@courtana / courtana.tumblr.com

mari · 27 · she/her · gifmaker tracking #usercortana · ko-fi


I genuinely feel ashamed that all I can do is write words while more and more Arab people die - but momentum for fundraisers is one of very few things any of us can do at the moment

Please donate to the Sameer Project. They are doing amazing work on the ground. Try to do what you can. Sharing and donating as little as 5 dollars can culminate into a big difference. I have enough of a following to know that we can make a truly big difference if this didn’t simply go ignored bc people decided they’re bored now

If you are Muslim and wish to donate your Zakat, Sadaqa, Fidya or Kaffarah to help Gazans, Sameer Project set up a donation link especially for this purpose. 100% of your Zakat and Sadaqa will go directly to help people on the ground so please don't hesitate to participate, especially during this month of Ramadan !

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