
from axe to zee other axe

@charmedslayer / charmedslayer.tumblr.com

ellie. 20s. she/her. gifs | ko-fi | links #finish-tagging

I think as a culture we have all forgotten that fandom is supposed to be fun.

It’s not that serious.

It was never supposed to be that serious.

Especially since most of the drama and hurt revolves around shipping.

All of the ships are fictional. Being canon doesn’t actually negate the fact that the ship isn’t real. 

No ship, or any aspect of a fictional universe, is important enough to treat another real life human being badly. 

It’s not that serious.


“No ship, or any aspect of a fictional universe, is important enough to treat another real life human being badly.” I’ve had the misfortune of encountering some people who really, really, really need this drilling into their skulls.

“No ship, or any aspect of a fictional universe, is important enough to treat another real life human being badly.”

havent quite been able to put all these thoughts together but. → buffy working at the doublemeat palace and as a result always having that fast food smell on her. everyone mentioning that smell. even vampires dont wanna fight her because she smells. even riley mentions it. buffy saying it goes away after a few showers. vs → spike never mentioning the smell. spike having sex with her during her work break. something something accepting a part of her that other people think is gross or undesirable. in such a blatant and literal way!


My nog tastes funny. I think I got one with rum in it. That’s bad. Yeah, now Santa’s gonna pass you right by, naughty booze hound.

one of the things that bothers me most about late seasons btvs is the lack of continuity in relationships. like main events seem to carry over for the core crew, and the general emotion is there, but sometimes it feels like there should be stronger foundations where there is just sand, and it's incredibly disorienting. this seems to especially happen with spike, where he will have consistently positive and impactful interactions with the main characters in ways that should by all means be changing their impressions of him, and then in the next episode it's like none of that ever happened. that's enemy #1 soulless evil unthinking spike again, even though one scene ago you were playing pool with him and clearly realizing he experienced emotions and would die for you. like ??? where's the emotional follow-through.

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