@arabnico / arabnico.tumblr.com

leave lesbians alone
i: cabin-13



isn’t it insane that out of all of nico’s themes love will always be the most important one

like you cannot separate nico from the abundance of love that he has inside of him it’s literally all he can reach for. he’s lost so much and forgotten everything he’s ever known including himself altogether but love has always been an ever-present constant inside of him. everything he has ever done was sourced in the infinite love he has never been able to express properly. everything he’s ever done is just a clumsy attempt at pouring out his love into the world. he’s never acted out of anything but love, the desperation to be loved, and the unfulfilled desire to be understood and seen as loving. he is endlessly loving. he is constantly ripping his heart out of his chest and offering this bloody bleeding thing and it’s messy and it’s a feeble thing really but it’s what keeps him alive and he’s never been one to be afraid of sacrifice and dying in secret for the sake of love he’s never been one for much show all he’s ever done is love. and he can’t push this love and this heart back into his chest it doesn’t fit anymore it’s too big for his body too grand for his insignificance too human for this godliness that’s slowly eating up at him and no one will take it!! if you lay him bare he’s a naked heart!! nico is never not longing and never not loving!! love pours out of him in everything that he does everything that he is!! everything!!


For Eman and her family! Her father and two of her brothers need urgent medical care - the entire family 11 in total. The funds earned will pay for evacuation fees, transfer fees, and living expenses after escaping the genocide, she is almost halfway to meeting her goal, do not let it stagnate! Even a small amount ($1, $5, $10, etc.) can go a long way if enough people contribute!

40,333/85,684 (5/30/2024)


Part of Eman's family (her parents, Yahya, Wafa, and Najat - along with a few other siblings) were able to evacuate Gaza but they were unable to raise enough to get everyone out - one of Iman's brothers and his wife and their young daughter are still displaced and living in a tent in Rafa - Eman needs help raising funds for her brother and his family still trapped in Gaza and to support her family that have escaped. Please consider donating and helping. Full update here

$41,226/$85,684 (6/5/2024)

Reblogged deithe


Abdulrahman is a Palestinian software engineering student at Al-Azhar University urgently raising money to complete his studies abroad. He needs $13,000, and only has 11 DAYS LEFT to complete his goal! So far, he has only raised $346!!! I’ve seen what we can do when we come together to support such an urgent campaign, so I ask and urge you, please, donate to Abdulrahman and share his campaign widely so that others who can donate may see. Let’s help build Palestinian futures!


$909/$13,000. 4 DAYS LEFT.

I can't stress how important it is to support Abdulrahman's fundraiser to evacuate Gaza and complete his education -- only 4 DAYS LEFT and he hasn't even managed to break his first $1,000 out of his $13,000 GOAL! Please, please give what you can. Time is ticking, and any contribution counts. I know what we can do when we show up for a family or individual with an urgent need. Let's show up for Abdulrahman and help save his life.

Anonymous asked:

كنّا والريح تهب تصيح نقول سنرجع يا يافا 🫡



natsu going pro and oikawa doing remote drinking parties with the seijoh four and hinata being the big brother figure for sao paulo and kageyama keeping in close contact with suga and nishinoya playing beach volleyball with nicollas and kuroo getting bokuto in to train a group of kids and tsukishima teaching suga’s class at the museum and everyone using kenma’s big traditional house to hang out all the time and

Anonymous asked:

i didn’t know about rick riordan or the pjo cast. i definitely think it’s good to spread awareness about that but using language like clout chasing isn’t very productive and might only discourage people from sharing about palestine

what would you call people who post gifsets so that they can get notes on tumblr dot com while ignoring that the free promotion they're doing for disney will put money into the pockets of zionists and fund israeli genocide? clout chaser is frankly one of the tamest phrases i can use and i can spread awareness about palestine while still calling out people for being disingenuous in their support when they refuse to do the bare minimum


you "people" have no morals. zero. nothing. utterly despicable. for a fucking kids' series no less

rick riordan, you complicit, genocide-benefiting waste of oxygen.

i love you falasteen we will get the land back and we will roam through the streets like our grandparents did before

10 pm reviewing ochem 2 concepts you know it's real

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