
was zacksnydered.

@dirbenaffleck / dirbenaffleck.tumblr.com

cas. 30+. filipino. #freepalestine

Not sure what it is about this year and this month but there's just so much medical bills right now that it's been hard to keep up with. I'm definitely open to gif commissions or IDK something if you have little requests in exchange. Just let me know what I can do for you. Absolutely no pressure though. Just a series of bas timing I guess on my end. But if you're so inclined, here's my PayPal too: scarfwere@gmail.com

hi everyone!! id like to bring your attention to this group of queer refugees located in a camp in Gorom, South Sudan.

i came in contact with Goret, one of the lesbians from the camp, and she told me about how terrible their situation at the moment is.

if short, they lack funds for meals, poor medication/shelter conditions/beddings.

they also face physical threats due to homophobia and some of the members already have been severely injured because of the attacks.

their campaign is getting barely any traction, so id love if you guys could share, donate, and talk about it. lets help Goret and her fellow camp members to raise funds for survival! even small donations of $5 will mean a lot!

they're currently at $5 out of $4000 goal!

Goret's blog where you can see more photos of their current situation - @goret97

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