
columbo screenshots

@columboscreens / columboscreens.com

just a little account for a little guy. curated screengrabs, etc. daily. see pinned post for links!

RIP Clive Revill (18.4.1930 - 11.3.2025)

"It was quite an experience, and I had my doubts at one point when I thought, 'I can't do it. I can't do this. I can't find it within myself.' I had a marvelous talk with a woman who was, well, she was in charge of movement in school and she took me aside and said, 'You've got to go back to within yourself and find the truth within yourself, and if you can find that truth, never, never, never lose it because it's more than a ring on a finger. It's the absolute, innermost line within your life and your spirit.'"

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