scripting literally changed my life
a while ago, i made a little video about how i use scripting in my business. i mentioned that one of the ways i manifested consistent 10k months was literally… through writing. like pen-to-paper writing. and someone asked me how?? how exactly did that happen?
so here’s the how.
i’ve been scripting on and off for years. every time i actually stick to it, my life shifts. clients show up out of nowhere. money flows easier. i’m happier, more grounded, and things just… align. but when i stop? things slow down. not in a catastrophic way, just in that weird stagnant energy kind of way. like i’ve settled back into neutral.
so how did i script my way to 10k months?
i didn’t start by writing “i make $10k a month” because honestly, my brain would’ve rejected that. it felt too far away. instead, i started small. i wrote about $5k months first. then 8k. and only after those felt real, i moved to 10k.
i wrote about clients reaching out to me daily. about dream projects and aligned people finding me through magical, unexpected ways. sometimes i gave them names. whole little backstories. i made it fun. and i fully believed it was coming. like ordering something online—you don’t stalk the package every hour. you just know it’s on the way.
scripting works because it trains your brain to expect better. and when you expect better, you notice more opportunities. you start acting like the version of you who already has what she wants.
so yeah—manifesting 10k months wasn’t just about money. it was about becoming the person who makes that kind of money. who rests. who attracts. who trusts.
if you’ve never tried scripting before, start small. one page a day. write your day as if everything you want is already happening. be delulu. be detailed. write about your coffee shop mornings, your slow work days, the clients who feel like soulmates, the ease, the joy.
this stuff works. and it’s fun. don’t overthink it. just start.