PinnedchloesevignyOPPENHEIMER — 2023, dir. Christopher NolanSource: chloesevigny#oppenheimer#oppenheimeredit#nolanedit#filmedit#userrobin#usermima#userbbelcher#chewieblog#henricavyll#userstream#perioddramaedit#cmurphyedit#useraurore#usermattz#userkd#usernastya#**#*m
chloesevignyRebloggednotpedropascalFollowTAYLOR SWIFT The Eras Tour, Sydney February 25, 2024#taylor swift
chloesevignyRebloggednotpedropascalFollowTAYLOR SWIFT The Eras Tour, Sydney February 26, 2024#taylor swift
chloesevignyReblogged bewitchingomenbrielarsonsourceFollowBRIE LARSON via Ashlie Johnson's Instagram on February 26, 2024#brie larson
chloesevignyReblogged ladybegoodorlaiteFollowSOME LIKE IT HOT (1959) dir. Billy Wilder#some like it hot#films#marilyn monroe
chloesevignyRebloggednotpedropascalFollowOSCAR ISAAC by Luis Alberto Rodriguez for Fear of God#oscar isaac#king!!
chloesevignyReblogged cnolanrobertacolndrezFollowAftersun, 2022 — dir. Charlotte Wells#aftersun#films#paul mescal
chloesevignyRebloggedfemalestunningFollowANNE HATHAWAY 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards | February 24, 2024#anne hathaway#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged
chloesevignyRebloggedfemalestunningFollowMARGOT ROBBIE 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards | February 24, 2024#margot robbie#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged
chloesevignyRebloggedpossessionFollowMARGOT ROBBIE via Instagram#margot robbie#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged
chloesevignyRebloggedfemalestunningFollowELIZABETH DEBICKI 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards | February 24, 2024#elizabeth debicki#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged
chloesevignyRebloggedfemalestunningFollowLEIGHTON MEESTER 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards | February 24, 2024#leighton meester#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged
chloesevignyRebloggedpossessionFollowMARGOT ROBBIE via Instagram#margot robbie#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged
chloesevignyRebloggedpossessionFollowMARGOT ROBBIE via Instagram#margot robbie#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged
chloesevignyRebloggedpossessionFollowMARGOT ROBBIE attends the 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles (February 24, 2024)#margot robbie#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged
chloesevignyRebloggedpossessionFollowANYA TAYLOR-JOY via Instagram#anya taylor joy#thank u for tagging me legend <3#tagged