
forgiveness for the exterior


The truth can we false

You can cover one eye of that triangular optical figure and you won't see anything, those threads end up becoming rubber bands.

That religion You don't know what your demons are and who they are

And even your life can be fake Jumjum

And the real reason is the shadows, Entities that we can see and sense it. But no one can see it because we explode with terror between the noise, their voices are so high from the top and you know what they created that these people try not to see, with the grace THEY.


Life is a sentence

¿What is life?, ¿Why am I here?. What is the painful disorder under my skin?

What is the meaning of social values/norms to be managed by other people without having asked for it. Life is a condemnation, joy and happiness is no more like gunpowder that forces us to speak to manage our condemnation.

My quiet solitude is on the lookout for the fearfulness that falls in tears,

This word of life, that name and why you were born, the theaters and holograms are more than a dream that I would like to wake up in the darkness of my dorsal bed in true silence. No I belong here. Ideas and this land can be false.

We can chase the darkness there is nothing in your eyes in this rule, I am able to go.

"Where will we go?

Where will we go

where death does not exist?

But will I live crying for this?

May your heart be straightened:

Nobody will live here forever.

Even the princes came to die,

The lumps fakes

<Deities forgotten among our death>


Your small religion does not make you powerful among others. You are trapped in a bubble of dragonflies of your beliefs between how the human mind really works, your soul is trapped among the manure of what the human being is like. No one exists but your mind.

We are just human beings of flesh and blood and you laugh at them, there is nothing but compassion. Just use your mind to learn what the real world is.
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