Guitars I bought in 2014 part III: The Epiphones:
- 1997 Casino, made in Korea, home of galbi, kimchi and soju!
- 2014 Casno Coupe. A 339-sized Casino!
- 2009 1962 USA Wilshire.
@deebeeus /
Guitars I bought in 2014 part III: The Epiphones:
Binge & Purge #3*: Shots from January 8th 2013. A lovely Custom Shop '56 Light Relic Stratocaster in blonde at my friend Peter's shop, Mojo Music.
* "B & P" is my ongoing series revisiting photos from I try to increase hard drive space by reducing (the "purge"!) most of the 700+ gigabytes of photos I took last year (the "binge")!