Eine nächtliche Rachetragödie

@c0rpseductor / c0rpseductor.tumblr.com

[ lestat / 28 / he/him. ]

The McDonald’s french fry is unbelievable. When you bite into it, you think: It’s so tasty, it can’t be real. As soon as it gets cold, it turns to lard and flubble. I mean, have you ever tried to eat a McDonald’s french fry that’s gone cold? That’s one of the circles of hell. The gulf between the warm, fresh, lightly salted McDonald’s french fry and the cold McDonald’s french fry is as great a gulf as any I know. - Viggo Mortensen, Esquire magazine (x)


I dont want to be exposed to varying and diverse fandom opinions I love my echo chamber #myechochamber


"Rationalism" is up there with "Objectivism" in terms of "definitionally funny things to call your own belief system".

"Yeah man I've been doing some thinking and philosophy and I've come up with a framework called Being Right"


I've realized recently that every time I'm asked for socials my response is sorta "oh i don't have twitter" "I'm not on Instagram much" "i uninstalled TikTok a few months ago" and this has led people into believing I'm just someone who doesn't do social media but in reality you can find me in here lets get it on cunts monday through shawty like a melody sunday, 9am to 12am, posting blorbo.

I was going to be like "well that certainly was not true cause you deactivated" and then I looked at the blog and. that's literally my old blog.


i like when tv show promotional content is just all the actors standing on a grey background. thank you ive learned nothig and feel nothing about these people

ive seen all these of these showsand i think these are so funny. we need to advertise so we are sending you to the fucking grey void

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