too much suspicion, so they cannot erase it all in its entirety. instead they carefully edit nilsen out, their solution leaving a ghostly grey cyptoplasm floating in the palm mazov's hand. this small record is enough to prevent nilsen himself, his actual being, from ceasing to exist, essentially rendering nilsen a living ghost. not quite alive, but still not completely gone. his connection to and love for mazov was enough to literally keep him on this earth. do you understand me.


idk sometimes i kinda wonder if such a thing as a unified "trans community" even exists. and i *definitely* wonder if such a thing as a unified "queer community" is real.

saying this with the usual caveat of I'm Not Personally Responsible For "Dividing" the Supposed Community," i'm just describing division that already exists. but

idk with how often trans women are scapegoated and personally discriminated against by other queer people, with how clearly other queer people benefit from and exploit transmisogyny.

it'sss getting harder and harder for me to see a truly unified struggle here. "they treat us all like faggots" being a sort of abusive mantra, "no one will ever treat you better than we do, we're all you're getting so you should be grateful for what you have"

sometimes it really does feel like a massive hoodwink, like the surface level similarities of our oppression are being used to draw false equivalence. to keep a convenient underclass around.

it just really seems like a whole lot of people's idea of queer liberation doesn't include trans liberation. (and that a lot of people's idea of trans liberation doesn't include transfem liberation)

no one is free until we're all free of course (it'd just be nice if that was being told to others for a change, rather than used to scold transfems for talking up about their mistreatment)

When turning to trans communities, I should first clarify that what I have in mind is not any one entity called ‘the transgender community’. The notion of a unified community is one mostly appealing to career politicians, who are fond of imagining they might be able to interact with an entire tier of potential voters, through taking a single ‘representative’ out for lunch. In reality, trans people are prised apart and mutually alienated in much the same way as any other group: differences in class, race or ethnicity, and gender position still ensure that even a pair of trans people in the same city might be unlikely on various grounds to even meet.

—Jules Joanne Gleeson, How Do Gender Transitions Happen?

Trans activist Jamison Green's passport photos before and after HRT. Left he's age 32 (1980) Right age 41 (1989) after being on testosterone for one year (x)
(read his autobiography here for free)

updated the link to his autobiography because it was broken! here's some more pictures of him (first is mid 90s, second 2013 and last 2024)

there's an interview with him from 2017 along with some information about his life and activism. and he was interviewed on a podcast here. he's not super well known but has been a really important trans activist for decades

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