Disney Fever Daily

@disneyfeverdaily / disneyfeverdaily.tumblr.com

✨Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever.✨ Welcome to disneyfeverdaily, your no1 source about everything disney. this is NOT a spoiler free blog. we track #disneyfeverdaily and #disneyedit
The princess segments for the original song "Beauty of the Season." The stock Christmas footage is taken from Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas, including this screencap that we see right before the background behind the Princesses in the above gifs.


Here is a baby with eyes of blue, straight from heaven, right to you. Or - straight from heaven up above, here is a baby for you to love.

Disney Color Palettes: Cotton Candy Edition

A scene from the scrapped version of the SLEEPING BEAUTY segment in DISNEY PRINCESS FAIRYTALES before the entire package was cut, reworked, and placed under the DISNEY PRINCESS: ENCHANTED TALES line.

Now, remember, Pinocchio: be a good boy. And always let your conscience be your guide.

PINOCCHIO (1940) dir. Norman Ferguson, T. Hee, Wilfred Jackson, Jack Kinney, Hamilton Luske, Bill Roberts
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