
Never again will I paint another mustache.

@daffydoodles / daffydoodles.tumblr.com

I'm doing beards now! @ducktracy’s art blog! Eliza, 24, she/her

Never in my life has there ever been a movie more made for me, specifically. BIGGEST and most heartfelt of congratulations to my friends and colleagues who worked on The Day the Earth Blew Up! You all deserve to feel monumentally proud for making something so special. Thank you.

(Please go treat yourself and support everyone’s incredibly hard work by seeing this in the theaters! It needs all of the support and love it can possibly get!)

Original sketch from October:


ONE WEEK UNTIL THE DAY THE EARTH BLEW UP RELEASES IN THEATERS! That means tickets are on sale RIGHT NOW! Please support The Little Film That Could for a variety of reasons, one of those being that it’s the very first completely animated Looney Tunes movie in the series’ 95 year history! It’s history in the making! I’ve got my tickets booked! Have you?


With profuse apologies to Spike Jones and Jesus, here is my entry for the World Animation Discord's annual WADvent calendar! Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and happy early birthday to those who can relate!

Official upload! Please also check out this year's (and previous years) WADvent entries, they are all gold and way too much fun


I have it on good authority that if you’re following me, you’re likely a fan of golden age cartoons or SpongeBob. What if I were to tell you.. you could have your cake and eat it too? Tune in to “Get Ouch” TOMORROW at 5PM! One of my favorite episodes I’ve worked on for reasons soon to be obvious!


Highlight of my artistic career in all the years I’ve been able to hold a pen: working on a DBZ-style fight between Plankton and Krabs!

This was a great exercise at getting out of MULTIPLE comfort zones, whether it be through the effects animation, action, or boarding from scratch!! A huge thanks as always to Tim Prendergast in teaching me the ways of effects animation, and now effective action hoarding! This was a pretty intimidating section since it’s such a far departure from what I’m used to, and so I’m really fond of what we came up with. Some revisions here by @sega-megadeth (like Krabs throwing the power punch)!!

Will post more boards soon, but just wanted to get this out since it’s been so hard to sit on it!! Everyone did a fantastic job on this special!


Been getting into Lupin… everything reminds me of him but maybe it’s founded this time. Maybe.

Plus my original sketch I hastily scratched out while watching—poor Porky as Jigen didn’t make the cut but perhaps that’ll change someday

Additional proper jacket alts…

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