Will reblog art posts from my other blogs but will try to post here consistently
Art blog and art archive for @beheadable
Placeholder url
Will reblog art posts from my other blogs but will try to post here consistently
Art blog and art archive for @beheadable
Placeholder url
Quick doodle from the other week. I’m feeling mushy tonight so y’all get to see it
My two favorite Eddies for Valentine’s <3
Something mindless for sleeplessness
Menaces and their height difference
I need to play through Lapp’s questline again
Thinking about Patches lately
Skittered his way into my brain
I am not immune to muscles on a weird gay dude I already think is sexy
I was going to add more but that isn’t working out take the villains being mushy
TNBA Jangles established. God this was fun. Next on my list? Draw him and Eddie being cute, or him annoying Eddie, whatever strikes the creative bone
Beloved annoyance
The Chauffuer
*blows raspberry*
Study 4 funsies
Trick or treat! It’s Jangles’ favorite time of year! And he’s found a treat of his own <3