
excepted from providence


nihilist fairy, femboy oracle
you can call me flutters, everyone does.
Anonymous asked:

do you mind if people reblog from you but don’t follow, or would that make you uncomfortable?

my posts are to be spread as far as the wind might take them. flutterism will span worlds. empires will be forged and broken on the wheel of their attendance to my blog. unspeakable evils will be conducted in my name. revolutionary and counterrevolutionary alike will fly my banner. i will be like the plague. when this eon ends, it will be with a fairy kiss. but dont follow me im literally shy


“words have meanings” ah! well, why not dispose of the words and say only what we mean?

gendo ikari is a lot like bertrand russell and shinji is a lot like the later wittgenstein if u think about it


empiricism is a blockable offence. peripatetics dni.


no man im not trans. i take estrogen to forcefem my reflection and then make it touch itself or make out with me or whatever


“words have meanings” ah! well, why not dispose of the words and say only what we mean?

Anonymous asked:

why does the transmisogynised body looks so good. well the reason for this is because the transmisogynised body going to release its new phobia to the public called transmisogyny. share for more rizz videos

this ai shit is going to put me put of a fucking job dude im ruined


My hot take is that I feel like “ghibli films are pro Japanese imperialism” is a lazy jab that grabs at a few soft spots in the oeuvre to make the cheapest most rhetorically damaging shot it can, and that an honest analysis would generally struggle to say even the most problematic of the movies like The Wind Rises come out of the wash with a positive opinion of imperial Japan. My hotter take is that if you rigorously pull at the threads where the nominally anti-war films thematically collapse, you’ll find the issue isn’t a support of Japanese Imperialism but a lack of a rigorous critique of industrial civilization.

Like, yeah Miyazaki’s most recent two films are so caught up with a pitying self regard for the cogs of imperialism that it severely undercuts his anti-war stance in a way that you could make a case that they effectively act as a sort of woobifying whitewash piece, and people have rightfully drubbed them for their inappropriate approach to nuancing the situation. But far more consistent in his work is an impulse to shy away from following through with his reckoning of the material impact of industrialization. It’s how you get Mononoke’s confused mess of an ending which sort of just ignores the implications of the continued existence Eboshi’s weapon producing ironworks a decade and a half before The Wind Rises.

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